Subject: | education, school bullying, harmonious school, student well-being |
Handling of school bullying in Hong Kong
(a) | School-based policy: EDB recommends all schools to adopt a "Whole School Approach", engaging teaching staff, students and parents to combat school bullying, albeit on a voluntary basis. It requires each school to lay down its own reporting mechanism and handling procedures and take each bullying incident seriously but reporting to EDB is not mandatory;
(b) | Anti-bullying campaign: Since 2011-2012 school year, EDB has launched the Harmonious School - Anti-bullying Campaign to raise students' awareness of anti-bullying, along with provision of teaching resources and promotion materials. Anti-bullying Day or Week is also organized in over 500 participating schools during 2011-2017, covering half of the overall primary and secondary schools; and
(c) | Teacher training: "School bullying" has been a compulsory component in a module of certificate course on student guidance and discipline for teachers since 2007-2008 school year.14Legend symbol denoting The module covers content of 48 hours, including intervention approaches, background understanding, crisis management procedures, preventive measures and consultation skills for school bullying, cyber-bullying and homophobic bullying. By 2018-2019 school year, around 1 700 teachers have completed such training, accounting for 3% of total number of teachers.15Legend symbol denoting Besides, the EDB also organized 14 workshops during the first six months in 2018-2019 school year, helping about 1 000 teachers to enhance their capability of preventing and handling bullying acts in schools. |
Regulatory measures of school bullying in Taiwan
(a) | Mandatory reporting of all suspected cases in 24 hours: Under the Regulation, bullying is listed as mandatory reporting incident in Taiwan. All schools are required to notify MOE within 24 hours after receiving report on any suspected bullying case. School staff members are subject to penalty such as fines if they fail to do so;
(b) | Dedicated hotline and website on bullying: Since 2010, MOE has set up a 24-hour dedicated hotline for reports on school bullying. In addition, MOE has launched a specialized website in 2011 to provide an extra channel for students to report bullying cases.22Legend symbol denoting 教育部(2019)。 All the reports will be referred to schools for further investigation;
(c) | Immediate investigation with well-defined timeframe: Each school need to formulate their own anti-bullying committee for prevention and investigation, with membership comprising the school principal, teachers, social workers, counsellors, parent representatives, academics and students of senior high schools.
On receipt of a suspected bullying report, such committee should convene a meeting within three working days. Also, the investigation report should be submitted to the complainants within two months and to MOE when the appeal procedure (if any) is completed;23Legend symbol denoting If the complainant is not satisfied with the result, he or she may file an appeal within 20 days of receipt of investigation report. The Committee would reconsider the justifications provided and notify the complainant the appeal result within 30 days. |
(d) | Third-party monitoring: If the bullying complaints are substantiated, schools will suggest in the investigation reports necessary counselling arrangements and penalty to the involved parties.24Legend symbol denoting Common measures to respond to the bullying include demerit points, expulsion from school, juvenile protective measures and criminal sanctions depending on the nature and seriousness of the incident. For those teachers who bullied and caused severe physical or mental injury to students, they would be dismissed upon vetting and approval of the Teacher Evaluation Committee from school. For more severe cases, they will call for assistance from the police and external agencies (e.g. social and welfare workers). Moreover, MOE also carries out audit and evaluation on a regular basis to ensure all schools handle the bullying cases properly; and
(e) | School-based policy and publicity campaign: Similar to Hong Kong, schools in Taiwan should formulate their school-based anti-bullying policy, on top of the above mandatory requirements. Schools are also required to organize anti-bullying training for their teachers in each academic term, in order to strengthen their willingness and capability in coping with bullying. |
Prepared by Sunny LAM
Research Office
Information Services Division
Legislative Council Secretariat
6 September 2019
Hong Kong
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