Measures to alleviate the digital divide among students |
Subject: | education, information technology and broadcasting, digital inclusion |
Digital divide among students in Hong Kong
Promoting digital participation for students in Singapore
(a) | providing a wide safety net of digital access: the Singapore government provides a relatively wide safety net to ensure that students from low-income households can gain adequate access to ICT devices. Under the NEU PC Plus Programme29Legend symbol denoting The NEU PC Plus Programme was first launched in 2006 to subsidize all full-time students aged 25 or below living in a family with a gross monthly household income at or below S$3,400 (HK$18,979), or per capita income at or below S$900 (HK$5,024). Students who receive the full subsidy are generally required to provide three to 12 hours of community service. See Infocomm Media Development Authority (2020b)., needy students aged 25 or below can apply for a subsidized computer and broadband bundle to support their home-based learning. Applications are made on a household basis and three tiers of subsidy - i.e. 50%, 75% or 100% - are provided depending on the level of household income.30Legend symbol denoting In general, households with two or fewer school-going children are only eligible for one subsidized computer. Reflecting the success of this measure, nearly 100% of households with school-going children in Singapore had access to the Internet in 2019.31Legend symbol denoting This marks an improvement over 2006 when some 14% of households with school-going children did not have access to an Internet-ready personal computing device. See World Bank (2008) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (2019).
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Singapore government has enhanced its digital access provisions for needy students. In particular, additional options of ICT access are provided so that (i) households with difficulties installing fibre connection may opt for mobile broadband instead32Legend symbol denoting The mobile broadband option provides unlimited data but is subject to throttle data speed after daily cap use of 1GB. See Infocomm Media Development Authority (2020b).; and (ii) families with three or more school-going children may receive a second computer; |
(b) | phasing in universal access to personal learning devices: in addition to the computer and broadband bundle, the Singapore government regards the access to personal learning devices as a prerequisite for e-learning. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, MOE has earmarked S$75 million (HK$419 million) to equip all secondary one students with their own school-prescribed tablet or laptop by 2021.33Legend symbol denoting The scheme will be implemented in phases with the ultimate goal of equipping all secondary students with their own personal learning devices. Device management software will be installed so that students could only access content that is conducive to learning. Needy students can receive further subsidies so that their out-of-pocket cost for the device is zero;
(c) | developing and coordinating an e-learning platform: apart from providing the requisite hardware, the Singapore government has also coordinated the e-learning efforts of primary and secondary schools. The Singapore Student Learning Space ("SLS") is an online learning portal developed by MOE which provides a range of interactive and curriculum-aligned resources. Through their personal learning devices, students can access the platform for both classroom and home-based learning. Teachers can make use of SLS to perform collaborative teaching, provide targeted student support, and communicate across classrooms and schools.34Legend symbol denoting See Ministry of Education (2020e). In order to afford greater flexibility for e-learning, SLS also enables schools to add external learning tools or resources according to their own needs.35Legend symbol denoting See Ministry of Education (2020b). This interactive e-learning portal has been adopted by all primary and secondary schools in Singapore since 2018; and
(d) | providing support for parenting in the digital age: amid the wider adoption of digital technologies for e-learning, the Singapore government has also supported parents to be more involved digitally in their children's education. For instance, MOE introduced the Parents Gateway mobile application to strengthen school-home partnership. The application enables parents to keep track of school announcements and their children's latest activities in schools. The government-appointed Media Literacy Council36Legend symbol denoting The Media Literacy Council was founded in 2012 to promote responsible digital citizenship. It comprises 21 members appointed by the Singapore government from across different industries and sectors. has also organized a number of campaigns and provided online resources to support parenting in the digital age. |
Concluding remarks
Prepared by Charlie LAM
Research Office
Information Services Division
Legislative Council Secretariat
20 October 2020
Hong Kong
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1. | Audit Commission. (2018a) Education Bureau's efforts in harnessing information technology to facilitate learning and teaching.
2. | Audit Commission. (2018b) OGCIO's programmes and projects in promoting the wider use of IT in the community.
3. | Census and Statistics Department. (2020) Personal Computer and Internet Penetration.
4. | Education Bureau. (2020a) Arrangements of Resumption of Face-to-Face Classes in Phases for All Schools.
5. | Education Bureau. (2020b) Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 55/2020.
6. | Education Bureau. (2020c) Figures and Statistics.
7. | Education Bureau. (2020d) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2020-21.
8. | Education University of Hong Kong. (2020) Survey: Nearly 70% of Parents Find Their Children Have Difficulty Learning at Home.
9. | GovHK. (2020a) LCQ18: Assisting children from grass-root families in undertaking e-learning.
10. | GovHK. (2020b) SED's opening remarks at media session.
11. | Hong Kong Education City Limited. (2020) HKEdCity Service Highlights 2020/21.
12. | International Telecommunication Union. (2019) ICT Price Trends 2019.
13. | Innovation and Technology Bureau. (2016) Promotion of Digital Inclusion. LC Paper No. CB(4)581/15-16(03).
14. | Innovation and Technology Bureau. (2018) Progress Report on Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living and Digital Inclusion.
15. | Innovation and Technology Bureau. (2020) Progress Report on Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living and Digital Inclusion.
16. | Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. (2007) 2008 Digital 21 Strategy.
17. | Siu, T. & Chow, Y. (2020) Hong Kong to suspend all schools due to spike in coronavirus cases. Reuters, 10 July.
18. | South China Morning Post. (2020) Hong Kong students without electronic devices could be left on the wrong side of 'tsunami-scale' digital learning divide.
19. | University of Hong Kong. (2020) Hong Kong Students' Digital Citizenship Development: Initial Findings.
20. | 電視廣播有限公司:《星期日檔案:貧二代》,2020年4月26日。
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21. | Chan, S. M. A. et al. (2019) Student Learning Space: The Integration of Curriculum and Technology in Singapore.
22. | Gov.SG. (2020) Moving into Phase 2: What activities can resume.
23. | Infocomm Media Development Authority. (2019) Annual Survey on Infocomm Usage in Households and by Individuals for 2019.
24. | Infocomm Media Development Authority. (2020b) NEU PC Plus.
25. | Ministry of Communications and Information. (2020) Transcript of Minister for Communications and Information S Iswaran's Response to Adjournment Motion on "Closing the Digital Divide for SGUnited: Learnings from COVID-19" by Nominated Member of Parliament Ms Anthea Ong.
26. | Ministry of Education. (2020a) FAQs for COVID-19 Infection in Singapore.
27. | Ministry of Education. (2020b) Infosheet on Strengthening Digital Literacy.
28. | Ministry of Education. (2020c) MOE FY2020 Committee of Supply Debate Response by Ministry of Education Ong Ye Kung.
29. | Ministry of Education. (2020d) Schools and Institutes of Higher Learning to Shift to Full Home-based Learning.
30. | Ministry of Education. (2020e) Strengthening Digital Literacy.
31. | Smart Nation and Digital Government Office. (2018) Smart Nation: The Way Forward.
32. | World Bank. (2008) Toward a better future: education and training for economic development in Singapore since 1965.
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33. | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2006) Digital Divide.