Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene
(Duty visit from 25 July 2006 to 29 July 2006)
The Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene has conducted a 4-day overseas duty visit to Singapore on 25, 26 and 28 July 2006 and Kuala Lumpur on 29 July 2006. The purpose of the visit is for Members to obtain first-hand information about the operation of poultry slaughtering plants in these places.
The delegation comprised five members, including Hon Fred LI Wah-ming, Panel Chairman and delegation leader; Hon WONG Yung-kan, Deputy Chairman of the Panel; Hon Vincent FANG Kang, Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long and Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Panel members.
 | Visit Programme
 | Press Releases (issue date)
 | Report