Sewage Treatment
Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
Year 2000 - 2001
- Follow-up paper - Updated Information on Stage I of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme [ CB(1) 1656/00-01] (5 June 2001)
- Follow- up paper - Supplementary note on proposed increase in approved project estimate for 209DS - Outlying Islands sewerage, stage 1, phase 1 - consultants' fees and investigations provided by the Administration [CB(1) 1326/00-01] (8 May 2001)
- 209DS - Outlying Islands sewerage, stage 1, phase 1 -consultants' fees and investigations [CB(1)1148/00-01(05)] (8 May 2001)
- A list of contracts awarded under phase 1 of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme [CB(1) 933/00-01(03)] (3 April 2001)
- Follow-up Paper - List of consultants engaged in studies for the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme (now renamed as Harbour Area Treatment Scheme) provided by the Administration [CB(1) 998/00-01] (3 April 2001)
- Legislative Council Brief -- The Way Forward For Sewage Treatment For The Harbour Area [Ref: EFB 9/55/07/69(2000) Pt.2] (3 April 2001 and 19 March 2001)
- Progress report on the motion on "Strategic Sewage Disposal
Scheme" [CB(3)520/00-01] (3 April 2001)
- Trade Effluent Surcharge Scheme [CB(1) 933/00-01(04)] (3 April 2001)
- Trials and Studies in Relation to The Way Forward for the Harbour Area Treatment scheme [CB(1) 801/00-01(09)] (3 April 2001 and 19 March 2001)
- Follow-up paper - Supplementary information paper on "301DS - East Kowloon sewerage, stage 2" provided by the Administration [CB(1) 966/00-01] (19 March 2001)
- Follow-up paper - The Administration's response to the discussion of the "Tolo Harbour sewerage of unsewered areas, stage 1 phases 1D and 2B project" [CB(1) 1006/00-01] (19 March 2001)
- 301DS - East Kowloon sewerage, stage 2 [CB(1) 801/00-01(04)] (19 March 2001)
- Tolo Harbour sewerage of unsewered areas, stage 1 phases 1D and 2B [CB(1) 801/00-01(03)] (19 March 2001)
- Administration's paper on "Central, Western and Wan Chai West sewerage, stage 2 phase 1 works" [CB(2) 571/00-01(04)] (2 January 2001)
- Administration's paper on "Stonecutters Island sewage treatment works - pumping stations, buildings and site development" [CB(2) 571/00-01(05)] (2 January 2001)
- Follow-up paper - A table setting out the Public Accounts Committee's recommendations on Stage I of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme and the Administration's responses [ CB(1) 441/00-01(01)] (2 January 2001)
- Follow-up paper - Relevant extracts on the Administration's responses from the Government minutes (except for item II in Annex I of CB(1) 441/00-01(01)) [ CB(1) 441/00-01(02)] (2 January 2001)
- Administration's paper on the proposal to increase the approved project estimate of 320DS "Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I : completion of sewer tunnel system from Kwai Chung to Stonecutters Island" [CB(2)99/00-01(01)] (1 November 2000 and 25 October 2000)
- Administration's supplementary information paper on "Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme I : Completion of sewer tunnel system from Kwai Chung to Stonecutters Island" [CB(2) 139/00-01 (01)] (1 November 2000)
- Letter dated 15 September 2000 from the International Review Panel to the Administration [CB(2)124/00-01(01)] (1 November 2000 and 25 October 2000)