Supplementary Information Paper for
LegCo Panel on Housing

Progress of Y2K compliance works in Housing Authority (HA)/Housing Department (HD)

Compliance Position

HA/HD have completed all rectification work on their mission-critical non-compliant systems before the Government-wide target date of end June.

Business Partners

2. HA/HD have been working closely with their business partners (e.g., contractors, private management agencies, banks) to ensure that they are taking actions to check and rectify date-sensitive items which may affect the services provided to us. This has been done through the conduct of briefings and seminars, in addition to seeking written confirmation of their compliance status.

3. As at 15.10.1999, 98% of their business partners are Y2K compliant. Though the remaining 2% business partners have not yet confirmed their status, none of them is engaged in any services with HA/HD at present. HA/HD will recommend to the Building Committee to suspend them from tendering until they have achieved compliance.

Inter-Departmental Testing

4. Together with other Government Departments, HA/HD have conducted Y2K testing on all relevant IT system interfaces. No abnormal results were found.

Risk Assessment

5. Since HA/HD have undertaken all necessary actions towards achieving Y2K compliance of their systems and equipment, we do not expect their operations and services will be disrupted as a result of their systems or equipment not being Y2K compliant.

Contingency Plan

6. While HA/HD have taken every precaution to eliminate any potential risks arising from the Y2K issue, they have also drawn up a Contingency Plan which seeks to achieving service continuity if the Y2K problem ever happens.

7. HA/HD have tested the Plan in August and October. The exercises are very useful and the Plan has been revised and improved given the experience. The Plan was also activated on the Y2K "critical date" of 9.9.1999. No adverse incidents on the operations of their systems occurred. HA/HD will conduct another rehearsal in November to familiarize staff more with the operations of the contingency arrangements as well as further refining the Plan based on additional experience.

Publicity Programme

8. For HA/HD's customers, they would want to be assured that the right steps are being taken to ensure Y2K compliance. HA/HD initiated an awareness campaign in June to inform them of their status through posters, our corporate newsletters "HA Update," and the Estate Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) Newsletters. Since August, HA/HD have also been briefing the EMACs progressively.

9. HA/HD will launch another round of publicity programme in November about our readiness in combating the Y2K issue. In particular, they will further alert their customers to understand correctly what the Y2K issue is, the possible impacts on them, and contingency arrangements including telephone hotline and contact points in estates, etc.

October 1999


Supplementary Information Paper for
LegCo Panel on Housing

Progress of Y2K compliance works in Hong Kong Housing Society (HS)

Compliance Position and Readiness of Business Partners

HS has completed all rectification work on its all non-compliant systems including mission-critical systems since 16 August 1999. HS do not expect its operations and services will be disrupted as a result of its systems or equipment not being Y2K compliant.

2. HS has been working closely with its major business partners providing critical services to it (e.g. contractors, consultants, banks, utilities companies, suppliers, Government Departments) to ensure that their services would not be affected by the Y2K problems. This has been done through conducting data interface testing, meetings, briefing sessions with HS's major business partners and seeking written confirmation of their compliance status.

Risk Assessment and Formulation of Contingency Plans

3. In the course of compiling HS's contingency plans, HS has conducted risk assessment and business impact analysis to identify all possible areas that would be affected by the Y2K issues. HS has also drawn up a Contingency Plan which seeks to achieving service continuity if the Y2K problem ever happens.

4. HS has tested the Plan from July till September and has also involved some of its major business partners in conducting the drills in order to ensure the contingency actions are correct and consistent. HS finds the testing results of the tests satisfactory and no adverse incidents have been recorded.

Y2K Compliance Positions amongst Major Trading/Business Partners

5. As at 15 October 1999, 100% of HS's major business partners are Y2K compliant. Although there are still a number of minor business partners that have not yet confirmed their status, HS has already identified alternatives in the case that their operations are affected by the Y2K problems.

Publicity Programme

6. HS has regular newsletters which are distributed to the media, customers, Government and public organisations, and other business partners and HS has disseminated general information on its Y2K compliance status. HS also keeps specific customers and business partners informed of the contingency plans if they are to be involved in a significant way in these plans.

October 1999