CSO / ADM CR 14/3231/97(99) Pt. 13

Tel No. : 2810 3838
Fax No. : 2877 0802

21 October 1999

Dr Hon Leong Che-hung, JP
Chairman of the House Committee
Legislative Council Building
8 Jackson Road, Central
Hong Kong

Priority of Bill on Waiting List

Further to our earlier discussion on the captioned subject, we would like to suggest the following items be given priority, in seriatim, in vetting by LegCo -

  1. the Mass Transit Railway Bill;

  2. the District Court (Amendment) Bill 1999;

  3. the Dangerous Drugs, Independent Commission Against Corruption and Police Force (Amendment) Bill 1999; and

  4. the Legal Aid (Amendment) Bill 1999.

I should be most grateful if you would put forward the above suggestions for Members' consideration at the next House Committee meeting.

(Mrs Carrie Yau)
Director of Administration