LegCo Panel on Home Affairs

Subcommittee to study
discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation

Meeting on
Monday, 8 October 2001 at 10:45 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes

[LC Paper No. CB(2)2189/00-01-minutes of meeting on 5 July 2001]

II.Consistency of sections 118C and 118D of the Crimes Ordinance with the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance

[Paper No. CB(2)2000/00-01(01)-Administration's written response]

[Paper No. CB(2)2185/00-01(01)-comments of the Equal Opportunities Commission on the Administration's response]

III.Provision of civil service medical benefits

[Paper No. CB(2)2374/00-01(01)-paper provided by the Administration]

IV.Sexual orientation discrimination in the area of education

- civic education
- equal opportunities in education for people of a different sexual orientation

[Paper No. CB(2)2374/00-01(02)-paper provided by the Administration]

V.Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
4 October 2001