Panel on Health Services
Duty visit from 5 to 7 September 2010

The Legislative Council Panel on Health Services is conducting a three-day overseas duty visit to Tokyo, Japan from 5 to 7 September 2010. The purpose of the visit is to gain a better insight into the experience and operation of Japan's healthcare financing, including the operation of its health insurance system.

The delegation is led by Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long, Chairman of the Panel on Heath Services, and comprises eight Members: Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau, Hon Fred LI Wah-ming and Hon CHAN Hak-kan (Panel members), and Hon CHAN Kam-lam, Hon WONG Yung-kan, Hon LAU Kong-wah, Hon TAM Yiu-chung and Hon LI Fung-ying (non-Panel Members).

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