Local visits

Panel on Security

Visit to Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance
of Hong Kong Police Force on 23 April 2024
The Legislative Council Panel on Security conducted a visit to the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and the Anti-Deception Alliance of Hong Kong Police Force ("HKPF") on 23 April 2024 to learn more about the latest measures and initiatives of HKPF to combat deception cases.
Members participating in the visit included the Chairman of the Panel Hon CHAN Hak-kan, Deputy Chairman of the Panel Hon Carmen KAN Wai-mun and Panel members Hon Elizabeth QUAT, Ir Hon LEE Chun-keung, Dr Hon Johnny NG Kit-chong, Hon LAM San-keung, Hon YIU Pak-leung, Hon CHAN Pui-leung, Hon Benson LUK Hon-man, Hon Edmund WONG Chun-sek, Hon LAI Tung-kwok and Hon SHANG Hailong, as well as non-Panel members Dr Hon Junius HO Kwan-yiu, Hon YUNG Hoi-yan, Hon Doreen KONG Yuk-foon, Hon CHAU Siu-chung, Hon Duncan CHIU, Hon Edward LEUNG Hei, Hon Judy CHAN Kapui, Ir Hon CHAN Siu-hung, Dr Hon NGAN Man-yu and Prof Hon William WONG Kam-fai.