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Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence

Fifth Legislative Council (2012 - 2016)

Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence
(Formerly known as Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Domestic Violence)

Terms of Reference

To study issues relating to the strategy and measures to tackle domestic violence and sexual violence, including:

(a)the effectiveness and progress of the services already in place which were discussed by the Subcommittee on Strategy and Measures to Tackle Family Violence under the Panel on Welfare Services of the Third Legislative Council;

(b)statistics, definition, identification and assessment of domestic violence and sexual violence;

(c)relocation of accommodation, emotional support and various follow-up services for those involved in cases of domestic violence and sexual violence;

(d)legal proceedings relating to cases of domestic violence and sexual violence, as well as anti-violence programmes and counselling services for batterers;

(e)education and preventive measures against domestic violence and sexual violence (including hidden cases of domestic violence and sexual violence), and review on child fatality and serious cases;

(f)manpower, resources and workload of the relevant organizations and government departments, as well as co-ordination among various services for handling domestic violence and sexual violence (including measures taken by the Police and the Social Welfare Department and their co-operation in handling the relevant cases, procedural guidelines and classification system of the Police for handling the relevant cases, as well as measures taken by the relevant organizations and government departments to help those involved in cases of domestic violence and sexual violence lead a new life);

(g)special needs of specific groups, including elderly persons, children, new-arrivals, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, transgendered persons, persons with disabilities and sex workers, etc. when encountering domestic violence and sexual violence;

(h)the relationship between the provision of mental health services and the occurrence of domestic violence incidents in the community, as well as the support for the families and persons concerned; and

(i)policies and follow-ups for handling domestic violence and sexual violence.



