Public Accounts Committee
Overseas duty visit from 20 to 25 March 2011

The Legislative Council Public Accounts Committee conducted a six-day overseas duty visit to London of the United Kingdom (UK) from 20 to 25 March 2011. The purpose of the visit was to study and obtain first-hand information on the mechanism, operation and working practices of the Committee of Public Accounts of the House of Commons of the UK Parliament (Commons PAC), as well as the public audit system in the UK in relation to the Commons PAC. The delegation also took this opportunity to obtain a better understanding of the budget procedures in the UK and the efforts made by the UK Government to enhance the corporate governance of statutory bodies and non-governmental organisations which received government subvention.

The delegation was led by Dr Hon Philip WONG Yu-hong (Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee) and comprised four members: Hon Paul CHAN Mo-po (Deputy Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee), Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah, Hon Cyd HO Sau-lan and Hon Starry LEE Wai-king. In response to the Committee's invitation, Mr Benjamin TANG (Director of Audit), accompanied the delegation to provide professional assistance and technical advice to facilitate the Committee's study.

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