Bills Committee on Chief Executive Election Bill

Ninth meeting on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I.Meeting with Administration
(8:30 am - 10:30 am)

(a)LC Paper No. CB(2)1647/00-01(01)-Administration's response to issues raised by the Bills Committee at previous meetings (to follow)

(b)Discussion of major areas of the Bill

From item VI onwards (please refer to the attached Appendix)

II.Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on 31 May 2001.

Legislative Council Secretariat
25 May 2001


Papers issued for
Bills Committee on Chief Executive Election Bill
(as at 25 May 2001)

Major areas Paper No.
I. General

(1)LegCo BriefCAB C5/1
(2)LSD ReportLS71/00-01
(3)Speech by SCA to move Second Reading of the BillCB(2)1174/00-01(02)
(4)Paper on "Provisions of the Bill not prescribed under the Basic Law" prepared by ALALS83/00-01 (issued videCB(2)1217/00-01)
(5) Comparison of the Basic Law and the BillCB(2)1318/00-01(01)

(6) Comparison of the Bill and LegCo OrdinanceCB(2)1217/00-01(04)

(7) ALA's letters dated 29 March and 24 April 2001 to Administration seeking comments on issues relating to the BillCB(2)1327/00-01(01) and

II. Election Committee (EC)

(1) Overlapping membership Item 1 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)
Item 6 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(2) Information on the EC formed in July 2000Item 2 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)

(3) Eligibility criteria for candidature at subsector election - clause 17(3) of schedule

Item 3 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)

(4) Legality of clause 8(3)

Item 4 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)

III. Polling date

(1) Pros and cons of various options for determining the polling dateItem 5 of CB(2)1352/00-01(01)
Item 1 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(2) Polling date - Thursday or SundayCB(2)1443/00-01(01)

(3) Easter holidays for the next five CE electionsItem 1 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

IV. Appointment of CE

(1) Six-month period referred to in BL53Item 2 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(2) Time schedule and procedure for appointment Items 3 - 5 of CB(2)1405/00-01(01)

(3) Time taken to appoint the first CEItem 2 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

(4) Legal basis for CPG to revoke appointmentItem 4 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

(5) Proposed amendment to clause 4(c) Items 1 - 3 of CB(2)1587/00-01(01)

V. Eligibility criteria for being a candidate for CE Election

(1) Requirement for judicial officers in foreign countries to resign before running in elections Item 1 of CB(2)1352/00-01(02)

(2) Eligibility of senior judicial officersItem 3 of CB(2)1518/00-01(01)

(3) Eligibility of holders of Taiwan Entry Permits and other temporary entry permits Items 1- 2 of CB(2)1613/00-01(01)

(4) Disqualification of CE after assuming office Item 3 of CB(2)1613/00-01(01)

(5) Eligibility of BNO passport holdersItem 4 of CB(2)1613/00-01(01)

(6) Document of Preparatory Committee on the selection of the first term CE and UK and Chinese Memoranda on status of BDTC passport holders CB(2)1618/00-01(01) and (02)

VI. Nomination

VII. Withdrawal of candidature

VIII.Voting method

IX. Election petitions and judicial review

(1) Differences between the leapfrog procedure proposed in the Bill vis-a-vis that proposed in the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (A) Bill to be introducedItem 2 of CB(2)1352/00-01(02)

X. Election expenses limit

(1) Administration's responseItem 5 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

XI. Application of anti-bribery legislation to CE election

(1) Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (ECICO)CB(2)1217/00-01(03)

XII. Regulation of election-related activities

(1) Electoral guidelines for CE electionItem 1 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

(2) Regulating electioneering activities of an incumbent CEItem 3 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

(3) Restriction on election campaigning undertaken by members of a political party to a fellow member being a candidateItem 4 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)

XIII. Guidelines on participation of senior government officials in electioneering activities of CE election

(1) Administration's responseItem 2 of CB(2)1235/00-01(01)