LegCo Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services

Meeting on
Tuesday, 20 June 2000 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Confirmation of minutes of meeting
  2. LC Paper No. CB(2)2364/99-00 - Minutes of meeting on 21 March 2000 (to follow)

  3. Information paper issued since last meeting
  4. LC Paper No. CB(2)2186/99-00(01) - The Chairman's letter dated 31 May 2000 to the Chief Secretary for Administration on the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to "State" organs stationed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and related issues

  5. List of issues to be considered
  6. LC Paper No. CB(2)2359/99-00(01) - List of issues to be considered (attached)

  7. Revision of judiciary fees and charges

  8. (4:30 pm - 5:00 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)2359/99-00(02) - Paper provided by the Administration (attached)

  9. Appointment of Solicitor General

  10. (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)2359/99-00(03) - Paper provided by the Administration (attached)

  11. Rule of law and related matters

  12. (5:30 pm - 6:00 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1950/99-00(01) - The Chairman's letter dated 5 May 2000 to the Secretary for Justice (issued)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)2312/99-00(01) - Letter dated 7 June 2000 from the Hong Kong Bar Association (issued)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)2359/99-00(04) - Paper provided by the Administration (attached)

  13. Admission of Notaries Public in Hong Kong

  14. (6:00 pm - 6:30 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)2359/99-00(05) - Paper provided by the Administration (attached)

Legislative Council Secretariat
15 June 2000