Subcommittee on subsidiary legislation relating to
Chief Executive Election

Meeting on Wednesday, 31 October 2001 at 8:30 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building A G E N D A

I.Matters arising

Election Committee (Appeals) Regulation (L.N. 196 of 2001)

Election Committee (Registration) (Voters for Subsectors) (Members of Election Committee) (Appeals) Regulation (L.N. 197 of 2001)

Registration of Electors (Appeals) (Amendment) Regulation 2001 (L.N. 199 of 2001)

Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration) (Electors for Functional Constituencies) (Voters for Subsectors) (Members of Election Committee) (Legislative Council) (Amendment) Regulation 2001 (L.N. 200 of 2001)

(a)LC Paper No. CB(2) 191/01-02(01) -the Administration's response to issues raised by the Assistant Legal Adviser on L.N. 197 of 2001 (attached)

(b)LC Paper No. CB(2) 191/01-02(02)-the Administration's response to issues raised by the Assistant Legal Adviser on L.N. 197, L.N. 199 and L.N. 200 of 2001 (attached)

(c)LC Paper No. CB(2) 191/01-02(03)-the Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting on 23 October 2001 (attached)

(d)LC Paper No. CB(2) 191/01-02(04)-the Administration's proposed amendments to L.N. 196, 197 and 199 of 2001 and timetable for the 2002 Chief Executive Election (attached)

II.Subsidiary legislation relating to the Chief Executive election gazetted on 12 October 2001

(a)Election Committee (Subscribers and Election Deposit for Nomination) Regulation

(i)the Regulation (L.N. 205 of 2001) (issued)

(ii)the LegCo Brief issued by the Constitutional Affairs Bureau on 11 October 2001 (File Ref : CAB C5/7/3 & C1/30/11) (issued)

(iii)LC Paper No. LS 10/01-02 -the Legal Service Division's Report on the Subsidiary Legislation (issued)

(iv)LC Paper No. CB(2)191/01-02(05)-a comparison table provided by the Administration (attached)

(b)Legislative Council (Subscribers and Election Deposit for Nomination) (Amendment) Regulation 2001

(i)the Regulation (L.N. 206 of 2001) (issued)

(ii)the LegCo Brief issued by the Constitutional Affairs Bureau on 11 October 2001 (File Ref : CAB C5/7/3 & C1/30/11) (issued)

(iii)LC Paper No. LS 10/01-02 - the Legal Service Division's Report on the Subsidiary Legislation (issued)

(iv) LC Paper No. CB(2)191/01-02(06) - marked up copy of the relevant Regulation (attached)

(c)Distribution of Number of Members Among Designated Bodies (Election Committee) Order 2001

(i) the Order (L.N. 207 of 2001) (issued)

(ii) the LegCo Brief issued by the Constitutional Affairs Bureau on 11 October 2001 (File Ref : CAB C1/30/4) (issued)

(iii) LC Paper No. LS 10/01-02 - the Legal Service Division's Report on the Subsidiary Legislation (issued)

(d)Electoral Affairs Commission (Nominations Advisory Committee (Election Committee)) Regulation

(i) the Regulation (L.N. 208 of 2001) (issued)

(ii)the LegCo Brief issued by the Registration and Electoral Office on 3 October 2001 (issued)

(iii)LC Paper No. LS 10/01-02 - the Legal Service Division's Report on the Subsidiary Legislation (issued)

(iv)LC Paper No. CB(2)191/01-02(07)- a comparison table provided by the Administration (attached)

(e)Electoral Affairs Commission (Nominations Advisory Committee (Legislative Council) (Amendment) Regulation 2001

(i) the Regulation (L.N. 209 of 2001) (issued)

(ii)the LegCo Brief issued by the Registration and Electoral Office on 3 October 2001 (issued)

(iii)LC Paper No. LS 10/01-02- the Legal Service Division's Report on the Subsidiary Legislation (issued)

(iv)LC Paper No. CB(2)191/01-02(08) - marked up copy of the relevant Regulation (attached)

(f)Electoral Affairs Committee (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) Regulation

(i) the Regulation (L.N. 210 of 2001) (issued)

(ii)the LegCo Brief issued by the Registration and Electoral Office in October 2001 (issued)

(iii)LC Paper No. LS 10/01-02 - the Legal Service Division's Report on the Subsidiary Legislation (issued)

(iv)LC Paper No. CB(2)191/01-02(09)- marked up copy of the relevant Regulation (attached)

(v) LC Paper No. CB(2)196/01-02(01) - a comparison table provided by the Administration (to follow)

(vi)LC Paper No. CB(2)196/01-02(02) - the Administration's response to issues raised by the Assistant Legal Adviser (to follow)

III.Date of next meeting

Legislative Council Secretariat
29 October 2001