BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009

Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products


Year 2010 - 2011

Schedule of hearings

Date Time Venue Name and Title of Witnesses
19 October 2010
9:00 am Chamber Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander*
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.
19 October 2010
9:10 am Chamber Ms HUEN Wai-yi, Mary*
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
19 October 2010
9:15 am Chamber Ms LUM So-fan, Fanny*
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
19 October 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
23 October 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
23 October 2010
2:30 pm Chamber
-Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
2 November 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr Derek WONG Hon-hing
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Dah Sing Bank, Limited; and

-Mr John LAM Cheung-wah
Alternate Chief Executive and Executive Director
Dah Sing Bank, Limited
5 November 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr Derek WONG Hon-hing
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Dah Sing Bank, Limited; and

-Mr John LAM Cheung-wah
Alternate Chief Executive and Executive Director
Dah Sing Bank, Limited
9 November 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr Derek WONG Hon-hing
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Dah Sing Bank, Limited; and

-Mr John LAM Cheung-wah
Alternate Chief Executive and Executive Director
Dah Sing Bank, Limited
December 2010 - - 14 hearings for 14 witnesses from banks *
January 2011 - - 12 hearings for 12 witnesses from banks *
25 February 2011
9:30 am Chamber Ms IP Chun
25 February 2011
10:15 am Chamber Mr NG Joong-yee
25 February 2011
11:10 am Chamber Ms HO Lai-yuet
18 March 2011
9:30 am Chamber Ms TAM Sui-lin
18 March 2011
10:15 am Chamber Ms KO Yuk-ha
22 March 2011
9:30 am Chamber Ms CHUNG Kit-chu
22 March 2011
10:15 am Chamber Mr KAN Bing-kwong
25 March 2011
9:30 am Conference Room A Mr TSE Chin-to
25 March 2011
10:15 am Conference Room A Ms FUNG Kit-mui
12 April 2011
9:30 am Chamber Ms FUNG King-cheung, Vency
12 April 2011
10:15 am Chamber Ms CHAN King-hing
12 April 2011
11:10 am Chamber Mr YIP Kai-chiu
19 April 2011
9:30 am Chamber Ms LI Yuk-mui
19 April 2011
10:15 am Chamber Ms LAW Siu-luen
19 April 2011
11:10 am Chamber Mr KWOK Ming-sum
31 May 2011
10:15 am Chamber Mr YEE Heung-ming

(* Closed sessions)

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Year 2009 - 2010

Schedule of hearings

Date Time Venue Name and Title of Witnesses
10 November 2009
9:30 am Chamber Mr Y K CHOI, JP
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
17 November 2009
9:30 am Chamber Mr Y K CHOI, JP
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
11 December 2009
9:30 am Chamber Mr John C TSANG, JP
Financial Secretary
18 December 2009
9:30 am Chamber Mr John C TSANG, JP
Financial Secretary
8 January 2010
9:30 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
19 January 2010
9:30 am Chamber Mr Harold KO*
26 January 2010
9:30 am Chamber Mr Harold KO
29 January 2010
9:30 am Chamber Mr Harold KO
9 February 2010
9:30 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
26 March 2010
9:30 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
16 April 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Ms YIP Yok-tak, Amy
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited;

-Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director
Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
20 April 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Ms YIP Yok-tak, Amy
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited;

-Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director
Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
23 April 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Ms YIP Yok-tak, Amy
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited;

-Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director
Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
30 April 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Ms YIP Yok-tak, Amy
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited;

-Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director
Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
7 May 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HUNG Pi-cheng, Benjamin
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms HUEN Wai-yi, Mary
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
11 May 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HUNG Pi-cheng, Benjamin
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms HUEN Wai-yi, Mary
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
14 May 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HUNG Pi-cheng, Benjamin
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms HUEN Wai-yi, Mary
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
25 May 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr LO Wai-pak, Weber
Chief Executive Officer & Country Business Manager
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms LUM So-fan, Fanny
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
28 May 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr LO Wai-pak, Weber
Chief Executive Officer & Country Business Manager
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms LUM So-fan, Fanny
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
1 June 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr LO Wai-pak, Weber
Chief Executive Officer & Country Business Manager
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms LUM So-fan, Fanny
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
4 June 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HUNG Pi-cheng, Benjamin
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ; and

-Ms HUEN Wai-yi, Mary
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
29 June 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Ms YIP Yok-tak, Amy
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited;

-Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director
Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
6 July 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland, N.V.; and

Chief Operating Officer (Retail and Commercial Markets, Asia)
The Royal Bank of Scotland, N.V.
9 July 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland, N.V.; and

Chief Operating Officer (Retail and Commercial Markets, Asia) The Royal Bank of Scotland, N.V.
13 July 2010
9:00 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP*
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
13 July 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; and

Chief Operating Officer (Retail and Commercial Markets, Asia)
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.
21 September 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; and

Chief Operating Officer (Retail and Commercial Markets, Asia)
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.
28 September 2010
10:45 am Conference Room A Ms Linda WONG*
Managing Director
Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
28 September 2010
11:00 am Conference Room A Mr LAM Yim-nam*
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
28 September 2010
11:15 am Conference Room A Ms LUM So-fan, Fanny*
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
28 September 2010
11:30 am Conference Room A Mr LAM Cheung-wah, John*
Alternate Chief Executive
Dah Sing Bank, Limited
5 October 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
8 October 2010
9:30 am Chamber
-Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited; and

-Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
8 October 2010
12:35 pm Chamber Mr LAM Yim-nam*
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

(* Closed sessions)

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Year 2008 - 2009

Schedule of hearings

Date Time Venue Name and Title of Witnesses
20 February 2009
10:00 am Chamber Professor CHAN Ka-keung, Ceajer, SBS, JP
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
24 February 2009
10:00 am Chamber Professor CHAN Ka-keung, Ceajer, SBS, JP
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
27 February 2009
10:00 am Chamber Professor CHAN Ka-keung, Ceajer, SBS, JP
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
20 March 2009
10:00 am Chamber Professor CHAN Ka-keung, Ceajer, SBS, JP
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
14 April 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
Monetary Authority
17 April 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
Monetary Authority
28 April 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
Monetary Authority
8 May 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
Monetary Authority
15 May 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
Monetary Authority
22 May 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
Monetary Authority
26 May 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Y K CHOI, JP
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
2 June 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Y K CHOI, JP
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
5 June 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Y K CHOI, JP
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
12 June 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Y K CHOI, JP
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
23 June 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
26 June 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
3 July 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
7 July 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
17 July 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Brian HO
Executive Director
Corporate Finance Division of the Securities and Futures Commission
21 July 2009
10:00 am Chamber Mr Brian HO
Executive Director
Corporate Finance Division of the Securities and Futures Commission
3 August 2009
2:30 pm Chamber Mr Martin WHEATLEY, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission

(* Closed sessions)

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