LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs and
LegCo Panel on Transport
Joint meeting on
Wednesday, 7 February 2001 at 9:00 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
Revsied agenda
- Election of Chairman
(9:00 am - 9:05 am)
- Measures to address noise impact of existing roads and other related issues
(9:05 am - 1:00 pm)
- Meeting with individuals / deputations / the Administration
- Organisation of Hong Kong Drivers
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(01) (issued)]
- Kowloon Truck Merchant Association Ltd
- Container Truck Drivers Union
- 港九及新界夾斗車商會
- 大角咀區民生關注會/西九龍詩歌舞區關注會/旺角區居民協會
[LC Paper Nos. CB(1)546/00-01(01) and (02) (issued)]
- The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(02) (issued)]
- Professor Andrew Y T LEUNG and Dr Raymond Y Y LEE, Building and Construction Department of the City University of Hong Kong
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(03) (issued)]
- The Conservancy Association/The Chartered Institute of Transport of Hong Kong
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(04) (issued)]
- The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
- Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
- 中重型貨車關注組
- 落馬洲中港貨運聯
- Hong Kong Dumper Truck Drivers Association
- Hong Kong (Cross Border) Transportation Driver's Association
- Hong Kong Guangdong Transportation Association Ltd
- Hong Kong Container Tractor Owner Association Ltd
Written submission from the following organizations which are not available to attend the meeting:
- Hong Kong Doctors Union Ltd
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(05) (issued)]
- Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(06) (issued)]
- The Goods Vehicle Fleet Owners Association Limited
[LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(07) (issued)]
- Wrap-up discussion with the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(2)482/00-01(01) - Information paper provided by the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(1)518/00-01(08) - Information paper provided by the Administration
- Any other business
(1:00 pm onwards)
Legislative Council Secretariat
6 February 2001