Panel on Manpower (Papers)

Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013


Minimum wages

Year 2015 - 2016

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
  2015 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey 19 April 2016
CB(2)1295/15-16(03) Administration's press release on the 2015 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey 19 April 2016
CB(2)1944/15-16(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to "Major findings of the 2015 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey" at the meeting on 19 April 2016 (Follow-up paper) 19 April 2016
CB(2)1337/15-16(01) Major findings of the 2015 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey (Power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 19 April 2016
CB(2)1295/15-16(04) Paper on the Annual Earnings and Hours Survey prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 19 April 2016

Year 2014 - 2015

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)383/14-15(01) Administration's responses to issues raised at meetings on 9 and 21 October 2014 (Follow-up paper) 9 October 2014
CB(2)441/14-15(05) Administration's paper on the results of review of the special arrangement for employees with disabilities under the Statutory Minimum Wage regime 16 December 2014
CB(2)441/14-15(06) Paper on the special arrangement for employees with disabilities under the Statutory Minimum Wage regime prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 16 December 2014
  2014 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey 21 April 2015
CB(2)1260/14-15(03) Administration's press release on the 2014 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey 21 April 2015
CB(2)2122/14-15(01) Administration's response to the request for information in relation to discussion on "Major findings of the 2014 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey" (Follow-up paper) 21 April 2015
CB(2)1316/14-15(01) Major findings of the 2014 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey (Power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 21 April 2015
CB(2)1260/14-15(04) Paper on the Annual Earnings and Hours Survey prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 21 April 2015

Year 2013 - 2014

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date

2013 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey 15 April 2014
CB(2)1279/13-14(04) Administration's press release on the 2013 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey 15 April 2014
CB(2)1320/13-14(01) Major findings of the 2013 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey (Power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 15 April 2014
CB(2)1279/13-14(05) Paper on the Annual Earnings and Hours Survey prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 15 April 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(03) Administration's paper on the review of the statutory minimum wage rate 17 June 2014
CB(2)1812/13-14(01) Joint submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Catering Industry Association, Association of Restaurant Managers and Hong Kong & Kowloon Vermicelli & Noodle Manufacturing Industry Merchants' General Association (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(04) Paper on the statutory minimum wage prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1865/13-14(01) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1846/13-14(02) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Democratic Party (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(12) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(10) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Buildings Management And Security Workers General Union (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1812/13-14(02) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(07) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Ltd. (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(08) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Professionals And Senior Executives Association (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(11) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Taxi Owners' Association Limited (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(05) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Institution of Dining Art (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(13) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from Momentum 107 (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(09) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from New People's Party (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1812/13-14(03) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Ltd. (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(06) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1846/13-14(01) Submission on the review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Rights and Benefits Committee (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1849/13-14(01) Letter dated 11 June 2014 from Hon KWOK Wai-keung regarding his proposed Members' Bill entitled "Minimum Wage (Amendment) Bill 2014" (Chinese version only) 17 July 2014

Year 2012 - 2013

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)644/12-13(01) Administration's information on assessment of productivity of employees with disabilities after the implementation of statutory minimum wage (Follow-up paper) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(03) Administration's paper on review of the statutory minimum wage rate 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(07) Joint submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Catering Industry Association and Association of Restaurant Managers (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(04) Paper on statutory minimum wage rate prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 20 November 2012
CB(2)244/12-13(05) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from a deputation (亞洲和香港民生關注組) (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)225/12-13(01) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong - Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers (New Territories) (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(09) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Chamber of Security Industry (English version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)244/12-13(01) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)216/12-13(01) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Environmental Services Contractors Alliance (Hong Kong) (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)216/12-13(05) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Environmental Services Operatives Union (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)216/12-13(02) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(10) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from FGG (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)244/12-13(03) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)251/12-13(02) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Environmental Services, Logistics & Cleaning Employees Association (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(08) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(05) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Institution of Dining Art (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)244/12-13(02) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Liberal Party (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)225/12-13(02) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from North District Employment Concern Group (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)225/12-13(03) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Oxfam Hong Kong 20 November 2012
CB(2)244/12-13(04) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from People's Alliance for Minimum Wage (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)216/12-13(03) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from Taxi & P.L.B Concern Group (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)216/12-13(04) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)207/12-13(06) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)225/12-13(04) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)251/12-13(01) Submission on review of statutory minimum wage rate from The Hong Kong General Union of Security & Property Management Industry Employees (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)848/12-13(01) Administration's press release on the 2012 Report on Annual Earnings and Hours Survey, including the hyperlink for the report 16 April 2013
CB(2)994/12-13(01) Major findings of the 2012 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey (Power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 16 April 2013
CB(2)948/12-13(03) Paper on the Annual Earnings and Hours Survey prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 16 April 2013