Panel on Environmental Affairs and
Panel on Transport
Joint meeting on
Thursday, 6 February 2003, at 2:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building
I. | Election of Chairman
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)
II. | Feasibility study of introducing liquefied petroleum gas vans and light goods vehicles in Hong Kong
| Meeting with the Hong Kong Union of Light Van Employees
(2:35 pm - 2:40 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 842/02-03(01) (attached)
| - | Submission from the Union (Chinese version only)
| Meeting with the Administration
(2:40 pm - 3:25 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1) 842/02-03(02) (attached)
| - | Paper provided by the Administration
III. | Any other business
(3:25 pm - 3:30 pm)
Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
4 February 2003