Bills Committee on
Companies (Amendment) Bill 2003
Sixth Meeting on
Thursday, 13 November 2003, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building
- Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(10:45 am - 10:50 am)
| LC Paper No.
Minutes of meeting on 30 October 2003
| CB(1)291/03-04 (issued on 10 November 2003)
- Meeting with the Administration
(10:50 am - 12:40 pm)
Correspondence between Assistant Legal Adviser 7 (ALA7) and the Administration on Schedule 1 of the Bill
| ALA7's letter | Administration's reply
Letter dated 10 September 2003 from ALA7 to the Administration on Schedule 1 of the Bill
| CB(1)2441/02-03(01) (English and Chinese versions issued on 10 and 18 September 2003 respectively)
| CB(1)74/03-04(01) (English and Chinese versions issued on 15 and 20 October 2003 respectively)
Letter dated 9 October 2003 from ALA7 to the Administration on Schedule 1 of the Bill
| CB(1)74/03-04(02) (issued on 15 October 2003)
| CB(1)84/03-04(01) (English and Chinese versions issued on 16 and 20 October 2003 respectively)
Written submissions and Administration's response relating to Schedule 1 of the Bill
Organizations/individuals | Written submissions | Administration's response
| LC Paper No. | LC Paper No.
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong(Submission dated 16 September 2003)
| CB(1)2504/02-03(05) (issued on 25 September 2003)
| CB(1)2521/02-03(05) (English and Chinese versions issued on 30 September and 3 October 2003 respectively)
Office of the Privacy Commissioner forPersonal Data, Hong Kong(Submission dated 14 October 2003)
| CB(1)74/03-04(03) (issued on 15 October 2003)
| (to follow)
Ms Alice CHAN, Lecturer, Department of Professional Legal Education, The University of Hong Kong(Submission dated 18 September 2003)
| CB(1)2504/02-03(07) (English version only) (issued on 25 September 2003)
| CB(1)84/03-04(02) (English and Chinese versions issued on 16 and 28 October 2003 respectively)
CB(1)292/03-04(01) (issued on 10 November 2003)
Ms Alice CHAN, Lecturer, Department of Professional Legal Education, The University of Hong Kong(Submission dated 4 November 2003)
| CB(1)266/03-04(01) (English version only) (issued on 5 November 2003)
| (to follow)
| CB(1)2504/02-03(11) (English and Chinese versions issued on 25 and 30 September 2003 respectively)
| CB(1)84/03-04(03) (English and Chinese versions issued on 16 and 28 October 2003 respectively)
The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries
| CB(1)2504/02-03(13) (English version only) (issued on 25 September 2003)
| CB(1)84/03-04(04) (English and Chinese versions issued on 16 and 28 October 2003 respectively)
The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association
| CB(1)2521/02-03(01) (English version only) (issued on 30 September 2003)
| CB(1)84/03-04(05) (English and Chinese versions issued on 16 and 28 October 2003 respectively)
Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association
| CB(1)217/03-04(01) (Chinese version only) (issued on 31 October 2003)
| CB(1)309/03-04(01) (to follow)
Other papers
| LC Paper No.
Administration's paper on "Resale restrictions on shares/debentures acquired under offers specified in the Seventeenth Schedule"
| CB(1)292/03-04(02) (English and Chinese versions issued on 10 and 12 November 2003 respectively)
Administration's paper on "Inclusion of "dependents" as "qualifying persons" under section 8 of Part 1 of the Seventeenth Schedule"
| CB(1)292/03-04(03) (English and Chinese versions issued on 10 and 12 November 2003 respectively)
Administration's paper on "Exemption powers of the Securities and Futures Commission"
| CB(1)217/03-04(02) (English and Chinese versions issued on 31 October and 4 November 2003 respectively)
Administration's letter dated 24 October 2003 to various organizations on proposed amendments to the Companies Ordinance to facilitate offers of shares and debentures (Sections 38D and 342C)
| CB(1)173/03-04(03) (English version only) (issued on 28 October 2003)
Administration's paper on "Comparison of the prospectus regulatory regime between Hong Kong and overseas jurisdictions"
| CB(1)84/03-04(06) (English and Chinese versions issued on 23 and 28 October 2003 respectively)
Summary of deputations' views and the Administration's response on Schedule 1 of the Bill (as at 12 November 2003)
| CB(1)292/03-04(04) (issued on 12 November 2003)
List of issues requiring follow-up actions by the Administration (position as at 12 November 2003)
| CB(1)309/03-04(02) (issued on 12 November 2003)
- Any other business
(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm)
(A list of other relevant papers previously issued is in the Appendix.)
Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
12 November 2003
Appendix to Agenda
List of other relevant papers issued previously
Paper No./Ref. |
| Papers
LC Paper No. CB(3)733/02-03 (issued on 13 June 2003)
| - | Bill gazetted on 13 June 2003
File Ref : L/M to C2/1/57(03) Pt 2 (issued by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on 12 June 2003)
| - | Legislative Council Brief
LC Paper No. LS134/02-03 (issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 2693/02-03 dated 26 June 2003)
| - | Legal Service Division Report
LC Paper No. CB(1)2423/02-03 (issued on 9 September 2003)
| - | Background Brief prepared by the LegCo Secretariat
LC Paper No. CB(1)2434/02-03(03) (English and Chinese versions issued on 9 and 10 September 2003 respectively)
| - | Paper provided by the Administration on "Summary of the Proposals in the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2003"
LC Paper No. CB(1)2228/02-03(03) (issued on 17 July 2003)
| - | Marked-up copy of Schedule 1 and related consequential and other amendments in Schedule 5 of the Bill
Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
12 November 2003