Visit and educational activities (for schools)

The Legislative Council Secretariat has rolled out online educational activities for schools. Schools may opt to join the educational activities either online or in person at the Legislative Council Complex.
Students will join a guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex (physical/virtual tour) to understand the facilities in the Complex, followed by tailored face-to-face/online education activities.

Target: Kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools

Application: Schools are required to create an account through the Guided Tour Booking System ("GTBS") for booking guided tours and educational activities. Please refer to "Booking arrangements" below for details.

  Guided Tour Booking System ("GTBS")
Educational activities
For Kindergarten
Learning objectives

To build up students’ knowledge of the Legislature and to nurture them with good civic awareness.

Participants will join a 60-minute programme (30-minute for online programme) comprising a guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex (physical/virtual tour) and the following educational activities:

With the aid of props and visual aids, we will present a story on law-making and law-abiding, or the work of Legislative Council Members. Extended activities will be conducted to stimulate students’ thoughts and enhance their understanding of the morals of the stories.

Interactive games
Interactive games will be conducted to enhance students’ understanding of the functions and work of the Legislative Council, as well as the basic values of a good citizen.

Post-visit learning activities
Colouring sheets
Teachers are welcome to download the colouring sheets featuring the main characters of the two storybooks published by the Legislative Council Secretariat, and make photocopies for their students:

For Primary School
Learning objectives

To supplement classroom teaching on subjects relating to the Legislative Council and to provide students with basic knowledge about the Legislature.


Online activity (around 45 minutes)

Participants will join a virtual guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex (10 minutes), and the following online educational activity (35 minutes):

Role-play on the work of the Legislative Council
Part I – Presentation on the composition and functions of the Legislative Council (15 minutes); and
Part II – Role-play on the work of the Legislative Council (20 minutes) focusing on a mock motion debate, with details as follows:

Mock motion debate – The topics of mock motion debate and related scripts are provided as follows:

Face-to-face activity (around 60 minutes)

Participants will join a guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex (25 minutes), and one of the following educational activity (35 minutes):

Interactive educational activities
Part I – Presentation on the composition and functions of the Legislative Council (15 minutes); and
Part II – Interactive games to introduce the law-making process and to discuss various current issues with students (20 minutes).

Observation of Council meeting (usually on Wednesdays while the Council is in session)
Part I – Briefing on the proceedings of Council meetings (10 minutes); and
Part II – Observing a meeting at the Public Gallery of the Chamber of the Legislative Council Complex (25 minutes).

Schools may take reference to DIY role-play on the law-making process and to conduct an in-class role-play activity by using the scripts provided below.

Role-play on the work of the Legislative Council

Passage of a mock bill – The suggested topics of mock bill and related scripts are provided as follows:

Mock motion debate – The suggested topics of mock motion debate and related scripts are provided as follows:

Post-visit learning activities

Teachers are welcome to download the below worksheets and make photocopies for their students:

To obtain answers to the worksheets, teachers may email to, with his/her name and the name of school.

For Secondary School
Learning objectives

To raise students’ social and political awareness and enhance their understanding of the work of the Legislature.


Online activity (around 45 minutes)

Participants will join a virtual guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex (10 minutes), and the following online educational activity (35 minutes):

Role-play on the work of the Legislative Council
Part I – Presentation on the composition and functions of the Legislative Council (15 minutes); and
Part II – Role-play on the work of the Legislative Council (20 minutes) focusing on a mock motion debate, with details as follows:

Mock motion debate – The topics of mock motion debate and related scripts are provided as follows:

Face-to-face activity (around 60 minutes)

Participants will join a guided tour of the Legislative Council Complex (25 minutes), and one of the following educational activity (35 minutes):

Interactive educational activities
Part I – Presentation on the composition and functions of the Legislative Council (15 minutes); and
Part II – Interactive games to introduce the law-making process and to discuss various current issues with students (20 minutes).

Observation of Council meeting (usually on Wednesdays while the Council is in session)
Part I – Briefing on the proceedings of Council meetings (10 minutes); and
Part II – Observing a meeting at the Public Gallery of the Chamber of the Legislative Council Complex (25 minutes).

Schools may take reference to DIY role-play on the law-making process and to conduct an in-class role-play activity by using the scripts provided below.

Role-play on the work of the Legislative Council

Passage of a mock bill – The suggested topics of mock bill and related scripts are provided as follows:

Mock motion debate – The suggested topics of mock motion debate and related scripts are provided as follows:

Mock Question Time – Teachers are suggested to download the below information provided by the Legislative Council Secretariat and guide the students to conduct research on the topic. (Participants have to prepare their own questions relating to a selected topic and the responses by the Administration)

The suggested topics of mock Question Time are provided as follows:

  • Protection of animal welfare
Information provided
  • Daya Bay contingency plan
Information provided
Post-visit learning activities
Teachers are welcome to download the below worksheets and make photocopies for their students:

To obtain answers to the worksheets, teachers may email to, with his/her name and the name of school.

Booking arrangements
  1. Each local school can book up to five tours/activities per academic year (from September to the following August), on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Activities to be held in the coming 14 days are not available for booking.
  3. Create an account on GTBS:
    - Schools are required to create an account through the GTBS for booking educational activities;
    - Each school can apply for one booking account; and
    - Applicants are required to complete the registration form, and upload the completed form with a signature and stamp to GTBS. The Tour Office will process and verify the application within approximately seven working days. The school will receive an email notification upon account activation.
  4. Booking procedures:
    - Login to GTBS, select your desired date or activity type, then choose the time slot and complete the reservation form as instructed. Schools with successful reservations will receive a confirmation email from GTBS;
    - After making a reservation, schools can modify the activity details, including the date and time, contact information, and the number of participants, through GTBS up to 3 days before the activity. Schools can also cancel the booking through GTBS if necessary;
    - For any changes or cancellations within 3 days prior to the activity, please contact the Tour Office at 3919 3441 during office hours; and
    - The Secretariat reserves the right to cancel or make any adjustments to any scheduled educational activities if necessary. Schools will be informed of the cancellation or adjustments in advance.
Inclement weather/Special circumstances
  1. If the Education Bureau announces the suspension of classes of schools, scheduled educational activities for schools (including physical and virtual activities) on that day will be cancelled accordingly.
  2. In case of other inclement weather or traffic incidents, schools may decide whether the scheduled educational activities on that day should be cancelled. If it is decided that the activities be cancelled, they should inform the Visitor Services Team at (852) 3919 3441 accordingly.
  3. If educational activities are cancelled under the above circumstances, schools may contact the Visitor Services Team for re-scheduling the activities. However, as activity sessions available are limited, the Legislative Council Secretariat may not be able to re-schedule another activity as requested within a short period of time.

For booking procedures:
Telephone: (852) 3919 3441 / Email:
For educational activities:
Telephone: (852) 3919 3433 / Email: