October, 2000
| 4*
| 25 & 26
| November, 2000
| 1#
| 8
| 15
| 22
| 29
| December, 2000
| 6
| 13
| 20 & 21
| January, 2001
| 10
| 17
| February, 2001
| 7
| 8*
| 14
| 21
| 28
| March, 2001
| 7#
| 14
| 28 & 29#
| April, 2001
| 4#
| 25
| May, 2001
| 2
| 9
| 16
| 23
| 30
| June, 2001
| 6
| 13
| 14*
| 20 & 21
| 27
| July, 2001
| 4 & 5
| 11 & 12
* No Questions scheduled for such meetings
# No Oral Questions scheduled for such meetings
Council meeting on 1.11.2000
Council meeting on 8.11.2000
Council meeting on 6.12.2000
Council meeting on 10.1.2001
Council meeting on 17.1.2001
Council meeting on 7.2.2001
Council meeting on 14.2.2001
Council meeting on 21.2.2001
Council meeting on 28.2.2001
Council meeting on 7.3.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q. 1 | LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose | Increasing cases of Influenza H1N1 virus infection | Written
| Q. 2 | HUI Cheung-ching | The proposal to build a cross-harbour bridge connecting Zhuhai and Hong Kong | Written
| Q. 3 | NG Leung-sing | Relocation of cargo working areas on both sides of the Victoria Harbour | Written
| Q. 4 | HO Sau-lan, Cyd | Appointment of principal officials from outside the civil service | Written
| Q. 5 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Deployment of artificial reefs in Hong Kong | Written
| Q. 6 | HO Sau-lan, Cyd | Arrangements for the holder of the office of Chief Executive after his departure from the office | Written
| Q. 7 | HO Chung-tai | Facilities for the disabled in public places | Written
| Q. 8 | LI Wah-ming, Fred | Refurbishment of vacated public housing estate units | Written
| Q. 9 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Emergence of drug-resistant bacteria as a result of the overuse of antibiotics | Written
| Q. 10 | LAU Kong-wah | Management of penal institutions | Written
| Q. 11 | LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose | Regulation of disposable environmentally-friendly food containers | Written
| Q. 12 | SIN Chung-kai | Review of the power of the Hong Kong Association of Banks | Written
| Q. 13 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Protecting the rights and benefits of ethnic minorities | Written
| Q. 14 | HO Chung-tai | Industrial safety in relation to lift shafts | Written
| Q. 15 | Howard YOUNG | Licensing of guesthouses | Written
| Q. 16 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Protection of the right to exercise freedom of assembly | Written
| Q. 17 | LAU Kong-wah | Juvenile crimes | Written
| Q. 18 | YEUNG Yiu-chung | Students who cross the border for schooling in Hong Kong every day | Written
| Q. 19 | WU King-cheong, Henry | Enquiries made by SFC and SEHK on unusual movements in share prices or turnover of listed companies | Written
| Q. 20 | YEUNG Yiu-chung | Development of village schools | Written
Council meeting on 14.3.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q. 1 | CHEUNG Yu-yan, Tommy | Fees and validity periods of food business licences | Oral
| Q. 2 | EU Yuet-mee, Audrey | Privacy concern of government departments conducting searches of memorials by owners' names | Oral
| Q. 3 | YEUNG Yiu-chung | Incident in which a mentally handicapped man crossed the border without going through the departure formalities | Oral
| Q. 4 | HO Sau-lan, Cyd | 2001 Population Census | Oral
| Q. 5 | CHENG Kar-foo, Andrew | The criterion that activities held at LCSD venues should not be critical in nature | Oral
| Q. 6 | LUI Ming-wah | Reduction of medical students intake in the next triennium | Oral
| Q. 7 | NG Ching-fai | Development of air cargo business | Written
| Q. 8 | LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose | Recognition of the academic standards of Project Springboard graduates | Written
| Q. 9 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Noise nuisances caused by the sound amplifying systems in schools | Written
| Q. 10 | HO Chung-tai | The proposal to build an aquarium in Hong Kong | Written
| Q. 11 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Allegations concerning the fugitive LAI Cheung-sing | Written
| Q. 12 | LAU Kong-wah | Early completion of the rail link between Shatin and Central | Written
| Q. 13 | CHENG Kar-foo, Andrew | Selection of films to be screened as the opening films of the Hong Kong International Film Festival | Written
| Q. 14 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Interruption of sea water supply to PRH estates | Written
| Q. 15 | HO Chung-tai | Self-employment Business Start-up Fund to be set up by the Employees' Retraining Board | Written
| Q. 16 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Drink-driving | Written
| Q. 17 | LAU Kong-wah | Restrictions on retired civil servants taking up employment in public organizations | Written
| Q. 18 | CHAN Kwok-keung | Throwing of objects from a height | Written
| Q. 19 | CHOY So-yuk | Discharge into water control zones | Written
| Q. 20 | YEUNG Yiu-chung | Kindergarten Subsidy Scheme | Written
Council meeting on 28.3.2001
Council meeting on 4.4.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q. 1 | LAU Kong-wah | Tenants Purchase Scheme | Written
| Q. 2 | TO Kun-sun, James | Security problem of PRH estates included in the Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme | Written
| Q. 3 | HUI Cheung-ching | Operation of container terminals | Written
| Q. 4 | LI Ka-cheung, Eric | Back tax recovered by the Field Audit Group of the Inland Revenue Department | Written
| Q. 5 | FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick | Tobacco companies' promotion of tobacco products indirectly through advertisements of non-tobacco products or services | Written
| Q. 6 | CHOY So-yuk | Reception problem of RTHK's Putonghua channel | Written
| Q. 7 | HO Sau-lan, Cyd | Removing the reservations made in respect of the international human rights treaties when they were extended to Hong Kong | Written
| Q. 8 | LAW Chi-kwong | Implementation of the Chiropractors Registration Ordinance (Cap 428) | Written
| Q. 9 | LI Wah-ming, Fred | Areas of District Open Space and Local Open Space in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin Districts | Written
| Q. 10 | Howard YOUNG | Parking problem and unsightly streetscape at the Beach Road | Written
| Q. 11 | HO Chung-tai | Cross-border infrastructural projects | Written
| Q. 12 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Proximity of refuse collection vehicle depots to residential premises | Written
| Q. 13 | LAU Kong-wah | Search for missing persons | Written
| Q. 14 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Environmental concern of the closed aqueduct for conveying potable water to Hong Kong under construction | Written
| Q. 15 | LI Ka-cheung, Eric | Breakdowns on profits tax and salaries tax revenue in 2000-01 | Written
| Q. 16 | HUI Cheung-ching | Helping Hong Kong businessmen operating business in the Mainland | Written
| Q. 17 | CHOY So-yuk | Conviction rate of pick-pocketing offences involving tourists as victims | Written
| Q. 18 | LI Wah-ming, Fred | Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme for PRH estates | Written
| Q. 19 | HO Chung-tai | Employment of disabled persons | Written
| Q. 20 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Protection of private domestic flat owners from wilful defaults on rent payments | Written
Council meeting on 25.4.2001
Council meeting on 2.5.2001
Council meeting on 9.5.2001
Council meeting on 16.5.2001
Council meeting on 23.5.2001
Council meeting on 30.5.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q. 1 | SIN Chung-kai | Assist the disadvantaged groups in making use of information technology | Oral
| Q. 2 | TIEN Pei-chun, James | Legislation on protecting employees' right and benefits | Oral
| Q. 3 | YEUNG Yiu-chung | Direct salaries subsidy for Qualified Kindergarten Teachers | Oral
| Q. 4 | HO Chung-tai | Progress of the consultancy "Study of Nitrogen Dioxide, Photochemical Smog and Particulates and their Control Measures" | Oral
| Q. 5 | LAU Kong-wah | Difficulties in immigration clearance encountered by HKSAR passport holders when entering countries which have granted visa-free access to such passport holders | Oral
| Q. 6 | CHOY So-yuk | Environmental protection for streams with rare or endangered species of fish | Oral
| Q. 7 | NG Leung-sing | Proposed requirement for listed companies to publish quarterly results | Written
| Q. 8 | TANG Siu-tong | Prevention of default on medical charges | Written
| Q. 9 | LI Ka-cheung, Eric | Civil servants involved in bankruptcy cases | Written
| Q. 10 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Practice of compiling court conviction and acquittal statistics in respect of individual magistrates | Written
| Q. 11 | HO Chung-tai | Nuisances caused by oil-contaminated mud at the former site of the Kai Tak Airport | Written
| Q. 12 | LAU Kong-wah | Franchised bus service of routes served by a mix of air-conditioned and non air-conditioned buses | Written
| Q. 13 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Industrial land in urban area | Written
| Q. 14 | WU King-cheong, Henry | Sale of the second lot of MTRC shares | Written
| Q. 15 | TANG Siu-tong | Maintenance periods for flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme | Written
| Q. 16 | CHENG Kar-foo, Andrew | Employers' failure to take out insurance for their employees | Written
| Q. 17 | CHU Yu-lin, David | Effectiveness of the scheme for separate collection and recovery of waste in public places | Written
| Q. 18 | LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie | Handling of discarded computers | Written
| Q. 19 | Kenneth TING | Setting a ceiling on flat prices under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme | Written
| Q. 20 | TO Kun-sun, James | Regulation and figures on Mainlanders settling in Hong Kong | Written
Council meeting on 6.6.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q. 1 | CHU Yu-lin, David | Purchase of luxury saloon cars for senior civil servants | Oral
| Q.2 | CHAN Kwok-keung | Illegal workers with forged green cards working in construction sites | Oral
| Q.3 | TAM Yiu-chung | Provision of adequate cultural, leisure and sports facilities in new towns | Oral
| Q.4 | LEUNG Fu-wah | List of shortfall posts for vetting applications made under the Admission of Mainland Professionals Scheme | Oral
| Q.5 | CHAN Kam-lam | Progress of rollout of wireline-based local fixed telecommunications networks | Oral
| Q.6 | IP Kwok-him | Despatch of water tankers for emergency water supply | Oral
| Q.7 | LI Kwok-po, David | Information about cross-border committees | Written
| Q.8 | TO Kun-sun, James | Implementation of Article 24(2)(2) of the Basic Law | Written
| Q.9 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Wage reduction and voluntary departure plan of MPFS Authority | Written
| Q.10 | LAU Kong-wah | Taxi pooling activities | Written
| Q.11 | CHU Yu-lin, David | Supervision of private schools | Written
| Q.12 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Basis for calculating medical unit costs | Written
| Q.13 | LAU Kong-wah | Water quality of bottled natural mineral water and distilled water | Written
| Q.14 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Compensation for industrial and commercial undertakings affected by land resumption | Written
| Q.15 | LI Fung-ying | Termite problem in public housing units | Written
| Q.16 | MAK Kwok-fung, Michael | Suicide statistics | Written
| Q.17 | YEUNG Sum | Provision of international school places | Written
| Q.18 | TO Kun-sun, James | Provision of education for children in children's homes | Written
| Q.19 | HO Chun-yan | Provision of donations to private charitable funds from public funds or other sources by the Administration | Written
| Q.20 | WONG Sing-chi | Service for young night drifters | Written
Council meeting on 13.6.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q. 1 | SZETO Wah | Establishment of a human rights institution in accordance with the recommendation of a UN Committee | Oral
| Q. 2 | LAU Chin-shek | Implementation of the recommendations concerning employee benefits made by a UN Committee | Oral
| Q. 3 | TO Kun-sun, James | Implementation of the recommendations for prohibition of discrimination made by a UN Committee | Oral
| Q. 4 | LEE Chu-ming, Martin | Undemocratic features of the Legislative Council election which impede the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights | Oral
| Q. 5 | CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, Selina | Illegal importation of meat | Oral
| Q. 6 | MAK Kwok-fung, Michael | Implementation of the recommendation to fight against poverty made by a UN Committee | Oral
| Q. 7 | Howard YOUNG | Temporary closure of roads by the Police | Written
| Q. 8 | WONG Sing-chi | Students being bullied at school by schoolmates | Written
| Q. 9 | FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick | Burglary cases in Harmony Type PRH estates | Written
| Q. 10 | WU King-cheong, Henry | Publicizing Hong Kong overseas | Written
| Q. 11 | CHENG Kar-foo, Andrew | Loss of right of abode by persons not of Chinese nationality | Written
| Q. 12 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Implementation of the Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap. 469) | Written
| Q. 13 | LAU Kong-wah | Students taking up summer jobs | Written
| Q. 14 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Level of foreign reserves required to maintain currency stability | Written
| Q. 15 | LAU Kong-wah | Service for night drifters | Written
| Q. 16 | NG Leung-sing | A software supplier's new licensing scheme | Written
| Q. 17 | SIN Chung-kai | Operation of the Copyrights Tribunal | Written
| Q. 18 | LO Wing-lok | Sale of globefish for human consumption | Written
| Q. 19 | LI Fung-ying | Laundries operated by the Hospital Authority | Written
| Q. 20 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Inspection of newly completed buildings by the Buildings Department before issuing occupation permits | Written
Council meeting on 20.6.2001
Question No. | Raised by | Subject | Type
Q.1 | EU Yuet-mee, Audrey | Incorporation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights into the laws of HKSAR | Oral
| Q. 2 | LAW Chi-kwong | Possible sex discrimination of exempting some household employees from the MPF Scheme | Oral
| Q. 3 | FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick | Housing for the elderly | Oral
| Q. 4 | TO Kun-sun, James | A UN Committee's advice to HKSAR in implementing policies on permanent residence and split families | Oral
| Q. 5 | CHAN Wai-yip, Albert | Safety of piling works handled by contractors involved in piling scandals | Oral
| Q. 6 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Monitoring of the HKMA | Oral
| Q. 7 | LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose | Industry safety | Written
| Q. 8 | CHENG Kar-foo, Andrew | Enforcement of judgements made by Mainland courts | Written
| Q. 9 | TANG Siu-tong | Management of PRH estates by private property services companies | Written
| Q. 10 | CHOY So-yuk | Delay in opening of a new cycling park in Ma On Shan | Written
| Q. 11 | LAU Kong-wah | Allowing holders of the Sha Tau Kok Closed Area Permits to use the Sha Tau Kok Control Point | Written
| Q. 12 | LAW Chi-kwong | Enforcement of the "dipped headlamp" stipulation | Written
| Q. 13 | LAU Wai-hing, Emily | Complaints about the new Hong Kong Central Library | Written
| Q. 14 | CHOY So-yuk | Golf driving range built by the Hong Kong Sports Development Board | Written
| Q. 15 | HO Chung-tai | Hong Kong's ranking in the environmental conditions among Asian territories | Written
| Q. 16 | CHU Yu-lin, David | Vacancy rates and median rentals of commercial premises in PRH estates and those managed by FEHD | Written
| Q. 17 | Bernard CHAN | Proposed plan to merge the MPFS Authority and the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance | Written
| Q. 18 | LEUNG Fu-wah | Implementation of the safety management system | Written
| Q. 19 | LI Fung-ying | Industry safety during thunderstorms | Written
| Q. 20 | TAM Yiu-chung | Premature defects of the bearing units of the Tsing Ma Bridge | Written
Council meeting on 27.6.2001
Council meeting on 4.7.2001
Council meeting on 11.7.2001