Environmental hygiene

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISE14/2022 Measures for enhancing street cleanliness 2022.10.17
ISSH13/2022 Environmental hygiene services 2022.03.21
ISE07/2022 Regulation of wild pigs in Japan 2022.03.03
ISE05/2022 Promotion of green burial in Taiwan 2022.03.03
ISE32/20-21 Mosquito prevention strategies 2021.10.15
ISE26/20-21 Regulation of improper release of animals in Taiwan 2021.09.14
ISE10/20-21 Policy on "no-kill" of stray animals in animal shelters 2020.12.09
ISSH07/20-21 Public toilet facilities and services 2020.11.23
ISSH36/19-20 Pest Control 2020.07.10
ISE04/19-20 Measures to improve public toilet facilities and services 2019.11.28
FS04/18-19 Application of innovation and technologies for improving environmental hygiene in selected places 2019.02.04
ISSH09/18-19 Animal welfare and management 2018.11.23
ISSH31/17-18 Columbarium facilities in Hong Kong 2018.06.26
ISSH05/17-18 Hawker control in Hong Kong 2017.12.01
IN14/16-17 Single-operator markets under the Hong Kong Housing Authority 2017.06.01
IN11/16-17 Policies on bazaars in selected places 2017.05.19
ISSH36/16-17 Public markets 2017.09.27
ISSH17/16-17 Columbarium facilities in Hong Kong 2016.12.23
FS12/13-14 Hawker policy in Thailand 2014.06.12
FS11/13-14 Hawker policy in Australia 2014.05.27
FS10/13-14 Hawker policy in Singapore 2014.05.26
FS09/13-14 Hawker policy in Taiwan 2014.05.26
FS17/12-13 Regulation of crematorium for animals 2013.01.03
IN35/11-12 Rodent control 2012.07.05
FS21/09-10 Columbarium facilities in Tokyo 2010.08.30
IN21/04-05 Supplementary Note on the Regulation of Health Food in the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union 2005.02.15
FS08/04-05 Newspaper Reports on the Events on Red Fire Ants on the Mainland and in Hong Kong (22 September 2004 to 31 January 2005) (Chinese version only) 2005.01.31
RP07/98-99 Food Safety Control and Environmental Hygiene in the US and the UK

This research studies the systems for food safety control and environmental hygiene in the United States and the United Kingdom. It covers the relationship between the authorities and advisory bodies relating to food safety control and environmental hygiene, the mechanism of implementing food safety control and environmental hygiene, and management of crisis.