First Legislative Council (1998 - 2000)

Subcommittee on matters relating to environmental hygiene

Terms of Reference

  1. Pest control

  2. Licensing services

  3. Hygiene services

  4. Market Services

  5. Cleansing services

  6. Toilet services

  7. Hawker management services

  8. Dead disposal services

Members (Year 1999-2000)(The term of office of members of this committee ended on the expiry of the term of the Legislative Council on 30 June 2000)
    Dr Hon TANG Siu-tong, JP (Chairman)
    Hon Fred LI Wah-ming, JP
    Hon CHAN Wing-chan
    Dr Hon LEONG Che-hung, JP
    Hon WONG Yung-kan
    Hon CHOY So-yuk

25 February 2000 Agenda Minutes
16 March 2000 Agenda Minutes
20 April 2000 Agenda Minutes
30 May 2000 Agenda Minutes
19 June 2000 Agenda Minutes



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