Legislative Council Members' meeting with The Ombudsman
on Tuesday, 5 December 2000, at 11:00 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Chairman's opening remarks
  2. (11:00 am - 11:05 am)

    CP 238/00-01(01)--Minutes of last meeting held on 13 June 2000

    CP 238/00-01(02)--The Ombudsman Ordinance (Cap. 397)

  3. Briefing by The Ombudsman on the work of The Ombudsman's Office

  4. (11:05 am - 11:35 am)

    CP 238/00-01(03)--Briefing by The Ombudsman on the work of her Office

  5. Discussion items raised by Members

  6. (11:35 am - 12:30 pm)

    (a)Progress of the employment of non-civil service staff by the Office of The Ombudsman
    (raised by Hon Fred LI Wah-ming)

    CP 238/00-01(04) -- The Ombudsman's paper on the discussion item

    (b)Cases of partial implementation of The Ombudsman's recommendations
    (raised by Hon LAU Kong-wah)

    CP 238/00-01(05) -- The Ombudsman's paper on the discussion item

  7. Any other business

  8. Date of next meeting

Legislative Council Secretariat
1 December 2000