Access to documents and records of The Legislative Council Commission

Documents and records of The Legislative Council Commission ("the Commission") are released to the public through the Legislative Council Secretariat according to the established procedures given in the Access to Information Policy ("the Policy").

Maximum records closure period

The documents and records of the Commission in the custody of the Legislative Council Secretariat may be made available for access subject to the following -
  1. Unclassified records will be open 20 years after creation or the publishing of the final report by the Commission, unless disclosure is prohibited by law.;
  2. Classified records will be subject to review for declassification against the exempted categories of information and records of the Policy within 25 years after creation or the publishing of the final report by the Commission, unless disclosure is prohibited by law;
  3. For those classified records which remain to be classified after the review for declassification, they will be reviewed again every four years; and
  4. All classified records will be kept closed for a maximum of 50 years unless the disclosure is prohibited by law.

Exempted categories of documents and records of The Legislative Council Commission

Documents and records which fall under the following exempted categories may not be made available for public inspection:
  1. documents or records the disclosure of which is prohibited by statute law or common law that applies to Hong Kong;
  2. documents or records relating to law enforcement, legal proceedings and legal professional privilege the disclosure of which would harm or prejudice the enforcement of law, the administration of justice, any legal proceedings being conducted or likely to be conducted or the parties concerned;
  3. documents or records held for or provided by any party under an explicit understanding that it would not be disclosed without the consent of that party;
  4. documents or records relating to individual complaint cases;
  5. documents or records obtained or transferred in confidence between Members and the Legislative Council Secretariat;
  6. documents or records relating to the business and operation of The Legislative Council Commission and the Legislative Council Secretariat the disclosure of which would harm or prejudice such business and operation; and
  7. documents or records the access to which would be detrimental to their preservation.

Open documents and records

Open documents and records of The Legislative Council Commission ("the Commission") are updated periodically. They are available at:
Some of the official publications of the Commission are available for sale at the LegCo's Souvenir Shop in the LegCo Complex.

Closed documents and records

Members of the public who wish to access to closed documents and records of the Commission may make such request to the Access to Information Officer.
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Maximum records closure period
Exempted categories of documents and records of The Legislative Council Commission
Open documents and records
Closed documents and records