bulletYear 2003 - 2004
bulletYear 2002 - 2003
bulletYear 2001 - 2002
bulletYear 2000 - 2001


Questions(Year 2000 - 2001)

To view the replies, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting.

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.
* No Questions scheduled for such meetings
# No Oral Questions scheduled for such meetings


List of Questions as grouped by :

 meeting dates   /   Members' names   /   replying officials


List on the numbers of Questions and Supplementaries asked by individual Members

Council meeting on 18.10.2000

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1 Kenneth TINGAssistance provided to Hong Kong businessmen who encounter difficulties during customs clearance in the MainlandOral
Q. 2 HO Chun-yanProtection of the interests of credit card holdersOral
Q. 3 CHAN Kam-lamPRH tenants required to carry out fire protection works before retrofitting the balcony of their units with windowsOral
Q. 4 LAW Chi-kwongContainer Terminal 9 contractor granted permit to dispose highly contaminated dredged mud in Mainland watersOral
Q. 5 CHAN Yuen-hanPolicy on granting CSSA payments to family members over 21 who are still attending schoolsOral
Q. 6 LAU Kong-wahAsbestos-containing construction materials used in HOS buildingsOral
Q. 7 LI Wah-ming, FredCollection and uses of rental deposits by the Housing AuthorityWritten
Q. 8 TAM Yiu-chungReviewing the age limit requirement in respect of dependent parent allowanceWritten
Q. 9 CHAN Kwok-keungCases of withdrawals from the CSSA schemeWritten
Q. 10 LAU Kong-wahPlan to change the design of traffic signsWritten
Q. 11 LAW Chi-kwongEnvironmental concern on the use of rapeseed oil as vehicle fuelWritten
Q. 12 TAM Yiu-chungElderly persons applying for CSSAWritten
Q. 13 CHAN Kwok-keungTermination by statutory bodies of employees who have been declared bankrupt by the CourtWritten
Q. 14 Bernard CHANImplementation progress of the MPF SystemWritten
Q. 15 LI Wah-ming, FredLiaison Office of the Central People's Government allegedly interferring with the religious freedom in Hong KongWritten
Q. 16 CHOY So-yukProposals to improve services provided to touristsWritten

Council meeting on 25.10.2000

Question No. Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1 LAU Kong-wahSupply and demand for primary school placesWritten
Q. 2 LEUNG Yiu-chungPlan to standardize weekday and holiday fares for ferry routes plying the outlying islandsWritten
Q. 3 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieFresh vegetables being discarded at wholesale markets managed by the Vegetable Marketing OrganizationWritten
Q. 4 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyMonitoring the charging of service fees by mobile telephone service operatorsWritten
Q. 5 SIN Chung-kaiPromoting applications of Geographical Information Systems within Government departmentsWritten
Q. 6 LAW Chi-kwongStatistics on various grants and supplements under the CSSA SchemeWritten
Q. 7 LAU Kong-wahHelping BNO holders who have encountered difficulties in immigration clearance at overseas border control pointsWritten
Q. 8 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieProgress of separate collection and recycling of household wasteWritten
Q. 9 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyReduced supply of HOS flatsWritten
Q. 10 TIEN Pei-chun, JamesProcedure and time taken for managers and professionals applying to work in Hong KongWritten
Q. 11 LEUNG Yiu-chungPlan to develop a new town at Hung Shui KiuWritten

Council meeting on 1.11.2000

Question No. Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieAdoption of the "green purchasing" policy by government departmentsWritten
Q. 2 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyComplaints in respect of MPF SystemWritten
Q. 3 LI Ka-cheung, EricGovernment's effort to assist professionals in exploring development opportunities outside Hong KongWritten
Q. 4 YEUNG Yiu-chungProvision of $200 million for public sector secondary schools to purchase notebook computers for loan to needy studentsWritten
Q. 5 Howard YOUNGGuard against abuse of redress channels in respect of discriminatory actsWritten
Q. 6 CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertProblem of overcrowding in PRH estatesWritten
Q. 7 LAU Kong-wahAge threshold set for student concessionary fares by MTRCLWritten
Q. 8 CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertStenches emitting from a nullah in Tin Shui Wai caused by the discharge of untreated pig excretion into itWritten
Q. 9 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyCompensation to the former Vice Chancellor of HKU who resigned in SeptemberWritten
Q. 10 Bernard CHANTrade malpractices of removal companiesWritten
Q. 11 LI Wah-ming, FredNoise nuisance caused by road trafficWritten
Q. 12 HO Sau-lan, CydBreakdown of newly created posts in the GovernmentWritten

Council meeting on 8.11.2000

Question No. Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1 LAU Wong-fatDisposal of tested products by the Consumer CouncilOral
Q. 2 LI Wah-ming, FredInconvenient location of drying racks of units in some PRH estatesOral
Q. 3 NG Leung-singAppointment of members of the public to advisory and statutory bodiesOral
Q. 4 CHOY So-yukWomen participation in subcommittees under the Housing AuthorityOral
Q. 5 HO Chung-taiTraining costs of engineering students and employment situation of such graduatesOral
Q. 6 TIEN Pei-chun, JamesProposal to build a new road between Aberdeen and the PeakOral
Q. 7 YEUNG Yiu-chungLocal and Mainland officials visiting each otherWritten
Q. 8 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyHandling of conflicts among prisonersWritten
Q. 9 HO Chung-taiAir quality inside MTR train compartmentsWritten
Q. 10 LI Wah-ming, FredMaintenance plans for the grave of the mother of Dr Sun Yat-senWritten
Q. 11 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyHong Kong as a transit point for human smugglingWritten
Q. 12 WONG Yung-kanTiming of issuance of Demand for Rates in respect of newly completed buildingsWritten
Q. 13 LAU Kong-wahCrimes and violence in schoolsWritten
Q. 14 Howard YOUNGProposal to relieve congestion at immigration counters at Lo Wu Control PointWritten
Q. 15 CHEUNG Man-kwongInstallation of telecommunication transmitting devices in schools for commercial purposesWritten
Q. 16 LAU Kong-wahMainland women engaging in prostitutionWritten
Q. 17 SIN Chung-kaiProtection of the privacy of Internet surfersWritten
Q. 18 TANG Siu-tongProgress of the plan to introduce legislation to solve the problem of missing or illegible Government leases and grantsWritten

Council meeting on 15.11.2000

Question No. Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1 LEUNG Yiu-chungPlan to subsidize a company to collect plastic household waste in PRH estatesOral
Q. 2 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyStatistics on breast cancersOral
Q. 3 CHEUNG Man-kwongReduction of end-of-contract gratuity payable to contract staff by deducting employer's contributions to MPF Scheme by the GovernmentOral
Q. 4 WONG Yung-kanPlan to designate the waters south of Cheung Chau as a permanent dumping area for construction wasteOral
Q. 5 LUI Ming-wahAttracting semiconductor chip manufacturers to set up fabrication plants in Hong KongOral
Q. 6 LAU Kong-wahLiaison mechanisms with airlines regarding incidents related to aviation safetyOral
Q. 7 LI Wah-ming, FredNuisances caused by water dripping from plants of upper floor householdsWritten
Q. 8 LAU Kong-wahNuisances caused by prostitutes soliciting business in public placesWritten
Q. 9 LEUNG Yiu-chungOccupational health protection for employees of noisy entertainment establishmentsWritten
Q. 10 LI Wah-ming, FredTenants Purchase SchemeWritten
Q. 11 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyMonitoring environmental consultancy studiesWritten
Q. 12 HO Chung-taiMaintenance of potable water pipes inside units of PRH estatesWritten
Q. 13 CHEUNG Man-kwongEducation for the minority racesWritten
Q. 14 HO Chung-taiAccident and emergency services of public hospitalsWritten
Q. 15 LAW Chi-kwongAdmission of students with special education needs by mainstream schoolsWritten

Council meeting on 22.11.2000

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1 CHOY So-yukLiaison mechanism with the Mainland authorities regarding disposal of contaminated mud in Mainland watersOral
Q. 2 LI Wah-ming, FredIssuance of pricing guidelines by some trade associationsOral
Q. 3 CHEUNG Man-kwongDrug abuses by the youthOral
Q. 4 LEUNG Fu-wahReview the stipulation banning red public light buses to use expresswaysOral
Q. 5 MAK Kwok-fung, MichaelDeployment of police officers to maintain law and order for public meetings and public processionsOral
Q. 6 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyPolicy of not reviewing the names of civil servants who are subject to disciplinary actionsOral
Q. 7 CHOY So-yukCrimes related to rave partiesWritten
Q. 8 HO Sau-lan, CydGuided tours for public and private museumsWritten
Q. 9 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyHigh percentage of population with short-sightednessWritten
Q. 10 HUI Cheung-chingCompetitiveness of the Hong Kong International AirportWritten
Q. 11 LAW Chi-kwongStatistics on elderly receiving CSSA paymentsWritten
Q. 12 WONG Sing-chiStatistics on employment situation of disabled personsWritten
Q. 13 TO Kun-sun, JamesThe Commissioner of Police exercising the power to accept shorter notice for public meetings and public processionsWritten
Q. 14 MAK Kwok-fung, MichaelAdditional medical and nursing staff required for achieving new initiatives in the Policy ObjectivesWritten
Q. 15 HO Chung-taiTheft in food eating places involving credit cardsWritten
Q. 16 LI Fung-yingForeign domestic helpers undertaking driving dutiesWritten
Q. 17 CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewTailor-made courses organized by the Employees Retraining Board and relevant training bodiesWritten
Q. 18 SIN Chung-kaiImplementation of the Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2000Written
Q. 19 Howard YOUNGPots used for saplingsWritten
Q. 20 LAU Kong-wahCases of child abusesWritten

Council meeting on 29.11.2000

Question No. Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1 LUI Ming-wahProposal to relax the importation of technical personnelsOral
Q. 2 LI Kwok-po, DavidChina's impending accession to the World Trade OrganizationOral
Q. 3 LO Wing-lokPlan to cut intake of medical studentsOral
Q. 4 TANG Siu-tongRemedial works for two HOS blocks in Tin Shui WaiOral
Q. 5 CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommyJustifications for the Police to allege that bars in Yuen Long are closely related with triadsOral
Q. 6 Kenneth TINGRecovering duty concessions for ultra-low sulphur dieselsOral
Q. 7 LEUNG Fu-wahSurvey on the need of household serviceWritten
Q. 8 Bernard CHANInsurance cover for students of subsidized schoolsWritten
Q. 9 CHEUNG Man-kwongComprehensive insurance plan for subsidized schoolsWritten
Q. 10 YEUNG Yiu-chungPrevention of spam e-mailsWritten
Q. 11 LAU Wai-hing, EmilyOdour problem of toilets in the Hong Kong International AirportWritten
Q. 12 LAU Kong-wahDrug abuses by the youthsWritten
Q. 13 Kenneth TINGPromotion of research and development in science and technologyWritten
Q. 14 LI Kwok-po, DavidProvision of double taxation relief for financial servicesWritten
Q. 15 LO Wing-lokRegulation of health food productsWritten
Q. 16 LEUNG Fu-wahCalculation method for work-days lost as a result of labour disputesWritten
Q. 17 LAU Wai-hing, EmilySearch for the missing teenager YU Man-honWritten
Q. 18 LAU Kong-wahSafety of drugs containing PPAWritten
Q. 19 TANG Siu-tongRental policy for shops in public housing estatesWritten
Q. 20 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieExpenditure incurred for maintaining law and order for public processions and demonstrationsWritten

Council meeting on 6.12.2000

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1 IP Kwok-him Fire safety of plastic boards in Lion Rock Tunnel and Aberdeen Tunnel Oral
Q. 2 TSANG Yok-sing Dental services provided by the Department of Health Oral
Q. 3 WONG Sing-chi Protecting the rights of short-term contract staff of non-governmental social welfare agenciesOral
Q. 4 CHAN Wai-yip, Albert Disturbances caused by aircraft noises in the early hoursOral
Q. 5 LI Ka-cheung, Eric Determination of the number and prices of HOS units to be sold in the coming year Oral
Q. 6 HO Sau-lan, Cyd Handling cases of kindergarten and primary school pupils being sexually abused Oral
Q. 7 LAU Wong-fat Government departments and public organizations which do not accept verbal complaints Written
Q. 8 CHAN Yuen-han Statistics on former CSSA recipients who have ceased receiving CSSA payments after obtaining employmentWritten
Q. 9 LI Kwok-po, David Review of the system for hoisting tropical cyclone warning signals Written
Q. 10 CHOY So-yuk Statistics on unallocated PRH units Written
Q. 11 TAM Yiu-chung Offer of concessions to elderly by utility companiesWritten
Q. 12 LEUNG Fu-wah Radio broadcast on franchised buses Written
Q. 13 CHAN Kwok-keung CSSA cases classified as "lost contact" Written
Q. 14 Bernard CHAN Promoting flexitime within and outside the Government Written
Q. 15 YEUNG Yiu-chung Acceptance of donations from suppliers of student lunch boxes, uniforms and office equipment Written
Q. 16 HO Chung-tai Layoff by companies operating Internet web-sites Written
Q. 17 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie Provision of child-minding services Written
Q. 18 LAU Wai-hing, Emily Financial arrangements for the Cyberport project Written
Q. 19 LAU Kong-wah Cases of non-payment of Government rates Written
Q. 20 IP Kwok-himFood labelling Written

Council meeting on 13.12.2000

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1YEUNG Yiu-chungTrial scheme on two-mode teaching in junior secondary schoolsOral
Q. 2CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewReview the type of driving licence holders allowed to drive medium good vehiclesOral
Q. 3LEUNG Fu-wahProtection of labour rights and benefits of Government employees on non-civil service contract termsOral
Q. 4HO Chung-taiInvestments in researches in science and technologyOral
Q. 5LEUNG Yiu-chungPolicy in which elderly recipients of disability allowance not granted the old age allowanceOral
Q. 6CHAN Kam-lamManagement and maintenance of buildingsOral
Q. 7NG Leung-singWorking Holiday Scheme for young people of Hong Kong and with New ZealandWritten
Q. 8NG Ching-faiRegulation of health food productWritten
Q. 9FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickRedress channel for prostitutes operating one-woman brothelsWritten
Q. 10CHAN Yuen-hanStatistics on low-income CSSA casesWritten
Q. 11LI Ka-cheung, EricProposal to bid for staging the next All China Games in Hong KongWritten
Q. 12LAU Wong-fatAreas of land designated for specified uses that promote conservation or protection of the environment and as water gathering groundsWritten
Q. 13IP Kwok-himProvision of computer courses for the elderlyWritten
Q. 14CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertReview of land resumption practiceWritten
Q. 15HO Sau-lan, CydEnvironmental concern of the use of a dry cleaning solventsWritten
Q. 16LI Kwok-po, DavidUploading the Gazette onto the Government web-siteWritten
Q. 17TANG Siu-tongMonitoring road excavation worksWritten
Q. 18SIN Chung-kaiUse of spyware by software manufacturers and Internet web-site operatorsWritten
Q. 19Howard YOUNGNumber of persons issued Hong Kong permanent identity cards in accordance with paragraph 2(4) of Article 24 of the Basic LawWritten
Q. 20CHAN Kwok-keungManagement of the Lai Chi Kok HospitalWritten

Council meeting on 20.12.2000

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1 FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick Mainland women enter Hong Kong to engage in prostitution Oral
Q. 2 YEUNG Sum Change of tariff structure by the Hongkong Electric Company Limited Oral
Q. 3 LEE Cheuk-yan Labour protection for employees forced to become self-employed Oral
Q. 4 SIN Chung-kai Proposal to request subscription television operators to set aside a channel for broadcasting programmes produced by RTHK and LCSD Oral
Q. 5 WONG Yung-kan Monitor the performance of consultants commissioned to conduct Environmental Impact Assessments Oral
Q. 6 IP Kwok-him Monitor the service quality of private residential care homes for the elderly Oral
Q. 7 WU King-cheong, Henry Consultation on the proposal to remove minimum brokerage commission by April 2002 Written
Q. 8 LAU Ping-cheung Re-sale of flats under the Home Ownership Scheme, Tenants Purchase Scheme and Sandwich Class Housing Scheme Written
Q. 9CHAN Wai-yip, Albert Assist small and medium enterprises to overcome financial difficulties Written
Q. 10 LEUNG Yiu-chung Review of public rental housing rentals Written
Q. 11 CHEUNG Man-kwong Implementation progress of Enhanced Productivity PlanWritten
Q. 12 LAW Chi-kwong Cases of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Written
Q. 13 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie Parental education Written
Q. 14 HO Chung-tai Maintenance of slopes on private land Written
Q. 15 LI Wah-ming, Fred Provision of public rental housing units for application for transfer by overcrowded households Written
Q. 16 LAU Wai-hing, Emily Use of private donations received by universities Written
Q. 17 LAU Kong-wah Fires caused by faulty household electrical appliances Written
Q. 18 SIN Chung-kai Complaints on anti-competitive behaviours received by OFTA Written
Q. 19 CHAN Wai-yip, Albert Applications for land re-grant premium assessments Written
Q. 20 CHEUNG Man-kwong Survey on views of directorate officers on ethical standards Written

Council meeting on 10.1.2001

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1TO Kun-sun, JamesReview the rentals of public rental housing unitsOral
Q. 2LAU Ping-cheungGovernment's effort to assist professionals in exploring development opportunities in the MainlandOral
Q. 3CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaImpact of cross-boundary travel between the residents of Hong Kong and the Mainland on domestic consumptionOral
Q. 4CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewReview of employees' compensation systemOral
Q. 5Bernard CHANDelay in the setting up of the Council for Sustainable DevelopmentOral
Q. 6HO Sau-lan, CydSafety of food products containing genetically-modified corn ingredientsOral
Q. 7LAU Kin-yee, MiriamDemand and supply of LPG filling stationsWritten
Q. 8HO Chun-yanStatistics on public rental housing estatesWritten
Q. 9NG Leung-singSearch for new landfillsWritten
Q. 10LI Fung-yingCases of medical blunders in public hospitalsWritten
Q. 11FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickFaulty design of watercloset system in some public rental housing estatesWritten
Q. 12LAU Wong-fatImpact of advertisement signboards on the dissipation of vehicle emissions on streetWritten
Q. 13TAM Yiu-chungImpact on the environment and traffic of three concrete batching plants to be built in the vicinity of Tong Yan San TsuenWritten
Q. 14CHOY So-yukLandscape treatment for government man-made slopesWritten
Q. 15Howard YOUNGUtilization of the Government HouseWritten
Q. 16YEUNG Yiu-chungEffectiveness of Education Television programmesWritten
Q. 17LEUNG Yiu-chungRegulation of the advertisements and signboards relating to Chinese medicine practiceWritten
Q. 18CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertDisputes with public works contractors referred to arbitratorsWritten
Q. 19SIN Chung-kaiEducate youngsters about the ethical conduct to be adopted when using the InternetWritten
Q. 20CHEUNG Man-kwongAnonymity of a victim of a "specified sexual offence" under the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200)Written

Council meeting on 17.1.2001

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1LUI Ming-wah Statistics on small and medium enterprisesOral
Q. 2LAU Kin-yee, MiriamProvision of petrol filling stations in existing car parks and on land for other commercial usesOral
Q. 3CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertAssistance to persons with financial problems Oral
Q. 4YEUNG SumDesignation of pedestrian precincts Oral
Q. 5HO Chun-yanAllocation of vacant public housing units Oral
Q. 6LO Wing-lokThe Airport Authority's acceptance of sponsorship by a tobacco company Oral
Q. 7NG Ching-faiCo-ordination of the work of the Co-ordinated Maintenance of Buildings Scheme and Building Management Co-ordination Committees Written
Q. 8CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewCases of default payment of wages Written
Q. 9HO Sau-lan, CydChild abuse problem Written
Q. 10LAW Chi-kwongRising number of young smokers Written
Q. 11YEUNG Yiu-chungFalse fire alarms in PRH estates Written
Q. 12Howard YOUNGNuisances caused to tourists on street by touting activities for fortune-telling Written
Q. 13LEUNG Yiu-chungRegulation of the sale and promotion of health food products Written
Q. 14LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie Regulation of Chinese medicine dispensersWritten
Q. 15LAU Kong-wahDuty rosters for officers of the Immigration Department at border control pointsWritten
Q. 16CHEUNG Man-kwongCasualties caused by falling concrete structures or collapsed canopies Written
Q. 17HO Chung-taiBursting of main aqueducts for conveying Dongjiang water Written
Q. 18LI Wah-ming, FredRedevelopment plan for Kwun Tong Written
Q. 19LAU Wai-hing, EmilyInsurance companies' refusal to provide medical insurance coverage to persons with long-term illness Written

Council meeting on 7.2.2001

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1 LEE Chu-ming, MartinFair disclosure of company information by listed companiesOral
Q. 2 TAM Yiu-chungEnvironmental pollution caused by the West New Territories LandfillOral
Q. 3 HUI Cheung-chingAssistance for Hong Kong businessman who have investments in the MainlandOral
Q. 4 TANG Siu-tongRemedial works to the foundations of two HOS blocks in Tin Shui WaiOral
Q. 5 LI Kwok-po, DavidThe International Events FundOral
Q. 6 LEE Cheuk-yanGovernment departments' use of staffing service of employment agency instead of hiring contract staff directlyOral
Q. 7 WONG Yung-kanImplementation of the Dangerous Dogs RegulationWritten
Q. 8 TIEN Pei-chun, JamesFinancial situation of the Employees Compensation Assistance FundWritten
Q. 9 LAU Kin-yee, MiriamRoad safety of vehicle flyovers with two-way trafficWritten
Q. 10 LAU Ping-cheungCorporatization of the Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands DepartmentWritten
Q. 11 LI Fung-yingImplementation of the Admission of Talents SchemeWritten
Q. 12 FUNG Kin-yee, FrederickProposal to abolish the levy of estate dutyWritten
Q. 13 LEUNG Fu-wahCounselling service for persons aggrieved by financial hardships or family problems provided by SWDWritten
Q. 14 HO Sau-lan, CydManagement of the AIDs Trust FundWritten
Q. 15 Bernard CHANDiscount rates used in cashflow analysis for public worksWritten
Q. 16 CHAN Wai-yip, AlberSafety of vessels sailing in the choppy Victoria HarbourWritten
Q. 17 LAW Chi-kwongProvision of education at senior secondary level or above for persons with disabilitiesWritten
Q. 18 Howard YOUNGLicensing work of the Travel Agents RegistryWritten
Q. 19 YEUNG Yiu-chungIncidents of family violence and the problem of orphans arising out of those incidentsWritten
Q. 20 LEUNG Yiu-chungTransfer of prisoners between HKSAR and the MainlandWritten

Council meeting on 14.2.2001

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1 TIEN Pei-chun, JamesProgress of the plan to require drivers to switch off the engines of their vehicles while waiting Oral
Q. 2 SIN Chung-kai Role of the Hong Kong Productivity Council Oral
Q. 3 CHAN Yuen-han Policy on the control of access to and from and development plan of Chung Ying Street Oral
Q. 4 YEUNG Yiu-chung Basis used in calculating the salary of a serving Senior Graduate Master appointed to a lower-ranked GM post in another school Oral
Q. 5 LAU Ping-cheung Monitoring consultancy costs in public works Oral
Q. 6 CHOY So-yuk Policy on waste management service contracts upon business assignments Oral
Q. 7 LEE Cheuk-yan Reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions by power plants Written
Q. 8 LO Wing-lok Issuance of employment visas to Chinese medicine practitioners outside Hong Kong Written
Q. 9 WONG Yung-kan Quota set for green form applicants for Home Purchase Loan Scheme Written
Q. 10 TANG Siu-tong Asbestos control for the demolition works for the Tsuen Wan Seven Streets redevelopment project Written
Q. 11 TAM Yiu-chung Control of nuisances caused by building demolition works for the Tsuen Wan Seven Streets redevelopment project Written
Q. 12 HO Sau-lan, Cyd Work of the Steering Committee on Parent Education Written
Q. 13 CHAN Wai-yip, Albert Removal plan for the Castle Peak Wholesale Marine Fish Market Written
Q. 14 HO Chung-tai Traffic accidents at sub-standard roads Written
Q. 15 Howard YOUNG Competition of local fixed wireline-based telecommunication network services markets Written
Q. 16 LEUNG Yiu-chung Absence periods set for Old Age Allowance Written
Q. 17 CHEUNG Man-kwong Permitting children to receive education at home Written
Q. 18 LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie Increasing number of cases in which credit card holders were unable to make credit card repaymentsWritten
Q. 19 LAW Chi-kwong Difficulties encountered by a company in setting up charging facilities for electric light buses Written
Q. 20 LI Wah-ming, Fred Inadequate power supply installations in the units of estates to be sold under the TPS Written

Council meeting on 21.2.2001

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1NG Leung-singEffectiveness of seawalls with new designOral
Q. 2LAU Kong-wahStation-skipping incidents of East Rail trains of KCRCOral
Q. 3Kenneth TINGIncreasing trend of young children sent abroad for educationOral
Q. 4LAU Wai-hing, EmilyHealth hazards of using mobile phonesOral
Q. 5LI Wah-ming, FredDisclosure of relevant information in sales leaflets of HOSOral
Q. 6LEUNG Fu-wahHandling labour disputes and claims by the Labour DepartmentOral
Q. 7FOK Tsun-ting, TimothyProgress of the project to develop West Kowloon ReclamationWritten
Q. 8IP Kwok-himEffectiveness of crowd control operationsWritten
Q. 9LAU Wong-fatLand premium income in respect of New Territories small housesWritten
Q. 10TANG Siu-tongStudy on underground water physicsWritten
Q. 11TAM Yiu-chungFrauds involving the sale of uncompleted village housesWritten
Q. 12HO Sau-lan, CydDeportation and removal of personsWritten
Q. 13SIN Chung-kaiEligibility for home loan interest deductionsWritten
Q. 14CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertImpact of windshear on ascending or descending air craftsWritten
Q. 15HO Chung-taiDisposal and recovery of construction and demolition materialsWritten
Q. 16LEUNG Yiu-chungHousewives excluded from the Mandatory Provident Funds SchemeWritten
Q. 17CHEUNG Man-kwongRefresher courses for serving teachersWritten
Q. 18LAW Chi-kwongService of refuge centres for womenWritten
Q. 19LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieFeasibility of using green traffic light signal countdown timers in Hong KongWritten
Q. 20Howard YOUNGFlight delaysWritten

Council meeting on 28.2.2001

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseCongestion at immigration counters at Lo Wu Control Point during peak hours of inbound travelOral
Q. 2EU Yuet-mee, AudreyImpact of the departure of the Chief Secretary for Administration on the Review of the Institutional Framework for Public HousingOral
Q. 3WONG Sing-chiProvision of Secondary One places in North DistrictOral
Q. 4FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickStorage facilities for radioactive wasteOral
Q. 5LO Wing-lokSafety of Chinese medicinesOral
Q. 6CHAN Kam-lamAlleviating the financial burden of tenants of public rental housingOral
Q. 7Kenneth TINGMeasures to promote interest in and understanding of information technology among the publicWritten
Q. 8LEE Cheuk-yanLabour statisticsWritten
Q. 9WU King-cheong, HenryAir-raid shelters used for storing radioactive wasteWritten
Q. 10SIN Chung-kaiReview of PNETS chargesWritten
Q. 11YEUNG Yiu-chungDismissal of teachersWritten
Q. 12SIN Chung-kaiOFTA's monitoring radio communicationsWritten
Q. 13CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertMaintenance of slopesWritten
Q. 14LI Wah-ming, FredThe aborted scheme to provide private medical services in the vicinity of A & E departments of public hospitalWritten
Q. 15HO Chung-taiEducation for disabled personsWritten
Q. 16Howard YOUNGTraffic accidents in the Mainland involving Hong Kong touristsWritten
Q. 17LAU Kong-wahChange of drivers for a bus while carrying passengersWritten
Q. 18LAU Wai-hing, EmilyPlanning design of Trunk Road T7Written
Q. 19LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseTraining for Civil servantsWritten
Q. 20Kenneth TINGFinancing of small and medium enterprisesWritten

Council meeting on 7.3.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseIncreasing cases of Influenza H1N1 virus infectionWritten
Q. 2HUI Cheung-chingThe proposal to build a cross-harbour bridge connecting Zhuhai and Hong KongWritten
Q. 3NG Leung-singRelocation of cargo working areas on both sides of the Victoria HarbourWritten
Q. 4HO Sau-lan, CydAppointment of principal officials from outside the civil serviceWritten
Q. 5CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertDeployment of artificial reefs in Hong KongWritten
Q. 6HO Sau-lan, CydArrangements for the holder of the office of Chief Executive after his departure from the officeWritten
Q. 7HO Chung-taiFacilities for the disabled in public placesWritten
Q. 8LI Wah-ming, FredRefurbishment of vacated public housing estate unitsWritten
Q. 9LAU Wai-hing, EmilyEmergence of drug-resistant bacteria as a result of the overuse of antibioticsWritten
Q. 10LAU Kong-wahManagement of penal institutionsWritten
Q. 11LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseRegulation of disposable environmentally-friendly food containersWritten
Q. 12SIN Chung-kaiReview of the power of the Hong Kong Association of BanksWritten
Q. 13CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertProtecting the rights and benefits of ethnic minoritiesWritten
Q. 14HO Chung-taiIndustrial safety in relation to lift shaftsWritten
Q. 15Howard YOUNGLicensing of guesthousesWritten
Q. 16LAU Wai-hing, EmilyProtection of the right to exercise freedom of assemblyWritten
Q. 17LAU Kong-wahJuvenile crimesWritten
Q. 18YEUNG Yiu-chungStudents who cross the border for schooling in Hong Kong every dayWritten
Q. 19WU King-cheong, HenryEnquiries made by SFC and SEHK on unusual movements in share prices or turnover of listed companiesWritten
Q. 20YEUNG Yiu-chungDevelopment of village schoolsWritten

Council meeting on 14.3.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommyFees and validity periods of food business licencesOral
Q. 2EU Yuet-mee, AudreyPrivacy concern of government departments conducting searches of memorials by owners' namesOral
Q. 3YEUNG Yiu-chungIncident in which a mentally handicapped man crossed the border without going through the departure formalitiesOral
Q. 4HO Sau-lan, Cyd2001 Population CensusOral
Q. 5CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewThe criterion that activities held at LCSD venues should not be critical in natureOral
Q. 6LUI Ming-wahReduction of medical students intake in the next trienniumOral
Q. 7NG Ching-faiDevelopment of air cargo businessWritten
Q. 8LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseRecognition of the academic standards of Project Springboard graduatesWritten
Q. 9CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertNoise nuisances caused by the sound amplifying systems in schoolsWritten
Q. 10HO Chung-taiThe proposal to build an aquarium in Hong KongWritten
Q. 11LAU Wai-hing, EmilyAllegations concerning the fugitive LAI Cheung-singWritten
Q. 12LAU Kong-wahEarly completion of the rail link between Shatin and CentralWritten
Q. 13CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewSelection of films to be screened as the opening films of the Hong Kong International Film FestivalWritten
Q. 14CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertInterruption of sea water supply to PRH estatesWritten
Q. 15HO Chung-taiSelf-employment Business Start-up Fund to be set up by the Employees' Retraining BoardWritten
Q. 16LAU Wai-hing, EmilyDrink-drivingWritten
Q. 17LAU Kong-wahRestrictions on retired civil servants taking up employment in public organizationsWritten
Q. 18CHAN Kwok-keungThrowing of objects from a heightWritten
Q. 19CHOY So-yukDischarge into water control zonesWritten
Q. 20YEUNG Yiu-chungKindergarten Subsidy SchemeWritten

Council meeting on 28.3.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1SZETO WahSupply and demand of housingWritten
Q. 2CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommyTrade effluent surcharge for restaurantsWritten
Q. 3LI Ka-cheung, EricReview of the government financial reporting policyWritten
Q. 4HUI Cheung-chingAssistance to Hong Kong businessman with investments in MainlandWritten
Q. 5CHAN Yuen-hanProactive Registration Campaign for the ElderlyWritten
Q. 6LO Wing-lokPower of the Chief of Service of public hospitals to suspend the clinical duties of doctorsWritten
Q. 7WU King-cheong, HenryFires and explosions of flammable gas installations at vacant squatter areas and vacant illegal structuresWritten
Q. 8WONG Yung-kanInterception of illegal immigrants entering Hong Kong by seaWritten
Q. 9NG Ching-faiWork of the Invest Hong KongWritten
Q. 10LI Fung-yingHospital Authority's delay in the payment of Government ratesWritten
Q. 11IP Kwok-himFranchised companies' switch to ultra-low sulphur dieselWritten
Q. 12LAU Wong-fatImplementation of Article 40 of the Basic LawWritten
Q. 13TANG Siu-tongCases of pigs being infected with foot-and-mouth diseaseWritten
Q. 14CHOY So-yukMarine ecology of the coastal waters of Tai Lei Island near Peng ChauWritten
Q. 15HO Sau-lan, CydComposition and operation of the Women's CommissionWritten
Q. 16CHEUNG Man-kwongDisciplinary actions or prosecutions against civil servants for dereliction of dutyWritten
Q. 17LAW Chi-kwongVaccinations for infantsWritten
Q. 18Howard YOUNGUnlicensed travel agentsWritten
Q. 19SIN Chung-kaiExaminations of private candidates in science, technical and computer subjectsWritten
Q. 20CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertExpenditure of the ten Airport Core Programme projectsWritten

Council meeting on 4.4.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1LAU Kong-wahTenants Purchase SchemeWritten
Q. 2TO Kun-sun, JamesSecurity problem of PRH estates included in the Comprehensive Redevelopment ProgrammeWritten
Q. 3HUI Cheung-chingOperation of container terminalsWritten
Q. 4LI Ka-cheung, EricBack tax recovered by the Field Audit Group of the Inland Revenue DepartmentWritten
Q. 5FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickTobacco companies' promotion of tobacco products indirectly through advertisements of non-tobacco products or servicesWritten
Q. 6CHOY So-yukReception problem of RTHK's Putonghua channelWritten
Q. 7HO Sau-lan, CydRemoving the reservations made in respect of the international human rights treaties when they were extended to Hong KongWritten
Q. 8LAW Chi-kwongImplementation of the Chiropractors Registration Ordinance (Cap 428)Written
Q. 9LI Wah-ming, FredAreas of District Open Space and Local Open Space in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin DistrictsWritten
Q. 10Howard YOUNGParking problem and unsightly streetscape at the Beach RoadWritten
Q. 11HO Chung-taiCross-border infrastructural projectsWritten
Q. 12CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertProximity of refuse collection vehicle depots to residential premisesWritten
Q. 13LAU Kong-wahSearch for missing personsWritten
Q. 14LAU Wai-hing, EmilyEnvironmental concern of the closed aqueduct for conveying potable water to Hong Kong under constructionWritten
Q. 15LI Ka-cheung, EricBreakdowns on profits tax and salaries tax revenue in 2000-01Written
Q. 16HUI Cheung-chingHelping Hong Kong businessmen operating business in the MainlandWritten
Q. 17CHOY So-yukConviction rate of pick-pocketing offences involving tourists as victimsWritten
Q. 18LI Wah-ming, FredComprehensive Redevelopment Programme for PRH estatesWritten
Q. 19HO Chung-taiEmployment of disabled personsWritten
Q. 20CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertProtection of private domestic flat owners from wilful defaults on rent paymentsWritten

Council meeting on 25.4.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1CHAN Kwok-keungExtension of the scope of PayThruPost service of the Post Office Oral
Q. 2NG Ching-faiCost-effectiveness of the public-funded Manufacturing and Technological Database in Southern China and Hong Kong Oral
Q. 3CHU Yu-lin, DavidCrackdown on the sale of pirated optical discs Oral
Q. 4Margaret NGIntroduction of anti-racial discrimination legislation Oral
Q. 5FOK Tsun-ting, TimothySource of financial fundings for sports activities upon the loss of sponsorships by tobacco companies Oral
Q. 6Abraham SHEK Follow-up on the Report of the Construction Industry Review Committee Written
Q. 7LUI Ming-wahStatistics on the Innovation and Technology Fund Written
Q. 8EU Yuet-mee, AudreyHong Kong residents being detained in the Mainland Written
Q. 9MAK Kwok-fung, Michael Transfer of the provision of the general out-patient service from the Department of Health to the Hospital Authority Written
Q. 10HO Chun-yanGranting of Construction Noise Permits to the contractors of the West Rail project Written
Q. 11LEE Cheuk-yan Long waiting time for admission to courses provided by various vocational training bodies Written
Q. 12TIEN Pei-chun, JamesProgress of corporatization of government departments Written
Q. 13CHOY So-yukDisclosure of information in Kindergarten Profiles by kindergartens Written
Q. 14Kenneth TING Impact of the decline in property prices on the financing of enterprises Written
Q. 15CHAN Yuen-hanThe issue of Primary Six students being required to attend secondary schools in other districts Written
Q. 16NG Leung-sing Use of Chinese and English in matters relating to the operation of the stock market Written
Q. 17LI Fung-yingTraffic accidents in the Mainland involving Hong Kong residents Written
Q. 18LI Ka-cheung, EricProjected daily stock transaction volumes used by the Government and SFC when they prepared their budgets Written
Q. 19HUI Cheung-chingMerging overseas offices of the Overseas Hong Kong Economics and Trade Offices, and offices of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Tourism Board located in the same cities Written
Q. 20TAM Yiu-chungSupply of seawater for flushing to Yuen Long District Written

Council meeting on 2.5.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1Bernard CHANImpact of a CFA ruling on the employee compensation mechanismOral
Q. 2LAU Wong-fatGreen Island Cement Co Ltd's plan to produce a raw material for manufacturing cement by incinerating waste in the company's plantOral
Q. 3CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaMeasures against pickpockets acting in consortium or as individuals who mainly targeted at touristsOral
Q. 4TAM Yiu-chungRegulation of golf driving rangesOral
Q. 5LAW Chi-kwongShortfall of services provided by refuge centres for womenOral
Q. 6HO Chun-yanAssisting employees to recover unpaid wagesOral
Q. 7CHU Yu-lin, DavidRegulation of cybercafesWritten
Q. 8EU Yuet-mee, AudreyDisclosure of personal data in their possession by government departments to other departments and public organizationsWritten
Q. 9LAU Ping-cheungFair competition in the works contracts for the Shenzhen River Regulation ProjectWritten
Q. 10Howard YOUNGAmendment to the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995Written
Q. 11NG Ching-faiCompiling statistics for Hong Kong residents living in the Mainland but commute daily to Hong KongWritten
Q. 12CHAN Yuen-hanProvision of sea water for flushingWritten
Q. 13LEUNG Fu-wahNumber of persons issued with Hong Kong permanent identity cards in accordance with Article 24 of the Basic LawWritten
Q. 14LI Fung-yingProtection of employees against discrimination arising from their participation in trade unionsWritten
Q. 15LI Ka-cheung, EricProvision of a one-off grant to the disabled athletesWritten
Q. 16HUI Cheung-chingExpenditure of small and medium enterprises on purchasing authentic computer softwareWritten
Q. 17CHOY So-yukPollution of the Tan Shan River in Hok Tau, Fanling by a Government contractorWritten
Q. 18LEUNG Yiu-chungCompassionate rehousing schemeWritten
Q. 19CHEUNG Man-kwongRedundancy and wage reduction plans of universitiesWritten
Q. 20SIN Chung-kaiProgress of Electronic Service Delivery SchemeWritten

Council meeting on 9.5.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1CHAN Yuen-hanAccommodation for households of subsidized housing undergoing divorce proceedings Oral
Q. 2LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseAssisting the professionals to set up offices in the Mainland Oral
Q. 3WONG Yung-kanHandling of dangerous chemicals by tertiary institutions Oral
Q. 4IP Kwok-himCrime risk assessment of stored-value mobile phone cards Oral
Q. 5HO Chung-taiGovernment's pledge to invest HK$235 billion in infrastructural projects Oral
Q. 6LAU Ping-cheungProgress of planning work for new development areas Oral
Q. 7CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaOvercrowding in the Lo Wu Control PointWritten
Q. 8CHU Yu-lin, DavidActivities of smuggling Mainlanders to foreign countries via Hong KongWritten
Q. 9HO Chun-yanWaiting time for the allocation of public rental housing flats Written
Q. 10HO Chung-taiProvision of a rat-free environment for tourist spots Written
Q. 11LI Ka-cheung, EricAdvance polling arrangements for Legislative Council general electionWritten
Q. 12TAM Yiu-chungManagement and facilities of the Tin Shui Wai Swimming PoolWritten
Q. 13CHOY So-yukFelling of rare and big old tree in Tsimshatsui Written
Q. 14LAW Chi-kwongPublic hospitals requesting patients to pay for some medical equipment and supplies Written
Q. 15CHEUNG Man-kwongSelection of banks for providing services to government bureaux and departments Written
Q. 16HO Sau-lan, CydService for persons suffering from inherited retinal degenerative diseases Written
Q. 17CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertManagement of hawkers and stallholders in cooked food bazaars Written
Q. 18LAU Wai-hing, EmilyTeaching posts in Government and aided primary schools Written
Q. 19LAU Kong-wah Lawenforcement officers in the Mainland and Hong Kong carrying out cross-border duties Written
Q. 20LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose Government cleansing contractors stripping employees of statutory rights and benefits, and employing illegal workersWritten

Council meeting on 16.5.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertEngagement of debt collection agencies by financial institutions and estate agentsOral
Q. 2CHEUNG Man-kwongHygiene conditions of public toiletsOral
Q. 3Kenneth TINGFeasibility of joint customs clearance at control pointsOral
Q. 4LAU Kong-wahResolving disputes between land owners and telecommunications service providers about the installation of telecommunication equipmentOral
Q. 5LO Wing-lokRegulation of tobacco advertisementsOral
Q. 6LI Fung-yingEntertainment expenses of the Offices of the Secretaries and bureauxOral
Q. 7YEUNG SumMainland students studying in local tertiary institutionsWritten
Q. 8CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaQualification of persons working in private clinicsWritten
Q. 9LUI Ming-wahInclusion of the Chinese medicine trade into the Admission of Mainland Professionals SchemeWritten
Q. 10CHU Yu-lin, DavidParticipation in the Registration Scheme for Degradable Containers and BagsWritten
Q. 11CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewAcquisition of the status of permanent resident and the right of abode by persons who have come to Hong KongWritten
Q. 12LI Ka-cheung, EricLow level of funding approved by the Innovation and Technology FundWritten
Q. 13TAM Yiu-chungNuisance caused by a helicopter landing pad in Tai OWritten
Q. 14YEUNG Yiu-chungStatistics on the Non-means-tested Loan SchemeWritten
Q. 15SIN Chung-kaiStatistics on IT personnel of some departments and organizationsWritten
Q. 16HO Chung-taiAir quality inside taxiWritten
Q. 17LAU Wai-hing, EmilyMonitoring sponsoring bodies in the appointment of school managers, supervisors and principalsWritten
Q. 18CHEUNG Man-kwongHostel places for the mentally handicappedWritten
Q. 19CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertBroadcast of audio-visual programmes on busesWritten
Q. 20LAU Kong-wahServices for youth at riskWritten

Council meeting on 23.5.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1MAK Kwok-fung, MichaelHospital Authority's plans to cut nursing posts in public hospitalsOral
Q.2CHOY So-yukDisposal of food wasteOral
Q.3LO Wing-lokControl of smoking in sports venuesOral
Q.4LAU Wai-hing, EmilyRegulation of evil cults by legislationOral
Q.5LAU Ping-cheungProperty management of offices of government departments and statutory bodies in possession of sensitive and confidential informationOral
Q.6Howard YOUNGCross-border direct bus serviceWritten
Q.7LI Ka-cheung, EricSupports for Hong Kong representatives participating in international cultural and sports activitiesWritten
Q.8YEUNG Yiu-chungMechanism for adjustment of interest rates for Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for studentsWritten
Q.9LI Wah-ming, FredElimination of hawker black spotsWritten
Q.10HO Chung-taiDesignation of pedestrian precinctsWritten
Q.11LAU Wai-hing, EmilyResidence requirement of CSSA SchemeWritten
Q.12LAU Kong-wahSupply of Dongjiang waterWritten
Q.13LI Wah-ming, FredCleaning of beaches not designated as bathing beachesWritten
Q.14HO Chung-taiErection and maintenance of traffic sign postsWritten
Q.15LAU Kong-wahSafety of pedestrians when crossing roadsWritten
Q.16Kenneth TINGAssistance rendered to multinational companies by the HKTDCWritten
Q.17Abraham SHEKReview on the land use of sites earmarked for development of public housingWritten
Q.18CHEUNG Man-kwongManpower of frontline police officersWritten
Q.19LI Ka-cheung, EricSending and receiving mobile phone short messages between customers of different mobile phone network operatorsWritten
Q.20MAK Kwok-fung, MichaelSecurity issues in public hospitalsWritten

Council meeting on 30.5.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1SIN Chung-kaiAssist the disadvantaged groups in making use of information technologyOral
Q. 2TIEN Pei-chun, JamesLegislation on protecting employees' right and benefitsOral
Q. 3YEUNG Yiu-chungDirect salaries subsidy for Qualified Kindergarten TeachersOral
Q. 4HO Chung-taiProgress of the consultancy "Study of Nitrogen Dioxide, Photochemical Smog and Particulates and their Control Measures"Oral
Q. 5LAU Kong-wahDifficulties in immigration clearance encountered by HKSAR passport holders when entering countries which have granted visa-free access to such passport holdersOral
Q. 6CHOY So-yukEnvironmental protection for streams with rare or endangered species of fishOral
Q. 7NG Leung-singProposed requirement for listed companies to publish quarterly results Written
Q. 8TANG Siu-tongPrevention of default on medical charges Written
Q. 9LI Ka-cheung, EricCivil servants involved in bankruptcy cases Written
Q. 10LAU Wai-hing, EmilyPractice of compiling court conviction and acquittal statistics in respect of individual magistrates Written
Q. 11HO Chung-taiNuisances caused by oil-contaminated mud at the former site of the Kai Tak AirportWritten
Q. 12LAU Kong-wahFranchised bus service of routes served by a mix of air-conditioned and non air-conditioned busesWritten
Q. 13LAU Wai-hing, EmilyIndustrial land in urban area Written
Q. 14WU King-cheong, HenrySale of the second lot of MTRC shares Written
Q. 15TANG Siu-tongMaintenance periods for flats sold under the Tenants Purchase SchemeWritten
Q. 16CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewEmployers' failure to take out insurance for their employees Written
Q. 17CHU Yu-lin, DavidEffectiveness of the scheme for separate collection and recovery of waste in public placesWritten
Q. 18LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie Handling of discarded computers Written
Q. 19Kenneth TINGSetting a ceiling on flat prices under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme Written
Q. 20TO Kun-sun, JamesRegulation and figures on Mainlanders settling in Hong Kong Written

Council meeting on 6.6.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1CHU Yu-lin, DavidPurchase of luxury saloon cars for senior civil servants Oral
Q.2CHAN Kwok-keungIllegal workers with forged green cards working in construction sites Oral
Q.3TAM Yiu-chungProvision of adequate cultural, leisure and sports facilities in new towns Oral
Q.4LEUNG Fu-wahList of shortfall posts for vetting applications made under the Admission of Mainland Professionals Scheme Oral
Q.5CHAN Kam-lamProgress of rollout of wireline-based local fixed telecommunications networks Oral
Q.6IP Kwok-himDespatch of water tankers for emergency water supply Oral
Q.7LI Kwok-po, David Information about cross-border committees Written
Q.8TO Kun-sun, JamesImplementation of Article 24(2)(2) of the Basic Law Written
Q.9LAU Wai-hing, EmilyWage reduction and voluntary departure plan of MPFS Authority Written
Q.10LAU Kong-wahTaxi pooling activities Written
Q.11CHU Yu-lin, DavidSupervision of private schoolsWritten
Q.12LAU Wai-hing, EmilyBasis for calculating medical unit costs Written
Q.13LAU Kong-wahWater quality of bottled natural mineral water and distilled waterWritten
Q.14CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertCompensation for industrial and commercial undertakings affected by land resumptionWritten
Q.15LI Fung-yingTermite problem in public housing units Written
Q.16MAK Kwok-fung, MichaelSuicide statistics Written
Q.17YEUNG Sum Provision of international school places Written
Q.18TO Kun-sun, JamesProvision of education for children in children's homesWritten
Q.19HO Chun-yanProvision of donations to private charitable funds from public funds or other sources by the Administration Written
Q.20WONG Sing-chiService for young night drifters Written

Council meeting on 13.6.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1SZETO WahEstablishment of a human rights institution in accordance with the recommendation of a UN CommitteeOral
Q. 2LAU Chin-shekImplementation of the recommendations concerning employee benefits made by a UN Committee Oral
Q. 3TO Kun-sun, JamesImplementation of the recommendations for prohibition of discrimination made by a UN Committee Oral
Q. 4LEE Chu-ming, MartinUndemocratic features of the Legislative Council election which impede the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rightsOral
Q. 5CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, Selina Illegal importation of meatOral
Q. 6MAK Kwok-fung, MichaelImplementation of the recommendation to fight against poverty made by a UN Committee Oral
Q. 7Howard YOUNG Temporary closure of roads by the Police Written
Q. 8WONG Sing-chi Students being bullied at school by schoolmates Written
Q. 9FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickBurglary cases in Harmony Type PRH estates Written
Q. 10WU King-cheong, HenryPublicizing Hong Kong overseas Written
Q. 11CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewLoss of right of abode by persons not of Chinese nationalityWritten
Q. 12LAU Wai-hing, EmilyImplementation of the Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap. 469)Written
Q. 13LAU Kong-wah Students taking up summer jobs Written
Q. 14LAU Wai-hing, EmilyLevel of foreign reserves required to maintain currency stability Written
Q. 15LAU Kong-wahService for night drifters Written
Q. 16NG Leung-singA software supplier's new licensing schemeWritten
Q. 17SIN Chung-kaiOperation of the Copyrights Tribunal Written
Q. 18LO Wing-lokSale of globefish for human consumption Written
Q. 19LI Fung-yingLaundries operated by the Hospital Authority Written
Q. 20CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertInspection of newly completed buildings by the Buildings Department before issuing occupation permits Written

Council meeting on 20.6.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q.1EU Yuet-mee, AudreyIncorporation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights into the laws of HKSAR Oral
Q. 2LAW Chi-kwongPossible sex discrimination of exempting some household employees from the MPF Scheme Oral
Q. 3FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickHousing for the elderlyOral
Q. 4TO Kun-sun, James A UN Committee's advice to HKSAR in implementing policies on permanent residence and split families Oral
Q. 5CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertSafety of piling works handled by contractors involved in piling scandals Oral
Q. 6LAU Wai-hing, EmilyMonitoring of the HKMA Oral
Q. 7LAU Hon-chuen, AmbroseIndustry safety Written
Q. 8CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewEnforcement of judgements made by Mainland courts Written
Q. 9TANG Siu-tongManagement of PRH estates by private property services companies Written
Q. 10CHOY So-yuk Delay in opening of a new cycling park in Ma On Shan Written
Q. 11LAU Kong-wahAllowing holders of the Sha Tau Kok Closed Area Permits to use the Sha Tau Kok Control PointWritten
Q. 12LAW Chi-kwongEnforcement of the "dipped headlamp" stipulation Written
Q. 13LAU Wai-hing, EmilyComplaints about the new Hong Kong Central Library Written
Q. 14CHOY So-yukGolf driving range built by the Hong Kong Sports Development Board Written
Q. 15HO Chung-taiHong Kong's ranking in the environmental conditions among Asian territories Written
Q. 16CHU Yu-lin, DavidVacancy rates and median rentals of commercial premises in PRH estates and those managed by FEHD Written
Q. 17Bernard CHANProposed plan to merge the MPFS Authority and the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance Written
Q. 18LEUNG Fu-wah Implementation of the safety management system Written
Q. 19LI Fung-yingIndustry safety during thunderstorms Written
Q. 20TAM Yiu-chungPremature defects of the bearing units of the Tsing Ma BridgeWritten

Council meeting on 27.6.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose Qualifying examination for insurance intermediariesOral
Q. 2NG Leung-singProgress of the Port Development Strategy Review Oral
Q. 3CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewSafety issues of school transport vehicles Oral
Q. 4FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickList of target buildings maintained by the Home Affairs Department Oral
Q. 5MAK Kwok-fung, Michael Fire safety in residential care homes for the elderly and school dormitoriesOral
Q. 6HUI Cheung-chingHelicopter services between Hong Kong and the MainlandOral
Q. 7SIN Chung-kaiPoor reception of TV signals in some areas Written
Q. 8LI Fung-ying Foreign domestic helpers denied of statutory salaries and benefits Written
Q. 9CHAN Yuen-hanExamination arrangements for disabled personsWritten
Q. 10Kenneth TINGFinancing of small and medium enterprises Written
Q. 11HO Sau-lan, CydTransfer of sentenced persons of the Mainland and the HKSAR to their respective places of residence to serve the remainder of their sentences Written
Q. 12CHOY So-yukEPD's granting a permit to a contractor for the disposal of contaminated mud in Mainland watersWritten
Q. 13SIN Chung-kaiUse of mobile phones at border areasWritten
Q. 14LAU Wai-hing, EmilyDeclaration of purchases of properties by public officersWritten
Q. 15LAU Kong-wahEnforcement against hawking activities in TPS estatesWritten
Q. 16LAU Wai-hing, EmilyMalfunctioning of portable screening devices used for on-the-spot breath testsWritten
Q. 17LAU Kong-wahPromotion of the Octopus systemWritten
Q. 18CHOY So-yukImpact of sand-dredging operations on the marine ecosystemWritten
Q. 19LI Ka-cheung, EricImprove the curriculum of secondary schools with a view to improving young people's ability to cope with daily livesWritten
Q. 20LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose Large number of children living below the poverty lineWritten

Council meeting on 4.7.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1LAU Chin-shekHealth hazards posed by LPG taxis on their driversOral
Q. 2LEE Cheuk-yanQuality of services of private care-and-attention homes for the elderlyOral
Q. 3LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose Encouraging qualified planners and architects to enter the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan CompetitionOral
Q. 4CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, Selina Combating shop theftsOral
Q. 5Kenneth TINGContainer terminals' practice of demanding consignors to pay high fees on behalf of the shipping company concerned before allowing them to collect cargoesOral
Q. 6LAU Kong-wahRegulation of the sale of lottery tickets by charity organizationsWritten
Q. 7LUI Ming-wahStatistic on first-time tourists to Hong KongWritten
Q. 8LO Wing-lokBodies of dead babies used in radioactivity experiments without the consent of their familiesWritten
Q. 9WU King-cheong, HenryLevy of estate dutyWritten
Q. 10LAU Kong-wahPercentages of psychotropic substance abusersWritten
Q. 11LAU Wai-hing, EmilyLanguage proficiency of English TeachersWritten
Q. 12Kenneth TINGInvest Hong Kong's services to match local manufacturers with foreign investors and Mainland enterprisesWritten
Q. 13LAU Wai-hing, EmilyProgress in amendment of legislation to make them binding on CG offices in HKSARWritten
Q. 14LI Ka-cheung, EricAppointment of young people to advisory boards and committeesWritten
Q. 15LAU Ping-cheung Safety of slopes which used soil nailsWritten
Q. 16SIN Chung-kaiAccess to e-Government services by users of different computer operating systems and Internet browsersWritten
Q. 17LAU Ping-cheungInviting individual institutions, architects or planners to participate in the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan CompetitionWritten
Q. 18LI Wah-ming, FredAir Services Agreements concluded since January 1999Written
Q. 19CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertNuisance caused by aircraft noisesWritten

Council meeting on 11.7.2001

Question No.Raised bySubjectType
Q. 1LI Ka-cheung, EricStatistics on flats produced and put up for sale by various organizationsOral
Q. 2SZETO WahNature of views expressed by the Chief Executive in Question and Answer Sessions of the Legislative Council Oral
Q. 3HO Chung-tai Listing of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Oral
Q. 4YEUNG Yiu-chungEntry and exit procedures for Mainland residents who travel abroad or return to the Mainland via Hong Kong Oral
Q. 5CHOY So-yukControl the proliferation of climbing plants Mikania micrantha Oral
Q. 6LAU Kong-wahCrackdown on crimes involving the use of firearms Oral
Q. 7WONG Sing-chiAssistance rendered to the formation and operation of youth councils Written
Q. 8LO Wing-lokRegulation on the use of laser devices and phototherapy devices Written
Q. 9CHU Yu-lin, DavidOperating costs of light buses using alternative fuels Written
Q. 10Kenneth TINGLow standards of English of some lawyers and barristers Written
Q. 11LI Wah-ming, FredStatistics on unscrupulous trade practices Written
Q. 12SIN Chung-kaiSafety of using mobile phones during thunderstorms Written
Q. 13LAU Wai-hing, EmilyPublic officers' acceptance of preferential treatment in purchasing properties from real estate developers Written
Q. 14YEUNG Yiu-chungNuisance telephone calls Written
Q. 15CHU Yu-lin, DavidEffectiveness of enforcement actions against speeding Written
Q. 16Kenneth TINGThe trend of Hong Kong residents working in the Mainland Written
Q. 17LAU Wai-hing, EmilyDetermination of the optimal level of foreign exchange reserves Written
Q. 18LAU Ping-cheungPermitting vehicles using alternative fuels to operate in the territory Written
Q. 19LAU Kong-wahLaw and order in Hong Kong waters Written
Q. 20CHAN Yuen-hanAssistance to casual workers of the poultry trades who encountered financial difficulties Written

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