LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting
Meeting on
Monday, 8 July 2002, at 8:30 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
I. | Confirmation of minutes and matters arising
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2182/01-02 (issued)
| - | Minutes of the Panel meeting held on 10 June 2002
II. | Papers issued since last meeting
| LC Paper No. CB(1)1982/01-02 | - | Two submissions on the IDD service
III. | Progress of the Cyberport project
(8:35 am - 9:20 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2172/01-02(01) (issued)
| - | Background brief on Cyberport prepared by the Secretariat
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2172/01-02(02) (issued)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration on 'Progress of the Cyberport project'
IV . | Progress of the E-government programme
(9:20 am - 9:55 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2172/01-02(03) (issued)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration on 'Progress update on the E-government programme for 2002'
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2192/01-01(01) (issued)
| - | Extract of the minutes of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel meeting on 14 January 2002
V. | Consultation paper on "Special Number Arrangements" relating to allocation and assignment of telecommunications numbers and codes and related issues
(9:55 am - 10:25 am)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2172/01-02(04) (issued)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration on Consultation paper on 'Special Number Arrangements'.
VI . | Any other business
Legislative Council Secretariat
5 July 2002