Monetary and banking affairs
Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
- Press release issued on 21 July 2002 on home owner mortgage enhancement programme provided by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited [CB(1)2388/01-02(01)]
- The Consultation Paper on "Review of market entry criteria and the three-tier authorization system" (English version only) [CB(1)584/01-02(02)]
- Consultation paper by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on proposal for the sharing of positive consumer credit data [CB(1)2454/01-02(01)] (24 September 2002)
- Consumer Council's press release dated 28 August 2002 on the consultation paper issued by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on the proposal on the sharing of positive consumer credit data [CB(1)2462/01-02(01)] (24 September 2002)
- Follow-up paper -- "Report on the Public Consultation in relation to The Sharing of Positive Credit Data: Proposed Provisions on Consumer Credit Data Protection" and the related press release provided by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data [CB(1)806/02-03] (24 September 2002)
- Follow-up paper -- Submission from a member of the public on the proposed revisions to Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data (English version only) [CB(1)585/02-03] (24 September 2002)
- Information paper titled "Consultation Document on the Proposed Provisions on Consumer Credit Data Protection : The Sharing of Positive Credit Data" provided by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data [CB(1)2558/01-02(02)] (24 September 2002)
- Letter from Hon Emily LAU addressed to the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury dated 24 July 2002 on proposal for the sharing of positive consumer credit data (English version only) [CB(1)2359/01-02(01)] (24 September 2002)
- Reply letter from the Administration to Hon Emily LAU dated 21 August 2002 on proposal for the sharing of positive consumer credit data [CB(1)2455/01-02(01)] (24 September 2002)
- Submission of views on the proposal on sharing of consumer credit data among credit providers provided by Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee, Chairman of the Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1770/01-02(01)] (24 September 2002)
- The personal views on proposal for the sharing of positive consumer credit data submitted by a member of the public (English version only) [CB(1)2454/01-02(02)] (24 September 2002)
- A letter dated 2 July 2002 from Hon Emily LAU suggesting the Panel commission the LegCo Secretariat to conduct a research on the Linked Exchange Rate System adopted in Hong Kong (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2213/01-02(01)] (19 July 2002)
- Press release entitled "Home Owner Mortgage Enhancement Programme" issued on 14 June 2002 by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited [CB(1)2059/01-02(01)] (19 July 2002)
- Comparative Study on Banking Consumer Protection and Competition Arrangements in the UK, Australia and Hong Kong -- Role of the Financial Regulator and Self-regulation of Market Conduct [CB(1)1112/00-01(02)] (13 June 2002, 26 February 2002 and 3 May 2001)
- Consumer Protection in the Banking Sector [CB(1)1114/01-02(01)] (13 June 2002 and 26 February 2002)
- Information paper on "Consumer protection in the banking sector" provided by the Consumer Council (English version only) [CB(1)1978/01-02(03)] (13 June 2002)
- Letter from Panel to Chairman of Hong Kong Housing Authority dated 27 February 2002 on "Provision of basic banking services for public housing tenants" [CB(1)1543/01-02(01)] (13 June 2002 and 26 February 2002)
- List of issues raised at the meeting on 26 February 2002 [CB(1)1942/01-02(02)] (13 June 2002)
- Paper entitled "Complaint Statistics on Financial Services" provided by the Consumer Council (English version only) [CB(1)2009/01-02(01)] (13 June 2002)
- Paper on "Consumer Protection in the Banking Sector" provided by the Administration [CB(1)1942/01-02(01)] (13 June 2002)
- Reference materials for deliberation on the protection for consumers in the banking sector [CB(1)626/01-02(02)] (13 June 2002, 26 February 2002 and 7 January 2002)
- Reply letter from Hong Kong Housing Authority to the Panel dated 18 April 2002 on "Provision of basic banking services for public housing tenants" [CB(1)1543/01-02(02)] (13 June 2002 and 26 February 2002)
- Speaking note of Mr LO Chung-hing, Acting Chairman, Hong Kong Association of Banks at the meeting on 13 June 2002 (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2009/01-02(02)](13 June 2002)
- The speech delivered by Mr Cliff FORSTER, Chairman, the DTC Association at the meeting on 13 June 2002 (English version only) [CB(1)2018/01-02(01)] (13 June 2002)
- Research paper on "Protection for Banking Consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States of America: Fees and Charges" provided by the Research and Library Services Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat [CB(1)626/01-02(01)] (13 June 2002, 26 February 2002 and 7 January 2002)
- Revised Code of Banking Practice [CB(1)344/01-02] (13 June 2002 and 26 February 2002)
- Submission of Consumer Council on consumer protection in the banking sector [CB(1)1113/01-02(02)] (13 June 2002 and 26 February 2002)
- Background brief on "Proposal on sharing of positive consumer credit data" prepared by the LegCo Secretariat [CB(1)1368/01-02(03)] (9 April 2002)
- Draft of the CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited (Merger) Bill [CB(1)1401/01-02(02)] (9 April 2002)
- Information note on the CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited Merger Bill [CB(1)1401/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- Letter from LegCo Assistant Legal Advisor to Clifford Chance dated 9 April 2002 on "CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited (Merger) Bill" [CB(1)1539/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- List of frequently asked questions provided by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority regarding sharing positive consumer credit data [CB(1)1610/01-02(02)] (9 April 2002)
- Paper on "Proposal on sharing of positive consumer credit data" provided by Consumer Council [CB(1)1408/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- Paper on "Proposal on sharing of positive consumer credit data" provided by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CB(1)1408/01-02(02)] (9 April 2002)
- Paper on "Sharing of positive consumer credit data" provided by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data[CB(1)1368/01-02(04)] (9 April 2002)
- Paper on the scope of positive consumer credit data proposed to be shared by financial institutions provided by the Hong Kong Association of Banks [CB(1)1396/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- Press release on second public consultation on deposit insurance provided by Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CB(1)1390/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- Reply letter from Clifford Chance to LegCo Assistant Legal Advisor dated 16 April 2002 on "CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited (Merger) Bill" [CB(1)1539/01-02(02)] (9 April 2002)
- Second consultation paper on deposit insurance provided by Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CB(1)1390/01-02(02)] (9 April 2002)
- Submission on "Proposal on sharing of positive consumer credit data" provided by a member of the public (English version only) [CB(1)1431/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- The Administration's views on the CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited (Merger) Bill [CB(1)1408/01-02(03)] (9 April 2002)
- The speech delivered by Mr LO Chung-hing, Acting Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Banks at the meeting on 9 April 2002 [CB(1)1464/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- Viewpoint article entitled "Sharing Positive Consumer Credit Data" by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CB(1)1610/01-02(01)] (9 April 2002)
- Exchange Rates of Credit Card Overseas Transactions [CB(1)1114/01-02(03)] (26 February 2002)
- Letter from Hon SIN Chung-kai regarding the fees charged by banks for credit card payments in foreign currencies (Chinese version only)[CB(1)806/01-02(01)] (26 February 2002)
- Progress on the Deposit Insurance Scheme [CB(1)1114/01-02(02)] (26 February 2002)
- Recovery of debts by banks and other authorized institutions from personal referees [CB(1)644/01-02(01)] (26 February 2002 and 7 January 2002)
- Recovery of Debts by Banks from Personal Referees [CB(1)1114/01-02(04)] (26 February 2002)
- Submission of views from a member of the Eastern District Council on "Consumer protection in the banking sector" (Chinese version only) [CB(1)1113/01-02(01)] (26 February 2002)
- The press release on concerted efforts required to tackle consumer debt/bankruptcy problem provided by the Administration dated 21 January 2002 [CB(1)919/01-02(03)] (4 February 2002)
- Update survey on residential mortgage loans in negative equity [CB(1)1334/01-02(01)] (4 February 2002)
- The press release announcing HKMA's proposals to revise the market entry criteria for the banking sector [CB(1)584/01-02(01)] (7 January 2002)
- "Bank of East Asia, Limited (Merger) Bill" [CB(1)103/01-02(01)] (5 November 2001)
- Follow-up to meeting on 5 November 2001--Residential mortgage loans in negative equity [CB(1)691/01-02(01)] (5 November 2001)
- "Mizuho Corporate Bank, Limited (Hong Kong Consolidation) Bill" (English version only) [CB(1)169/01-02(06)] (5 November 2001)
- Reply letter from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong of "Residential mortgage loans in negative equity" [CB(1)704/01-02(01)] (5 November 2001)
- Residential Mortgage Loan in Negative Equity [CB(1)169/01-02(04)] (5 November 2001)
- Supplementary paper on Residential Mortgage Loans in Negative Equity [CB(1)231/01-02(02)] (5 November 2001)
Year 2000 - 2001
- A letter from the Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority enclosing his speech on the Consumer Protection and the Banking Industry delivered to the Hong Kong Association of Banks on 19 June 2001 [CB(1) 1690/00-01]
- Establishment of the Hong Kong Sub-Office of the Resident Representative Office of the International Monetary Fund in China and the Joint Regional Office for the International Finance Corporation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [CB(1) 3/00-01]
- Review of Code of Banking Practice (English version only) [CB(1)1362/00-01]
- Two referrals from the Duty Roster Members (DRM) enclosing a submission from a group of Wanchai residents and a letter from the Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese relating to Consumer Protection for Bank Customers, and a reply dated 21 June 2001 from the Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority responding to the deputations' views [CB(1)1673/00-01]
- Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Bill [CB(3) 743/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Correspondence between Dr Hon David LI Kwok-po and Hon Albert HO Chun-yan on Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Bill (English version only) [CB(1) 1590/00-01(01)] (19 June 2001)
- Correspondence between the Legal Service Division and Solicitors for Bank of China [CB(1) 1576/00-01(01)] (19 June 2001)
- Correspondence between the Legal Service Division and Solicitors for The Bank of East Asia, Limited and United Chinese Bank Limited [CB(1) 1576/00-01(02)] (19 June 2001)
- Follow-up paper - A copy of its "General Terms and Conditions for Banking Services" provided by the Bank of China Group [CB(1) 1593/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Follow-up paper - A reply from the Secretary for Financial Services enclosing the views of the Privacy Commissioner on the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Bill and the Bank of East Asia, Limited Bill as provided by the Secretary for Financial Services [CB(1) 1620/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Follow-up paper - Legal advice of the Department of Justice on the human rights angle of the protection of privacy on the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Bill and the Bank of East Asia, Limited Bill provided by the Administration [CB(1) 1618/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Information paper provided by the Administration on the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Bill [CB(1)1578/00-01(01)] (19 June 2001)
- Information paper provided by the Administration on The Bank of East Asia, Limited Bill [CB(1) 1578/00-01(03)] (19 June 2001)
- Legal Service Division Report on Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Bill [LS 122/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Legal Service Division Report on The Bank of East Asia, Limited Bill [LS 114/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Letter dated 18 June 2001 from Hon Cyd HO Sau-lan (Chinese version only) [CB(1) 1578/00-01(02)] (19 June 2001)
- Proposed Committee Stage Amendment to The Bank of East Asia, Limited Bill (English version only) [CB(1) 1590/00-01(02)] (19 June 2001)
- The Bank of East Asia, Limited Bill [CB(3) 762/00-01] (19 June 2001)
- Follow-up paper - A paper setting out Legal Adviser's comments on legal advice on issues related to the purchase of permanent office accommodation received by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority and provided to the Panel on Financial Affairs [CB(1) 1518/00-01] (3 May 2001 and 20 April 2001)
- Hong Kong Monetary Authority Annual Report 2000 [CB(1)1112/00-01(01)] (3 May 2001)
- Presentation material provided by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CB(1)1112/00-01(03)] (3 May 2001)
- Progress in the Study on Commercial Credit Reference Agency [CB(1) 906/00-01(04)] (29 March 2001)
- Follow-up paper - Investment Income on Fiscal Reserves Placed with the Exchange Fund [CB(1) 533/00-01] (11 January 2001)
- Presentation material on Briefing by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority [CB(1) 419/00-01(03)] (11 January 2001)
- Banking (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill [CB(1) 225/00-01(04) (4 December 2000)
- Legislative Council Brief - Asian Development Bank: Hong Kong's Contribution to the 7th Replenishment of the Asian Development Fund [Ref: A2/5C III] (4 December 2000)
- Legislative Council Brief - Banking (Amendment) Bill 2000 [Ref: G4/16/20C(2000)] (10 November 2000)
- Consultation paper on Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong [CB(1)111/00-01] (6 November 2000)
- Legislative Council Brief - Enhancing Deposit Protection in Hong Kong [Ref: B9/2/2C VII(2000)] (6 November 2000)
- Proposals on Business Practices of Authorized Institutions in Relation to Credit Cards (6 November 2000)