
Amend provisions of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance relating to the construction, application and interpretation of laws to ensure conformity with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and with the status of Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

Enacted by the Provisional Legislative Council.

1. Short title, commencement and application

  1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Adaptation of Laws (Interpretative Provisions) Ordinance.
  2. This Ordinance shall be deemed to have come into operation on July 1997.
  3. Save where the contrary intention appears either from the amended Ordinance or from the context of any other Ordinance or instrument, the provisions of the amended Ordinance shall apply to the amended Ordinance and to any other Ordinance in force, whether such other Ordinance came or comes into operation before, on or after 1 July 1997, and to any instrument made or issued under or by virtue of any such Ordinance.
  4. Subsections (2) and (3) shall be subject to article 12 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights set out in Part II of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap. 383).
  5. In this section, "amended Ordinance" (經修訂的條例) means the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) as amended by this Ordinance.

2. Application

Section 2(2) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) is repealed and the following substituted--

"(2) This Ordinance shall be binding on the State.".

3. Laws previously in force

Section 2A(4) is amended by repealing the definition of "Basic Law".

4. Interpretation of words and expressions

Section 3 is amended--

    1. by repealing the definitions of "alien", "British citizen", "British Dependent Territories citizen", "British Overseas citizen", "British protected person", "British subject", "Chief Justice", "Chief Secretary for Administration", "Clerk to the Executive Council", "Clerk to the Legislative Council", "Colony" and "Hong Kong", "committed for trial", "common law", "Commonwealth citizen", "counsel", "court", "Crown Agents", "Crown lease", "District Court", "District Judge", "Executive Council", "export", "Financial Secretary", "Gazette", "general revenue", "Government", "Government Printer", "Governor", "Governor in Council", "Governor in Executive Council" and "Governor with the advice of the Executive Council", "harbour", "health officer", "imperial enactment", "import", "judge", "law", "Legislative Council", "New Territories", "offence", "Order in Council", "Ordinance" and "enactment", "Parliament" and "Imperial Parliament", "police officer", "Privy Council", "public holiday" and "general holiday", "public officer" and "public servant", "public seal", "Registrar of the Supreme Court", "Secretary for Justice", "Secretary of State", "solicitor", "statutory declaration", "street" and "road", "subsidiary legislation" and "regulations", "Supreme Court", "territorial waters", "treaty", "trust territory", "United Kingdom", "Victoria", "waters of the Colony", "waters of Hong Kong" and "Colonial waters" and "years of age";
    2. by adding--
""alien" (外籍人士) means a person other than a Chinese citizen;

"Basic Law" (《基本法》) means the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"Chief Executive" (行政長官) means--

    1. the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
    2. a person for the time being assuming the duties of the Chief Executive according to the provisions of Article 53 of the Basic Law;

"Chief Executive in Council" (行政長官會同行政會議) means the Chief Executive acting after consultation with the Executive Council;

"Chief Judge" (高等法院首席法官) means the Chief Judge of the High Court;

"Chief Justice" (終審法院首席法官) means the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal;

"Chief Secretary for Administration" (政務司司長) means the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"China" (中國) means the People's Republic of China;

"Chinese citizen" and "Chinese national" (中國公民) mean a person who has Chinese nationality under the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China in Schedule 4 to the Promulgation of National Laws 1997; (L.N. 379 of 1997);

"Clerk to the Executive Council" (行政會議秘書) includes any person appointed by the Chief Executive to be Deputy Clerk to the Executive Council;

"Clerk to the Legislative Council" (立法會秘書) means the Secretary General of the Legislative Council Secretariat appointed under section 15(1) of The Legislative Council Commission Ordinance (Cap. 443) and includes the Deputy Secretary General and any Assistant Secretary General of the Legislative Council Secretariat;

"committed for trial" (交付審判), when used in relation to a person, means--

  1. committed to prison with a view to his being tried before the Court of First Instance; or
  2. admitted to bail to appear and stand his trial before the Court of First Instance;

"common law" (普通法) means the common law in force in Hong Kong;

"counsel" (大律師) means a person admitted before the Court of First Instance to practise as counsel;

"court" (法院、法庭) means any court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of competent jurisdiction;

"Court of Appeal" (上訴法庭) means the Court of Appeal of the High court;

"Court of First Instance" (原訟法庭) means the Court of First Instance of the High Court;

"Crown lease" (官契) means any lease granted by the Crown before 1 July 1997, any instrument whereby the term of a Crown lease may have been extended or the provisions thereof varied and any agreement for a Crown lease;

"department" (部門), in relation to the Government, includes bureau;

"District Court" (區域法院) means the District Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"District Judge" (區域法院法官) means a judge of the District Court;

"enactment" (成文法則) has the same meaning as Ordinance;

"Executive Council" (行政會議) means the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"export" (輸出、出口) means to take out or cause to be taken out of Hong Kong by air, land or water;

"Financial Secretary" (財政司司長) means the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Secretary for the Treasury;

"Gazette" (憲報) means--

  1. the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette and any supplement thereto;
  2. the Gazette published by the Administration on or between 12 October 1945 and 1 May 1946;
  3. the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette Extraordinary;
  4. the Hong Kong Government Gazette and any supplement thereto published before 1 July 1997;
  5. any Special Gazette or Gazette Extraordinary published before 1 July 1997;

"general holiday" and "public holiday" (公眾假期、公眾假日) mean any day which is a general holiday for the purposes of the Holidays Ordinance (Cap. 149);

"general revenue" (政府一般收入) means the general revenue of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"Government" (特區政府) means the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"Government lease" (政府租契) means a lease of land granted by or on behalf of the Government, and includes--

    1. an instrument whereby--
      1. the term of the lease has been extended; or
      2. the provisions of the lease have been varied;
    2. an agreement for such a lease; and
    3. a Crown lease;

"Government Printer" (政府印務局) means--

  1. the Government Printer of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and any other printer authorized by or on behalf of the Chief Executive to print any Ordinance or any other document of the Government;
  2. in relation to any Ordinance or any other document printed before 1 July 1997, the Government Printer within the meaning of this section as in force immediately before that date;

"harbour" (海港) means the waters of Hong Kong within the boundaries specified in Schedule 3;

"health officer" (衛生主任) means--

  1. the Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Director of Health;
  2. any person appointed as a health officer by the Chief Executive; and
  3. any person for the time being performing the duties of a health officer under any Ordinance;

"High Court" (高等法院) means the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region established under section 3 of the Supreme Court Ordinance (Cap. 4);

"HKSAR" (特區) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China;

"Hong Kong" (香港) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"Hong Kong permanent resident" and "permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (香港永久性居民、香港特別行政區永久性居民) mean a person who belongs to a class or description of persons specified in Schedule 1 to the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115);

"Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (香港特別行政區) means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the geographical extent of which is the land and sea specified or referred to in Schedule 2;

"import" (輸入、進口) means to bring or cause to be brought into Hong Kong by air, land or water;

"Joint Declaration" (聯合聲明) means the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong done at Beijing on 19 December 1984;

"judge" (法官) means the Chief Justice, a judge of the Court of Final Appeal, the Chief Judge, a Justice of Appeal, a judge of the Court of First Instance, a recorder of the Court of First Instance and a deputy judge of the Court of First Instance;

"law" (法律、法例、法) means any law for the time being in force in, having legislative effect in, extending to, or applicable in, Hong Kong;

"Legislative Council" (立法會) means--

  1. the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
  2. the Provisional Legislative Council during its existence;

"Ministry of Foreign Affairs" (外交部) means the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central People's Government;

"national law applying in Hong Kong" (在香港實施的全國性法律) means a national law applied in Hong Kong pursuant to the provisions of Article 18 of the Basic Law;

"New Territories" (新界) means the area specified or referred to in Schedule 5A;

"offence" (罪、罪行、罪項、犯法行為) includes any crime and any contravention or other breach of, or failure to comply with, any provision of any law, for which a penalty is provided;

"order paper" (議事程序表), in relation to the Legislative Council, includes agenda;

"Ordinance" (條例) means--

  1. any Ordinance enacted by the Legislative Council;
  2. any Ordinance adopted by virtue of Article 160 of the Basic Law as a law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
  3. any subsidiary legislation made under any such Ordinance except any such subsidiary legislation which has pursuant to Article 160 of the Basic Law been declared to be in contravention of the Basic Law; and
  4. any provision or provisions of any such Ordinance or subsidiary legislation;

"People's Republic of China" (中華人民共和國) includes Taiwan, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macau;

"police officer" (警務人員) and terms or expressions referring to ranks in the Hong Kong Police Force shall bear the meanings respectively assigned to them by the Police Force Ordinance (Cap. 232);

"Provisional Legislative Council" (臨時立法會) means the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"public officer" (公職人員) means any person holding an office of emolument under the Government, whether such office be permanent or temporary;

"public seal" (公印) means the public seal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"public servant" (公務員、公務人員) has the same meaning as public officer;

"Registrar of the High Court" (高等法院司法常務官) means the Registrar of the High Court and any Deputy or Assistant Registrar of the High Court;

"regulations" (規例) has the same meaning as subsidiary legislation and subordinate legislation;

"road" (路、道路) has the same meaning as street;

"Secretary for Justice" (律政司司長) means the Secretary for Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"sitting", in relation to the Legislative Council, includes meeting;

"solicitor" (律師) means a person admitted before the Court of First Instance to practise as a solicitor;

"State" ("國家") means--

  1. the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
  2. the Central Authorities of the People's Republic of China that exercise--
    1. executive functions;
    2. functions for which the Central People's Government has responsibility under the Basic Law; or
    3. any combination of any of those functions; and
  3. subordinate organs of any of those Central Authorities that--
    1. exercise any of those functions on behalf of those Central Authorities; and
    2. do not exercise commercial functions,when acting within the scope of the delegated authority, and the delegated functions, of the subordinate organ concerned;

"statutory declaration" (法定聲明), if made--

  1. in Hong Kong, means a declaration under the repealed Statutory Declarations Ordinance or the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap. 11);
  2. in any other common law jurisdiction, means a declaration made before a justice of the peace, notary public, or other person having authority therein under any legal provision for the time being in force in the jurisdiction to take or receive a declaration;
  3. in the mainland of the People's Republic of China, means a declaration made before a notary pursuant to his notarial functions;
  4. in any other place, means a declaration made before a consul of the People's Republic of China or a person having authority under a statute for the time being in force in the place to take or receive a declaration;

"street" (街、街道) means--

  1. any highway, street, road, bridge, thorough-fare, parade, square, court, alley, lane, bridle-way, footway, passage or tunnel; and
  2. any open place, whether or not situate on land the subject of a Government lease, used or frequented by the public or to which the public have or are permitted to have access;

"subsidiary legislation" and "subordinate legislation" (附屬法例、 附屬法規、 附屬立法) mean any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, resolution, notice, of court, bylaw or other instrument made under or by virtue of any ance and having legislative effect;

"treaty" (條約) means a treaty, convention or agreement made between states, and any protocol or declaration attached thereto or independent thereof but referring thereto;

"waters of Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong waters" (香港水域) mean all waters, whether navigable or not, included in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

"years of age" (歲、年歲、年齡) and words of like meaning, when used in reference to the age of any person, means years of age calculated from the date of birth.".

5.Definition of "Commonwealth"

Section 4 is repealed.

6.Section substituted

Section 6 is repealed and the following substituted--

"6.References to Government property

    1. Where reference is made in any Ordinance to property and the expressions used in relation thereto imply that the property is owned by, belongs to, or reverts to, the Government, or convey a similar meaning, the reference shall be construed in accordance with Article 7 of the Basic Law.
    2. In this section, "property" (財產) means any of the land and natural resources within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.".

7.Chinese and English words and expressions

Section 9 is amended by adding "and English words and expressions in the Chinese text of an Ordinance shall be construed according to English language and custom" after "custom".

8.References to pounds sterling

Section 10 is repealed.

9.Expressions of common law

Section 10C(2) is repealed.

10.Marginal notes and section headings

Section 18(1) is amended--

  1. by repealing "or paragraph of any imperial enactment" and substituting ", paragraph or other provision of any law of a place outside Hong Kong or any treaty";
  2. by repealing "or paragraph of the imperial enactment" and substituting ", paragraph or provision of that law or treaty".

11.Commencement, etc., of Ordinance

Section 20 is amended--

  1. in subsection (2), by repealing "comes into operation" and substituting "commences";
  2. by repealing subsection (3) and substituting--

"(3) If an Ordinance--

  1. is to commence on a day to be notified in the Gazette, the notice may fix different days--
    1. for different provisions to commence (including commence for different purposes);
    2. for the same provisions to commence for different purposes
  2. is to be repealed from a day to be notified in the Gazette, the notice may fix different days--
    1. from which different provisions are to be repealed (including repealed for different purposes);
    2. from which the same provisions are to be repealed for different purposes,

and different notices may fix different days--

  1. for different provisions and for different purposes;
  2. for the same provisions for different purposes.".

12.Section substituted

Section 21 is repealed and the following substituted--

"21. Invalidation

(1)Where an Ordinance is returned pursuant to Article 17 of the Basic Law, the invalidation of the Ordinance shall as soon as possible be notified by the Chief Executive by notice in the Gazette.

(2)Where an Ordinance is invalidated as referred to in subsection (1), the provisions of section 23 shall apply as if the Ordinance had been repealed.

(3)An Ordinance repealed or amended by an Ordinance which is invalidated as referred to in subsection (1) shall revive and continue in force in its original form.".

13.Section substituted

Section 27 is repealed and the following substituted--

"27.Effect of expiry, etc. of Ordinance

Where an Ordinance--

  1. expires or lapses;
  2. has pursuant to Article 160 of the Basic Law been declared to be in contravention of the Basic Law; or
  3. is discovered to be in contravention of the Basic Law and, as specified in Article 160 of the Basic Law, ceases to have force in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Basic Law,

the provisions of section 23 shall apply as if the Ordinance had been repealed.".

14.Effect of repeal on subsidiary legislation

Section 36(1)(a) and (b) is amended by adding "in whole or in part" after "repeals".

15.Section added

The following is added--

"37A. Amendment of subsidiary legislation by Ordinance

The amendment of subsidiary legislation by an Ordinance does not prevent, and has never prevented, a person on whom power is conferred by an Ordinance (as defined in section 3) to make that subsidiary legislation (and whether or not the person made the subsidiary legislation) from amending that subsidiary legislation.".

16.Construction of enabling words

Section 40(2)(b) is amended by repealing "Crown" where it twice appears and substituting "Government".

17.Power to issue licences, etc. discretionary

Section 41 is amended by repealing "Crown" wherever it appears and substituting "Government".

18.Appointment of alternates

Section 50(b) is amended by repealing "the Colony" and substituting "Hong Kong".

19.Effect of past contracts by public officer

Section 60 is repealed.


Omission of title after signature of


public officer immaterial

Section 61 is amended by repealing "sections 59 and 60" and substituting "section 59".

21.Part heading substituted

The heading to Part IX is repealed and the following substituted--

"Government, Chief Executive and Chief Executive in Council".

22.Delegation by Chief Executive

Section 63(2) is repealed and the following substituted--

"(2)Nothing in subsection (1) shall authorize the Chief Executive to delegate any person to make subsidiary legislation, issue proclamations or to determine any appeal.".

23.Appeals and objections to Chief Executive in Council

Section 64(3) is amended by repealing "Supreme Court" and substituting "High Court".

24.Section substituted

Sections 65 and 66 are repealed and the following substituted--

"66.Saving of rights of State

(1)No Ordinance (whether enacted before, on or after 1 July 1997) shall in any manner whatsoever affect the right of or be binding on the State unless it is therein expressly provided or unless it appears by necessary implication that the State is bound thereby.

(2)The repeal and substitution of the former section 66 of this Ordinance effected by section 24 of the Adaptation of Laws (Interpretative Provisions) Ordinance ( of 1998) do not prejudice the operation of section 2A(2)(c), whether before, on or after that repeal and substitution.".

25.Hong Kong Time

Section 67(2) and (4) is amended by repealing "Greenwich Mean" and substituting "Universal Standard".

26.Part heading substituted

The heading to Part XI is repealed and the following substituted--

"National Laws Applying in Hong Kong".


Section 75 is amended--

    1. by repealing "An imperial enactment" and substituting "A national law applying in Hong Kong";
    2. by repealing "the Colony" and substituting "Hong Kong".

28.Section substituted

Section 76 is repealed and the following substituted--


Citation of national laws


applying in Hong Kong

A national law applying in Hong Kong may be cited by its full name and--

  1. the name of the body which adopted or approved it and the date on which it was adopted or approved;
  2. reference to the Gazette or other instrument in which it is promulgated; or
  3. reference to the order issued by the Central People's Government which applied it in Hong Kong.".


Construction of reference


to imperial enactment

Section 77 is repealed.


Reference to subsidiary legislation under


national laws applying in Hong Kong

Section 78 is amended--

    1. by repealing "imperial Act" and substituting "national law applying in Hong Kong";
    2. by repealing "Order in Council" and substituting "resolution";
    3. by adding "in Hong Kong" after "effect".

31.Copies of national laws applying in Hong Kong

Section 80 is amended--

    1. by repealing "an imperial enactment" and substituting "a national law applying in Hong Kong";
    2. by repealing "the imperial enactment" and substituting "the national law".

32.Section added

The following is added--


Appllication of section 23 to national laws


applying in Hong Kong

Where a law causes a national law applying in Hong Kong to cease in whole or in part to be such a national law, then the provisions of section 23 shall apply to and in relation to the national law as it applies to and in relation to an Ordinance repealed in whole or in part save where the contrary intention appears from the first-mentioned law or the national law.".


Application for production order in respect


of journalistic material

Section 84(1) is amended by repealing "High Court" and substituting "Court of First Instance".

34.Application for warrant to seize journalistic material

Section 85(1) is amended by repealing "High Court" and substituting "Court of First Instance".

35.Amendment of Schedules

Section 101 is amended by adding "(except Schedules 1 and 9)" after "Schedules".

36.Section added

The following is added--

"102. Amendment of Schedules 1 and 9

The Secretary for Justice may, by notice in the Gazette, amend Schedule 1 or repeal any of the provisions of Schedule 9.".

37.References to "Governor" amended to "Chief Executive", etc.

  1. Sections 10E(1), 29A(1), (2)(a) and (3), 62(1), 64 and 90 are amended by repealing "Governor in Council" wherever it appears and substituting "Chief Executive in Council".
  2. Sections 34(5), 45(ii), 47A(1) and (2), 57, 59, 61, 63(1) and (3) and 99 are amended by repealing "Governor" wherever it appears and substituting "Chief Executive".
  3. Section 62(1) is amended by repealing "Governor" where it first appears and substituting "Chief Executive".
  4. Section 62(1)(a) is amended by repealing "Governor" and substituting "Chief Executive".
  5. Sections 43(4), 45(i), 62(3) and 101 are amended by repealing "Governor" and substituting "Chief Executive in Council".
  6. Section 62(2) is amended by repealing "Governor himself" and substituting "Chief Executive in Council".
  7. Section 3 is amended--


in the definition of "公共機構"--


(i) by repealing "行政局" and substituting "行政會議";


(ii) by repealing "立法局" and substituting "立法會";


(iii) by repealing "政府" where it twice appears and substituting "特區政府"


in the definition of "judge of the Court of Final Appeal"--


(i) in the English text, by repealing "大";


(ii) in the Chinese text, by adding "終審法院" before "首席".

  1. Sections 10E(2), 29A(4), 34, 35, 54A(1), 67(2) and (3), 98A(2) and 100A(1) are amended by repealing "立法局" wherever it appears and substituting "立法會".
  2. Section 34(1) is amended by repealing "該局" and substituting "該會".
  3. Section 57(3) is amended by repealing "政府" and substituting "特區政府".
  4. Section 59 is amended by repealing "政府" where it twice appears and substituting "特區政府".
  5. Section 62(1)(b) is amended by repealing "行政局秘書" and substituting "行政會議秘書".
  6. Sections 84(2), 85(3) and (7), 87(2), (3) and (4), 88(5)(a) and 89(2) and (3) are amended by repealing "大法官或" wherever it appears.

38.Boundaries of the City of Victoria

Schedule 1 is amended by repealing "[s. 3]" and substituting "[s. 102 & Sch. 9]".

39.Schedule substituted

Schedule 2 is repealed and the following substituted--

"SCHEDULE 2 [s. 3]
The Land and Sea Comprising the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region

The land and sea comprised within the boundary of the administrative division of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China promulgated by the Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China No. 221 dated 1 July 1997 and published as S.S. No. 5 to Gazette No. 6/1997 of the Gazette.".

40.Area of Kowloon

Schedule 4 is amended by repealing all words after "which" and substituting "became part of Hong Kong on 24 October 1860.".

41.Schedule added

The following is added--

"SCHEDULE 5A[s. 3]

Area of New Territories

All of Hong Kong except the land and sea comprised within the boundary of Hong Kong immediately before 9 June 1898.".

42.Construction on and after 1 July 1997 of words and expressions in laws previously in force

Schedule 8 is amended by adding--


Any reference to "立法局" shall be construed as a reference to "立法會".


Any reference to "行政局" shall be construed as a reference to "行政會議".


Any reference to "地方法院法官" or "地院法官" shall be construed as a reference to "區域法院法官".


Any reference to "大法官" or "大法官或法官" shall be construed as a reference to "法官".


Any reference to "政府" shall be construed as a reference to "特區政府".


Any reference to "首席法官" or "首席大法官" shall be construed as a reference to "終審法院首席法官".".

43.Schedule added

The following is added--

"SCHEDULE 9[s. 102]

Temporary Provisions

1.Interpretation of words and expressions

"British citizen" (英國公民) means a person who has the status of a British citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"British Dependent Territories citizen" (英國屬土公民) means a person who has or had the status of a British Dependent Territories citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"British enactment" and "imperial enactment" (英國成文法則) mean--

  1. any Act of Parliament;
  2. any Order in Council; and
  3. any rule, regulation, proclamation, order, notice, rule of court, by-law or other instrument made under or by virtue of any such Act or Order in Council;

"British Overseas citizen" (英國海外公民) means a person who has the status of a British Overseas citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"British protected person" (受英國保護人士) means a person who has the status of a British protected person under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"British subject" (英籍人士) means a person who has the status of a British subject under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"Commonwealth" (英聯邦) means collectively--

    1. the United Kingdom;
    2. the Channel Islands;
    3. the Isle of Man;
    4. the countries mentioned in Schedule 3 to the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);
    5. the British Dependent Territories mentioned in Schedule 6 to the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"Commonwealth citizen" (英聯邦公民) means a person who has the status of a Commonwealth citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 (1981 c. 61 U.K.);

"Crown Agents" (英聯邦代辦) means the persons or body for the time being acting as Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations;

"Order in Council" (樞密院頒令) means an order made by Her Majesty in Her Privy Council (being the Lords and others for the time being of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council);

"Parliament" (國會) means the Parliament of England, the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of the United Kingdom;

"territorial waters" (領海) has the same meaning as waters of Hong Kong;

"United Kingdom" (聯合王國) means--

  1. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; or
  2. when used with reference to citizenship or nationality, Great Britain, Northern
  3. Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man;

"Victoria" (維多利亞) means the area within the boundaries specified in Schedule 1 to this Ordinance.


A British enactment shall be judicially noticed as such and shall be read with such modifications as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons, moneys, penalties or otherwise as may be necessary to make the same applicable to the circumstances of Hong Kong.

3.Citation of British enactments

A British enactment may be cited by a short title or citation, if any, or by reference to the regnal or calendar year in which it was passed or by the number assigned to any statutory instrument or statutory rule and order.

4.Construction of reference to British enactment

A reference in any law to a British enactment or to any provision, part or division thereof shall be construed as a reference to the same as the same may be from time to time amended on or before 1 January 1994 and as a reference to any British enactment or to any provision, part or division of a British enactment, substituted for it on or before 1 January 1994.

5.References to subsidiary legislation under British enactment

A reference in any law to any British enactment shall include a reference to any Order in Council, rule, regulation, proclamation, order, notice, rule of court, by-law or other instrument made under or by virtue thereof and having legislative effect.

6.Copies of British enactments

A copy of a British enactment shall, if it--

    1. is published in the Gazette or purports to be printed by the Government Printer; or
    2. is contained in any printed collection purporting to be published or printed by authority,

be deemed, until the contrary is proved, to be an authentic copy of the British enactment as at the date of such publication or printing.

7.Construction of certain references to Crown

  1. Where it is expressly provided in an Ordinance that the Ordinance--
    1. affects or does not affect the right of; or
    2. is or is not binding on,

the Crown, then that reference to the Crown shall be construed as a reference to the State.

  1. Subsection (1) does not prejudice the operation of section 2A(2)(c) of this Ordinance, whether before, on or after the commencement of this section.".

44.Consequential amendments

The enactments specified in the Schedule are amended as set out in the Schedule.

Consequential Amendments
Conveyancing and Property Ordinance

1.Construction of words and expressions

Section 15(e) of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap. 219) is amended--

    1. by repealing the definitions of "Colony" and "Hong Kong", "Crown lease", "Kowloon", New Territories" and "public holiday" and "general holiday";
    2. by adding--

    ""Crown lease" (官契) means a Government lease;

    "general holiday" and "public holiday" (公眾假期、公眾假日) mean a general holiday within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1);

    "Government lease" (政府租契) means a Government lease within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1);

    "Hong Kong" (香港) means Hong Kong within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1);

    "Kowloon" (九龍) means Kowloon within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1);

    "New Territories" (新界) means New Territories within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1);".

Shipping and Port Control Ordinance


Section 2 of the Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap. 313) is amended by repealing the definition of "waters of Hong Kong" and substituting--

""waters of Hong Kong" (香港水域) means waters of Hong Kong within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1).".

Marine Fish Culture Ordinance


Section 2 of the Marine Fish Culture Ordinance (Cap. 353) is amended by repealing the definition of "waters of Hong Kong" and substituting--

""waters of Hong Kong" (香港水域) means waters of Hong Kong within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1).".

Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance


Section 2(1) of the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap. 369) is amended by repealing the definition of "waters of Hong Kong" and substituting--

""waters of Hong Kong" (香港水域) means waters of Hong Kong within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1).".

Merchant Shipping (Liability and Compensation

for Oil Pollution) Ordinance

5.Contributions to the Fund

Section 23(10) of the Merchant Shipping (Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution) Ordinance (Cap. 414) is repealed and the following substituted--

"(10) In this section, "sea" (海) does not include any of the waters of Hong Kong within the meaning of section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1).".

Administrative Appeals Rules

6.Substitution of "Chief Executive in Council" for "Governor in Council" and revisions to certain Chinese characters

  1. Rule 2 (in the definition of "appeal") and rules 4, 7, 8, 9, 10(1), 12 and 13(1) and (3) of the Administrative Appeals Rules (Cap. 1 sub. leg.) are amended by repealing "Governor in Council" wherever it appears and substituting "Chief Executive in Council".
  2. Rule 2 (in the definition of "委員會") and rules 5, 6, 9(1) and 12 are amended by repealing "行政局" wherever it appears and substituting "行政會議".
  3. Rule 13 is amended by repealing "上訴法院" wherever it appears and substituting "上訴法庭".

Explanatory Memorandum

The purpose of this Bill is to amend the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) ("the Ordinance") to bring it into conformity with the Basic Law and the status of Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, and to make other amendments to the Ordinance which facilitate that purpose. The Bill also consequentially amends other enactments which refer to the Ordinance or rely upon definitions set out in section 3 of the Ordinance. The principal provisions of the Bill are described in the following paragraphs.

  1. Clause 1(2) makes the Bill retrospective to 1 July 1997. Clause 1(4) puts it beyond doubt that that retrospectivity will not apply to criminality.
  2. Clause 4(b) sets out all the new and revised definitions to be included in the Ordinance.
  3. Clause 6 introduces a new section 6 to provide that references in Ordinances to Government property shall be construed in accordance with Article 7 of the Basic Law. (Article 7 provides that the land and natural resources within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be state property).
  4. Clause 12 introduces a new section 21 to provide for notification in the Gazette of the invalidation of an Ordinance when it is returned pursuant to Article 17 of the Basic Law.
  5. Clause 13 introduces a new section 27 to provide for the application of section 23 of the Ordinance (which relates to the effect of repeals) to any Ordinance which has been declared to be in contravention of the Basic Law pursuant to Article 160 of the Basic Law or which ceases to have force pursuant to that Article.
  6. Clause 15 introduces a new section 37A to provide that the amendment of subsidiary legislation by an Ordinance does not prejudice a power conferred on a person to amend that subsidiary legislation.
  7. Clause 24 introduces a new section 66 to substitute a reference to the "State" (see the definition of "State" at clause 4(b)) for the reference to the "Crown" in the former section 66 relating to saving the rights of the Crown. (See, also, section 7 in new Schedule 9 at clause 43).
  8. Clause 28 introduces a new section 76 to provide for the citation of national laws applying in Hong Kong. (See the definition of "national law applying in Hong Kong" in clause 4(b)).
  9. Clause 32 introduces a new section 80A to apply section 23 of the Ordinance (which relates to the effect of repeals) to any national law applying in Hong Kong which ceases to so apply.
  10. Clause 37(5) and (6) amends references to "Governor" where he is empowered to make subsidiary legislation on his own to "Chief Executive in Council".
  11. Clause 39 introduces a new Schedule 2 to specify the land and sea comprising the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, whilst clauses 40 and 41 modify the descriptions identifying the areas of Kowloon and the New Territories respectively.
  12. Clause 43 introduces a new Schedule 9 containing temporary provisions for, inter alia, the interpretation of certain terms and British enactments. As the course of the adaptation of Hong Kong's laws renders those provisions redundant, the Secretary for Justice may amend that Schedule by virtue of new section 102 at clause 36.
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