Bullet Council meetings

Behaviour of Members during Council meetings

LC Paper No.PaperIssue date
CB(3)60/08-09 Letter dated 15 October 2008 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 16 October 2008
CB(3)60/08-09 Letter dated 16 October 2008 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 16 October 2008
CB(3)282/08-09 Letter dated 8 January 2009 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 9 January 2009
CB(3)282/08-09 Letter dated 9 January 2009 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 9 January 2009
CB(3)394/08-09 Letter dated 25 February 2009 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 27 February 2009
CB(3)394/08-09 Letter dated 27 February 2009 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 27 February 2009
FC96/08-09 Letter dated 25 March 2009 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President, Chairman of the House Committee and Chairman of the Finance Committee 27 March 2009
FC96/08-09 Letter dated 26 March 2009 from the Chairman of the Finance Committee to the Chief Secretary for Administration 27 March 2009
CB(3)467/08-09 Letter dated 27 March 2009 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 27 March 2009
CB(2)1195/08-09(01) Letter dated 28 March 2009 from the Chairman of the House Committee to the Chief Secretary for Administration 28 March 2009
- Letter dated 14 October 2009 from the President to All Members of the Legislative Council 14 October 2009
- Letter dated 15 October 2009 from 32 Members of the Legislative Council to the President (Chinese version only) 15 October 2009
- Letter dated 19 October 2009 from the President to 32 Members of the Legislative Council (Chinese version only) 19 October 2009
- Letter dated 15 January 2010 from 7 Members of the Legislative Council to the President (Chinese version only) 15 January 2010
- Letter dated 18 January 2010 from the President to 7 Members of the Legislative Council (Chinese version only) 18 January 2010
- Letter dated 10 June 2010 from the President to Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip (Chinese version only) 10 June 2010
CB(3)909/09-10 Letter dated 7 July 2010 from the President to Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip (Chinese version only) 7 July 2010
AS119/10-11 Letter dated 14 January 2011 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 19 January 2011
AS119/10-11 Letter dated 19 January 2011 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 19 January 2011
AS119/10-11 Letter dated 19 January 2011 from the President to the Chairman of the Committee on Rules of Procedure (Chinese version only) 19 January 2011
AS119/10-11 Letter dated 19 January 2011 from the President to Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung (Chinese version only) 19 January 2011
AS166/10-11 Letter dated 18 February 2011 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 21 February 2011
AS166/10-11 Letter dated 21 February 2011 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 21 February 2011
CROP15/10-11 Letter dated 23 February 2011 from the President to the Chairman of the Committee on Rules of Procedure (Chinese version only) 23 February 2011
CROP15/10-11 Letter dated 23 February 2011 from the Chairman of the Committee on Rules of Procedure to the President (Chinese version only) 23 February 2011
AS173/10-11 Letter dated 24 February 2011 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 25 February 2011
AS173/10-11 Letter dated 25 February 2011 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 25 February 2011
CB(3)522/10-11 Circular dated 28 February 2011 from the Clerk to the Legislative Council to all Members of the Legislative Council 28 February 2011
AS264/10-11 Letter dated 24 May 2011 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 25 May 2011
AS264/10-11 Letter dated 25 May 2011 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 25 May 2011
AS291/10-11 Letter dated 13 June 2011 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 15 June 2011
AS291/10-11 Letter dated 15 June 2011 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 15 June 2011
AS18/11-12 Letter dated 14 October 2011 from the Chief Secretary for Administration to the President 19 October 2011
AS18/11-12 Letter dated 19 October 2011 from the President to the Chief Secretary for Administration 19 October 2011
CB(3)96/11-12 Circular dated 2 November 2011 from the Clerk to the Legislative Council to all Members of the Legislative Council 2 November 2011
CB(3)545/11-12 Circular dated 8 March 2012 from the Clerk to the Legislative Council to all Members of the Legislative Council 8 March 2012

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