Subcommittee on Peak Tramway (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2018 and Peak Tramway Ordinance (Amendment of Section 3(3)) Notice 2018

Subcommittee on Peak Tramway (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2018 and Peak Tramway Ordinance (Amendment of Section 3(3)) Notice 2018

Bullet Legislative Council Brief

BulletContent of the subsidiary legislation

Bullet Peak Tramway (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2018
Bullet Peak Tramway Ordinance (Amendment of Section 3(3)) Notice 2018

BulletLegal Service Division Report

Bullet LS4/18-19

Bullet Considered by the House Committee at the following meetings

Bullet 30 November 2018
Bullet 19 October 2018

Bullet Membership

Bullet Meetings

DateAgendaAttendance List
(Position as at
date given)
31 October 2018 Agenda Attendance List Minutes
Watch the meeting on 31.10.2018
12 November 2018 Agenda Attendance List Minutes
Watch the meeting on 12.11.2018

Bullet Papers

Bullet Reports