Bills Committee on Land Titles Bill
| Papers
- Administration's written reply dated 25 June 2004 confirming that it agrees to the five undertakings set out in paragraphs 120 and 121 of the report of the Bills Committee (English version only) [CB(1)2243/03-04(01)]
- Letter dated 23 June 2004 from the Clerk to Bills Committee requesting the Administration to confirm in writing whether it agrees to make the undertakings set out in paragraphs 120 and 121 of the report (English version only) [CB(1)2239/03-04(02)]
- An extract of the report of the Bills Committee to the House Committee covering paragraphs 120, 121 and 125 regarding the Administration's undertakings (English version only) [CB(1)2239/03-04(01)]
- "Follow-up to the thirty-ninth meeting on 21 June 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
- Reply dated 25 June 2004 from the Land Registrar (English version only) [CB(1)2251/03-04(01)]
- Reply dated 25 June 2004 from the Land Registrar to the Secretary General of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (English version only) [CB(1)2245/03-04(03)]
- Letter dated 25 June 2004 from the Secretary General of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong to the Land Registrar (English version only) [CB(1)2245/03-04(02)]
- Letter dated 24 June 2004 from the Secretary General of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong to the Land Registrar (English version only) [CB(1)2245/03-04(01)]
- Letter dated 18 June 2004 from the Law Society of Hong Kong on the Law Society's position on the Land Titles Bill (English version only) [CB(1)2203/03-04(01)]
- Letter dated 24 June 2004 from Hon TAM Yiu-chung to the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands. In this letter, Mr TAM raised certain follow-up questions on the Administration's response to his letter dated 14 June 2004 (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2273/03-04(01)]
- The Administration's response dated 2 July 2004 to letter from Hon TAM Yiu-chung [CB(1)2273/03-04(02)]
- Administration's initial response to the Law Society's submission of 27 June 2003 [CB(1)2207/02-03(08)] (17 July 2003)
- Administration's preliminary response to Law Society's proposal for "Daylight Conversion" [CB(1)730/03-04(05)] (13 January 2004)
- Application of Land Titles Bill [CB(1)1464/02-03(02)] (23 April 2003)
- Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1143/02-03(01)] (19 March 2003)
- Cautions, Inhibitions and Restrictions [CB(1)2464/02-03(06)] (19 September 2003)
- Certificate of Good Title [CB(1)1567/02-03(02)] (5 May 2003)
- Comparison between Proposed Land Title Registration System for Hong Kong and other Jurisdictions [CB(1)1464/02-03(05)] (5 May 2003 and 23 April 2003)
- Comparison of Deeds Registration and Title Registration [CB(1)1357/02-03(02)] (8 April 2003)
- Comparison of Procedures [CB(1)1357/02-03(03)] (8 April 2003)
- Comparison of Procedures - Supplementary information [CB(1)2016/02-03(01)] (19 June 2003)
- Comparison of Registrable Matters [CB(1)2207/02-03(04)] (17 July 2003)
- Determination of lot boundaries under the Land Titles Bill [CB(1)2140/03-04(02)] (15 June 2004)
- Dispositions, Transmissions and Trusts [CB(1)1986/02-03(04)] (19 June 2003)
- Doctrine of Notice [CB(1)2305/02-03(07)] (31 July 2003)
- Draft proposed Committee Stage amendments to Schedule 2 to the Bill provided by the Administration [CB(1)2042/03-04(02)] (15, 11 and 8 June 2004)
- Draft proposed Committee Stage amendments to the Bill provided by the Administration (excluding Schedule 2) [CB(1)1899/03-04(04)] (11, 8 and 1 June 2004, 25 May 2004)
- Extract of the relevant part of the Review Report on Insurance Arrangements of the Hong Kong Solicitors Indemnity Scheme prepared by Willis China (Hong Kong) Limited [CB(1)730/03-04(04)] (13 January 2004)
- Financial and Staffing Implications of Title Registration [CB(1)1567/02-03(03)] (5 May 2003)
- First paper provided by the Administration on "The Constitutionality of the Indemnity Cap" [CB(1)2089/02-03(02)] (30 June 2003)
- First paper on "Part 11 of the Bill - Miscellaneous Provisions" [CB(1)274/03-04(07)] (25 November 2003)
- First paper on "Wrongful Registration of Cautions" [CB(1)149/03-04(03)] (28 October 2003)
- First submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 22 May 2003 on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1724/02-03(07)] (22 May 2003)
- Follow-up to the thirty-eighth meeting on 18 June 2004 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2195/03-04(05)] (21 June 2004)
- Follow-up to the thirty-seventh meeting on 17 June 2004 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2195/03-04(04)] (21 June 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirty-sixth meeting on 15 June 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2182/03-04(01)] (18 June 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirty-fifth meeting on 11 June 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2171/03-04(01)] (18 and 17 June 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirty-fourth meeting on 8 June 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2140/03-04(01)] (18, 17 and 15 June 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirty-third meeting on 1 June 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2109/03-04(01)] (11 June 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirty-second meeting on 25 May 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1987/03-04(01)] (11 and 1 June 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirty-first meeting on 11 May 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1917/03-04(01) (1 June 2004 and 25 May 2004)
- "Follow-up to the thirtieth meeting on 27 April 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1899/03-04(02)] (25 May 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-ninth meeting on 20 April 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1899/03-04(01)] (25 May 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-eighth meeting on 13 April 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1751/03-04(02)] (11 May 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-seventh meeting on 2 April 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1751/03-04(01)] (11 May 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-sixth meeting on 9 March 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1425/03-04(01)] (2 April 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-fifth meeting on 24 February 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1230/03-04(03)] (9 March 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-fourth meeting on 13 February 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1230/03-04(02)] (9 March 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-third meeting on 30 January 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1230/03-04(01)] (9 March 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-second meeting on 13 January 2004" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)968/03-04(01)] (13 February 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twenty-first meeting on 19 December 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)730/03-04(03)] (13 January 2004)
- "Follow-up to the twentieth meeting on 9 December 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)730/03-04(02)] (13 January 2004)
- "Follow-up to the nineteenth meeting on 3 December 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)600/03-04(01)] (19 December 2003)
- "Follow-up to the eighteenth meeting on 25 November 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)524/03-04(01)] (9 December 2003)
- "Follow-up to the seventeenth meeting on 28 October 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)274/03-04(02)] (25 November 2003)
- "Follow-up to the sixteenth meeting on 21 October 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)274/03-04(01)] (25 November 2003)
- "Follow-up to the fifteenth meeting on 14 October 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)149/03-04(01)] (28 October 2003)
- "Follow-up to the fourteenth meeting on 30 September 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)38/03-04(03)] (14 October 2003)
- "Follow-up to the thirteenth meeting on 29 September 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)38/03-04(02)] (14 October 2003)
- "Follow-up to the twelfth meeting on 19 September 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)38/03-04(01)] (14 October 2003)
- "Follow-up to the eleventh meeting on 31 July 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2464/02-03(01)] (19 September 2003)
- "Follow-up to the tenth meeting on 17 July 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2305/02-03(01)] (31 July 2003)
- "Follow-up to the ninth meeting on 30 June 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2207/02-03(10)] (17 July 2003)
- "Follow-up to the eighth meeting on 19 June 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2089/02-03(01)] (30 June 2003)
- "Follow-up to the seventh meeting on 9 June 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1986/02-03(01)] (19 June 2003)
- "Follow-up to the sixth meeting on 22 May 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1885/02-03(01)] (9 June 2003)
- "Follow-up to the fifth meeting on 12 May 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1724/02-03(02)] (22 May 2003)
- "Follow-up to the fourth meeting on 5 May 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1724/02-03(01)] (22 May 2003)
- "Follow-up to the third meeting on 23 April 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1567/02-03(01)] (5 May 2003)
- "Follow-up to the second meeting on 8 April 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1464/02-03(01)] (23 April 2003)
- "Follow-up to the first meeting on 19 March 2003" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1357/02-03(01)] (8 April 2003)
- Format of Title Registers [CB(1)38/03-04(04)] (14 October 2003)
- Further Committee Stage amendments to the Bill (English version only) [CB(1)2201/03-04(01)] (18 June 2004)
- Addendum to Annex A of LC Paper No. CB(1)2464/02-03(03) "Indemnity Fund Operation - Supplementary Information" [CB(1)2501/02-03(01)] (30 September 2003)
- Indemnity Fund Operation - Supplementary Information [CB(1)2464/02-03(03)] (19 September 2003)
- Indemnity Scheme: Government's Role [CB(1)2207/02-03(05)] (17 July 2003)
- Indemnity Scheme: Levy Rates and Miscellaneous Matters [CB(1)2207/02-03(06)] (17 July 2003)
- Inhibitions, Restrictions and Injunctions: A comparison [CB(1)468/03-04(02)] (3 December 2003)
- Land Registry's Operation [CB(1)1464/02-03(03)] (23 April 2003)
- Administration's written response to the submission dated 14 June 2004 from the Hong Kong Bar Association [CB(1)2182/03-04(03)] (18 June 2004)
- Letter dated 14 June 2004 from the Hong Kong Bar Association on its observations on the "amended" Bill (English version only) [CB(1)2170/03-04(02)] (18 June 2004)
- Administration's written response to the letter dated 14 June 2004 from Hon TAM Yiu-chung [CB(1)2182/03-04(04)] (18 June 2004)
- Letter dated 14 June 2004 from Hon TAM Yiu-chung (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2170/03-04(01)] (18 June 2004)
- Letter dated 21 May 2004 from Hon LAU Ping-cheung to Chairman of the Bills Committee (English version only) [CB(1)1917/03-04(02)] (8 June 2004 and 25 May 2004)
- Letter from Hon IP Kwok-him which was tabled at the Bills Committee meeting on 13 January 2004 (Chinese version only) [CB(1)777/03-04(01)] (13 January 2004)
- List of major issues suggested by the Assistant Legal Adviser to be considered for discussion by the Bills Committee [CB(1)1357/02-03(05)] (8 April 2003)
- Responses to Bills Committee on Outstanding Matters [CB(1)2182/03-04(05)] (18 June 2004)
- "List of outstanding issues which require Administration's written response (Position as at 16 June 2004)" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)2182/03-04(06)] (18 June 2004)
- Outstanding responses to matters raised by the Bills Committee [CB(1)1425/03-04(02)] (13 and 2 April 2004)
- First paper provided by the Administration on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1664/02-03(01)] (22 and 12 May 2003)
- Paper on "Effect and Benefits of Title Registration" [CB(1)1664/02-03(02)] (22 and 12 May 2003)
- Paper prepared by Assistant Legal Adviser on "Comparison of Provisions Governing Priorities under the existing registration of documents system of the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128) and under the proposed title registration system of the Land Titles Bill" [LS67/03-04] (20 April 2004)
- Paper prepared by Assistant Legal Adviser on "Observations on the issue whether the proposed cap on the amount of indemnity payable to an owner deprived of his property by fraud is contrary to the Basic Law" [LS114/02-03] (22 May 2003)
- Paper prepared by Assistant Legal Adviser on "Observations on the Proposed Consequential Amendments in Schedule 2 of the Land Titles Bill" [LS12/03-04] (25 November 2003)
- Paper prepared by Assistant Legal Adviser on "The Doctrine of Notice and the Land Titles Bill" [LS141/02-03] (30 June 2003)
- Part 6 of the Bill - Instruments (Minors) [CB(1)600/03-04(03)] (19 December 2003)
- Position Paper on Committee Stage Amendments [CB(1)1057/03-04(01)] (24 February 2004)
- Position Report on Main Issues [CB(1)968/03-04(02)] (13 February 2004)
- Powers of Land Registrar (Miscellaneous Issues) [CB(1)468/03-04(03)] (3 December 2003)
- Preliminary submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1885/02-03(04)] (9 June 2003)
- Proposed meeting schedule from May to July 2003 [CB(1)1357/02-03(06)] (8 April 2003)
- Proposed Work Plan [CB(1)1357/02-03(04)] (8 April 2003)
- Rectification and Appeal [CB(1)1724/02-03(08)] (22 May 2003)
- Rectification of Title Register by Court [CB(1)524/03-04(03)] (9 December 2003)
- Rectification of Title Register by Registrar [CB(1)274/03-04(05)] (25 November 2003)
- Registration of Deeds of Mutual Covenant [CB(1)2305/02-03(08)] (31 July 2003)
- Report on consultation on revisions to conversion mechanism and rectification provisions [CB(1)1230/03-04(04)] (9 March 2004)
- Response from the Land Registrar to the letter dated 18 June 2004 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong [CB(1)2235/03-04(01)] (21 June 2004)
- Response to Drafting Issues [CB(1)2501/02-03(03)] (30 September 2003)
- Response to drafting issues and issues raised by Assistant Legal Adviser [CB(1)2305/02-03(10)] (31 July 2003)
- Revised draft proposed Committee Stage amendments (Excluding Schedule 2) provided by the Administration [CB(1)2193/03-04(01)] (21 June 2004)
- Revisions to the Land Titles Bill [CB(1)1987/03-04(02)] (11, 8 and 1 June 2004)
- Second paper on "Response to Miscellaneous Issues" [CB(1)1057/03-04(03)] (24 February 2004)
- First paper on "Response to Miscellaneous Issues" [CB(1)2464/02-03(05)] (19 September 2003)
- Response to Miscellaneous Issues (13th and 14th Bills Committee Meetings) [CB(1)38/03-04(05)] (14 October 2003)
- Response to Submissions on Indemnity [CB(1)2207/02-03(07)] (17 July 2003)
- Response to Submissions to the Bills Committee [CB(1)2305/02-03(09)] (31 July 2003)
- Restrictions against Subsequent Charges [CB(1)274/03-04(04)] (25 November 2003)
- Roles of Registration Authority and Solicitors - Comparison with English System [CB(1)2464/02-03(04)] (19 September 2003)
- Schedules 1 and 2 of the Bill [CB(1)468/03-04(01)] (3 December 2003)
- Second paper provided by the Administration on "The Constitutionality of the Indemnity Cap" [CB(1)2501/02-03(02)] (30 September 2003)
- Second paper provided by the Administration on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1885/02-03(02)] (9 June 2003)
- Second submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 30 May 2003 on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1885/02-03(03)] (9 June 2003)
- Second submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 20 June 2003 on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)2089/02-03(03)] (30 June 2003)
- Submission dated 18 June 2004 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (English version only) [CB(1)2206/03-04(01)] (21 June 2004)
- Administration's written response to the two submissions dated 9 June and 16 June 2004 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong [CB(1)2182/03-04(02)] (18 June 2004)
- Submission dated 16 June 2004 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (English version only) [CB(1)2171/03-04(02)] (18 and 17 June 2004)
- Submission dated 9 June 2004 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (English version only) [CB(1)2120/03-04(01)] (18 and 11 June 2004)
- Administration's response to the submission from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [CB(1)2042/03-04(01)] (8 June 2004)
- Submission dated 13 May 2004 from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [CB(1)1899/03-04(03)] (25 May 2004)
- Submission dated 29 December 2003 from the First American Title Insurance Company [CB(1)730/03-04(01)] (13 January 2004)
- Submission dated 26 August 2003 from Heung Yee Kuk New Territories (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2464/02-03(02)] (19 September 2003)
- Submission dated 20 October 2003 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong on the Administration's second paper on The Constitutionality of the Indemnity Cap [CB(1)126/03-04(01)] (21 October 2003)
- Submission dated 25 July 2003 from the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Administration's paper on "The Constitutionality of the Indemnity Cap" [CB(1)2305/02-03(06)] (31 July 2003)
- Submission dated 14 July 2003 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong on the Administration's paper on "The Constitutionality of the Indemnity Cap" [CB(1)2207/02-03(09)] (17 July 2003)
- Submission dated 25 April 2003 from Heung Yee Kuk New Territories (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1517/02-03(08)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 21 May 2003 from the Hong Kong Association of Banks [CB(1)2207/02-03(01)] (17 July 2003)
- Submission dated 23 April 2003 from Hong Kong Bar Association [CB(1)1517/02-03(07)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 22 April 2003 from Consumer Council [CB(1)1517/02-03(03)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 22 April 2003 from Hong Kong Society of Accountants [CB(1)1517/02-03(05)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 22 April 2003 from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [CB(1)1517/02-03(06)] (8 June 2004 and 12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 22 April 2003 from The Law Society of Hong Kong [CB(1)1517/02-03(04)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 16 December 2003 from The Law Society of Hong Kong [CB(1)615/03-04(01)] (19 December 2003)
- Submission dated 10 April 2003 from Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong [CB(1)1517/02-03(02)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission dated 2 April 2003 from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong [CB(1)1517/02-03(01)] (12 May 2003)
- Submission from Consumer Council on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1724/02-03(03)] (22 May 2003)
- Submission from Heung Yee Kuk New Territories on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1724/02-03(06)] (22 May 2003)
- Submission from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" and other issues [CB(1)1724/02-03(05)] (22 May 2003)
- Submission from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)1724/02-03(04)] (22 May 2003)
- "Summary of eight submissions" prepared by LegCo Secretariat [CB(1)1604/02-03(01)] (12 May 2003)
- "Summary of the proposed amendments mentioned in the papers provided by the Administration from April 2003 to early April 2004 (Position as at 14 April 2004)" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)1544/03-04(01)] (25 and 11 May 2004, 20 April 2004)
- Supplementary information provided by The Law Society of Hong Kong: Relevant extracts from the UK Law Reform Commission Report No. 271 published in July 2001 (Mentioned in the second last paragraph of the Law Society's submission) (English version only) [CB(1)1517/02-03(04)(a)] (12 May 2003)
- Supplementary paper on Comparison between Proposed Land Titles Registration System for Hong Kong and other Jurisdictions [CB(1)2305/02-03(03)] (31 July 2003)
- Supplementary paper on Conversion and Certificates of Good Title [CB(1)2305/02-03(02)] (31 July 2003)
- Supplementary paper on "Implied Covenants" [CB(1)600/03-04(02)] (19 December 2003)
- Supplementary paper on Mistakes, Rectification and Indemnity [CB(1)2305/02-03(04)] (31 July 2003)
- Supplementary paper on Part 11 of the Bill - Miscellaneous Provisions [CB(1)524/03-04(04)] (9 December 2003)
- Supplementary paper on Wrongful Registration of Cautions [CB(1)274/03-04(06)] (25 November 2003)
- Supplementary Response to Miscellaneous Issues (Implied Covenants) [CB(1)149/03-04(02)] (28 October 2003)
- Title Certificates, Searches and Instruments [CB(1)1986/02-03(03)] (19 June 2003)
- Title Insurance [CB(1)274/03-04(03)] (25 November 2003)
- The Conversion Mechanism [CB(1)1464/02-03(04)] (5 May 2003 and 23 April 2003)
- The Conversion Mechanism - Supplementary information [CB(1)1986/02-03(02)] (19 June 2003)
- Third paper provided by the Administration on "Indemnity" [CB(1)2305/02-03(05)] (31 July 2003)
- Third submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 27 June 2003 on the Administration's paper on "Indemnity" [CB(1)2103/02-03(01)] (30 June 2003)
- Transmissions, Receivership and Trusts [CB(1)524/03-04(02)] (9 December 2003)
| If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library