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Visits outside Hong Kong

Panel on Environmental Affairs
Duty visit to Europe from 2 to 8 March 2014

The Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs conducted a duty visit to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden, from 2 to 8 March 2014. The purpose of the visit was for Members to study the four countries' experience on the development and operation of thermal waste treatment facilities.

The delegation was led by Hon Cyd HO Sau-lan, Chairman of the Panel on Environmental Affairs, and comprises 8 other members: Hon James TO Kun-sun, Hon WONG Ting-kwong, Hon Kenneth LEUNG, Hon Dennis KWOK, Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT and Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok (Panel members), as well as Hon Paul TSE Wai-chun and Hon TANG Ka-piu (non-Panel Members).

Visit Programme

Press Releases (issue date)