bullet Papers (Year 2000 - 2001)

bulletLegislative Programme

bulletReports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on Bills

bulletReports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on subsidiary legislation

bulletReports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on other legislative instruments

bulletReports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on proposed resolutions presented to Council for approval

bullet Position reports on Bills Committees and subcommittees on subsidiary legislation

bullet Reports / papers of Bills Committees

bullet Reports/papers of Subcommittees on subsidiary legislation

bullet Reports/papers of Panels

bullet Papers/reports of Committee on Rules of Procedure

bullet Papers of The Legislative Council Commission

bullet Papers/reports of Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee

bullet Papers and reports of/relating to other committees

bulletPapers relating to election of Members to advisory bodies

bullet Questions

bullet Members' motions/resolutions

bullet Government motions

bullet Others

If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library