Food safety assessment of genetically modified foods |
Subject: | food safety and environmental hygiene |
Principles and guidelines on the safety assessment of GM foods
Proposed pre-market safety assessment scheme for GM foods in Hong Kong
Food safety assessment of GM foods in selected overseas places
(a) | Phase I: evaluating information of the GM food concerned and related safety assessment data provided by the GM food developer;
(b) | Phase II: further assessment of possible toxicity and/or allergenicity if Phase I assessment indicates the presence of possible toxin and/or allergen; and
(c) | Phase III: conducting animal study on the whole food if assessments in Phases I and II indicate that the available data is insufficient for a thorough safety assessment. |
The United States
Concluding remarks
Prepared by Ivy CHENG
Research Office
Information Services Division
Legislative Council Secretariat
30 October 2019
Hong Kong
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