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Visits outside Hong Kong

Parliamentary visit of the Legislative Council delegation to Germany
from 1 to 6 March 2015

The delegation conducted a 6-day (1 to 6 March 2015) parliamentary visit to Germany in response to an invitation from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The purpose of the visit was to establish and reinforce link with the German legislature, foster better mutual understanding, keep the Federal Parliament of Germany as well as community and leaders abreast of the latest developments in Hong Kong, and sustain their interest in Hong Kong affairs. The visit was worthwhile for Legislative Council Members to gain insight of the political and electoral system of Germany, as well as the functions and operation of its bicameral legislature.

As proposed by the German Government, the delegation visited Berlin and Bremen. In Berlin, the delegation met with the Vice-President and Members of the Bundestag (lower House of the Federal Parliament of Germany), Members of the German-Chinese Parliamentary Friendship Group, Members of the Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections, Immunity and the Rules of Procedure, representatives of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office. In Bremen, the delegation met with, among others, President of the Bremen Parliament, parliamentary manager of a party represented in the Bremen Parliament, representatives of the Bremen State Chancellery, Head of the Foreign Trade and International Economic Relations Office to the Senator for Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports, Desk Officer for Mobility Management to the Senator for the Environment, Construction and Transport, Deputy Head of the Regional Centre for Civic Education, academics from the University of Bremen and Jacobs University, and the Returning Officer of the Bremen Statistical Office.

The delegation was led by Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing (Leader) and Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan (Deputy Leader). Other Members include Hon LEE Cheuk-yan, Hon CHAN Hak-kan, Hon Paul TSE Wai-chun, Hon Kenneth LEUNG, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon IP Kin-yuen and Hon TANG Ka-piu.

Visit Programme

Press Releases (issue date)