Subcommittee on Trade Descriptions (Country of Origin) (Watches)
(Amendment) Order 2003 and Trade Descriptions
(Place of Manufacture) (Piece-Knitted Garments) Notice

First meeting on
Thursday, 6 November 2003 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Election of Chairman

  2. (4:30 pm - 4:35 pm)

  3. Meeting with the Administration

  4. (4:35 pm - 6:25 pm)

    LN 233 of 2003

    -Trade Descriptions (Country of Origin) (Watches) (Amendment) Order 2003

    LN 234 of 2003

    -Trade Descriptions (Place of Manufacture) (Piece-Knitted Garments) Notice

    LC Paper No. LS10/03-04

    -Legal Service Division Report on subsidiary legislation gazetted on 24 October 2003 (including correspondence between the Assistant Legal Adviser and the Administration)

    LC Paper No. CB(1)2524/02-03(01)
    (issued on 29.9.2003)

    -Information paper provided by the Administration on the 6 Annexes to the main text of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)

    LC Paper No. CB(1)178/03-04(01)
    (issued on 27.10.2003)

    -Information note provided by the Administration on proposal for original marking of watches and piece-knitted garments for export under CEPA

    LC Paper No. CB(1)259/03-04(01)
    (issued on 5.11.2003)

    -Members' Brief for the first Subcommittee meeting on 6 November 2003

    LC Paper No. CB(1)272/03-04(01)
    (English version issued on 5.11.2003; Chinese version attached)

    -Administration's response to the Assistant Legal Adviser's concerns raised in her letter dated 28 October 2003

  5. Any other business

  6. (6:25 pm - 6:30 pm)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
6 November 2003