bulletYear 2003 - 2004
bulletYear 2002 - 2003
bulletYear 2001 - 2002
bulletYear 2000 - 2001

Subsidiary Legislation (negative procedure) with resolutions moved in the 2002-2003
LegCo session to amend (including repeal) it

Subsidiary Legislation with resolution moved to amend it

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary Legislation
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting onby
10.7.2002 Airport Authority (Permitted Airport-related Activities) Order
[L.N. 127 of 2002]
16.10.2002 Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Passed
30.10.2002 Karaoke Establishments (Licensing) Regulation
[L.N. 153 of 2002]
18.12.2002 Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Passed
6.11.2002 Chinese Medicines Regulation
[L.N. 160 of 2002]
18.12.2002 Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Passed
6.11.2002 Chinese Medicines Traders (Regulatory) Regulation
[L.N. 161 of 2002]
18.12.2002 Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Passed
11.12.2002 Appeal Board on Closure Orders (Immediate Health Hazard) Rules
[L.N. 200 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules
[L.N. 209 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures (Keeping of Records) Rules
[L.N. 210 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures (Accounts and Audit) Rules
[L.N. 211 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures(Contract Notes, Statements of Account and Receipts) Rules
[L.N. 212 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures (Short Selling and Securities Borrowing and Lending (Miscellaneous)) Rules
[L.N. 213 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures (Miscellaneous) Rules
[L.N. 216 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
18.12.2002 Securities and Futures (Price Stabilizing) Rules
[L.N. 218 of 2002]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
22.1.2003 Securities and Futures (Insurance) Rules
[L.N. 11 of 2003]
12.2.2003 Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Passed
12.2.2003 Trade Marks Rules
[L.N. 30 of 2003]
2.4.2003 Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Passed
19.2.2003 Import and Export (Removal of Articles) (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 34 of 2003]
9.4.2003 Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Passed
19.2.2003 Reserved Commodities (Control of Imports, Exports and Reserve Stocks) (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 35 of 2003]
9.4.2003 Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Passed
9.4.2003 Import and Export (General) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 93 of 2003]
7.5.2003 Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technolog Passed
2.4.2003 Maximum Amount of Election Expenses (Village Representative Election) Regulation
[L.N. 81 of 2003]
21.5.2003 Hon Andrew WONG Passed
30.4.2003 Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 107 of 2003]
28.5.2003 Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Passed
21.5.2003 District Councils (Subscribers and Election Deposit for Nomination) (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 120 of 2003]
18.6.2003 Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Passed
21.5.2003 Legislative Council (Subscribers and Election Deposit for Nomination) (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 119 of 2003]
18.6.2003 Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Passed
14.5.2003Fire Services (Fire Hazard Abatement) Regulation
[L.N. 113 of 2003]
2.7.2003 Secretary for Security Passed
11.6.03 Village Representative (Election Petition) Rules
[L.N. 151 of 2003]
9.7.2003 Secretary for Home Affairs Passed
21.5.03 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Councils) (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 125 of 2003]
9.7.2003 Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Passed
9.7.2003 Statutes of the University of Hong Kong (Amendment) (No. 2) Statutes 2003
[L.N. 186 of 2003]
5.11.2003 Secretary for the Civil Service Passed

Subsidiary Legislation with resolution moved to repeal it

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary Legislation
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting onby
30.10.2002 Patents (General) (Amendment) (No. 2) Rules 2002
[L.N. 157 of 2002]
18.12.2002 Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Passed
15.1.2003 Ocean Park Bylaw
[L.N. 1 of 2003]
26.2.2003 Hon James TO Passed
21.5.03 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Councils) (Amendment) Regulation 2003
[L.N. 125 of 2003]
9.7.2003 Hon Andrew WONG Negatived
(Voting Result : no. 6 of the Council Meeting of 9 July)

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