Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting

Meeting on
Friday, 17 March 2006, at 9:00 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda

I.Confirmation of minutes and matters arising

LC Paper No. CB(1)1004/05-06
(issued on 1 March 2006)

-Minutes of meeting held on 13 February 2006

II.Papers issued since last meeting


III.Date and items for discussion for next meeting
(9:00 am - 9:05 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1071/05-06(01)
(issued on 14 March 2006)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

LC Paper No. CB(1)1071/05-06(02)
(issued on 14 March 2006)

-List of follow-up actions

#IV.Information Security
(9:05 am - 10:30 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1097/05-06(01)
(English version issued on 16 March 2006, Chinese version issued on 20 March 2006 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)1096/05-06)

-Information paper provided by Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)1093/05-06(01)
(issued on 16 March 2006)

-Newspaper cuttings on incidents involving leakage of personal data information on the Internet

Meeting with the Administration and related organizations

  1. Independent Police Complaints Council
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1096/05-06(05) - issued on 20 March 2006)

  2. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1093/05-06(02) - (English version issued on 16 March 2006, Chinese version issued on 20 March 2006 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)1096/05-06)

  3. Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre

*V.Public consultation on the legislative proposals to contain the problem of unsolicited electronic messages
(10:45 am - 11:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1071/05-06(03)
(issued on 14 March 2006)

-Consultation paper on legislative proposals to contain the problem of unsolicited electronic messages

LC Paper No. CB(1)772/05-06(02)
(issued on 21 January 2006)

-Press release on 20 January 2006 on proposed anti-spam legislation

LC Paper No. CB(1)1072/05-06
(issued on 14 March 2006)

-Background brief on proposals to contains the problem of unsolicited electronic messages

Meeting with deputations and Administration

  1. Hong Kong Computer Society
    (LC Paper No.CB(1)1093/05-06(03) - issued on 16 March 2006 (English version only))

  2. Hong Kong and Mainland Software Industry Cooperation Association
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1096/05-06(06) - issued on 20 March 2006 (English version only))

  3. Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1071/05-06(04) - issued on 14 March 2006 (English version only))

  4. Internet and Telecom Association of Hong Kong
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1081/05-06(01) - issued on 15 March 2006 (English version only))

  5. The British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section)
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1081/05-06(02) - issued on 15 March 2006 (English version only))

  6. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Hong Kong (CAS/COM Joint Chapter)
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1096/05-06(04) - issued on 20 March 2006 (English version only))
Submission from individual who will not attend the meeting

  1. Mr LAU Hing-kee, Sai Kung District Council
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)1071/05-06(05) - issued on 14 March 2006 (Chinese version only))
*VI.Consultation paper on the establishment of the Communications Authority
(11:35 am - 12:05 pm)

(issued on 3 March 2006)

-Legislative Council brief on consultation paper on the establishment of the Communications Authority

VII.2004 Digital 21 Strategy - Progress report for 2005 and targets for 2006
(12:05 pm - 12:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)820/05-06(04)
(English version (revised) and Chinese version issued on 6 February 2006)

-Information paper provided by Administration

VIII.Any other business
(12:35 pm - 12:45 pm)

The Deputy Chairman's proposal to visit Foshan to study the development of digital audio/multi-media broadcasting

LC Paper No. CB(1)1046/05-06(01)
(issued on 8 March 2006)

-Letter dated 24 February 2006 from Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG

LC Paper No. FS09/05-06
(issued on 13 March 2006 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)1068/05-06)

-Fact sheet on "廣東省佛山電台數碼聲音廣播及數碼多媒體廣播" prepared by the Research and Library Services Division (Chinese version only)

# Members of the Panel on Security and all other Hon Members of Legislative Council are invited to take part in the discussion of item IV.

* All other Hon Members of Legislative Council are invited to take part in the discussion of items V and VI as they relate to future legislative proposals.

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
20 March 2006

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