I. | Confirmation of minutes
| LC Paper No. CB(1)91/03-04
(issued on 16 October 2003)
| - | Minutes of the Panel meeting on 9 October 2003
II. | Date and items for discussion for next meeting
(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)93/03-04(01)(issued on 17 October 2003)
| - | List of outstanding items for discussion
| LC Paper No. CB(1)93/03-04(02)(issued on 17 October 2003)
| - | List of follow-up actions
III. | Papers issued since last meeting
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2383/02-03 (issued on 28 August 2003)
| - | Legal action taken by the Consumer Council against the Phone Magazine for its infringement of the copyright of the Council's monthly publication "Choice"
IV. | Consultation paper on draft merger guidelines for Hong Kong telecommunication markets
(2:35 pm - 4:05 pm)
Brief introduction by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2343/02-03(01)(issued on 6 August 2003)
| - | Consultation paper on draft merger guidelines for Hong Kong telecommunications markets issued by The Office of the Telecommunications Authority (English version only)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)2343/02-03(02)(issued on 6 August 2003)
| - | Press release dated 4 August 2003 issued by The Office of the Telecommunications Authority
| Meeting with deputations and the Administration
Telecommunications operators
| 1. | Hutchison Global Communications Limited Hutchison Telecommunications (HK) Limited
| - | LC Paper No. CB(1)93/03-04(03)(joint submission issued on 17 October 2003 - English version only)
| 2. | PCCW Limited
| - | LC Paper No. CB(1)93/03-04(04)(issued on 21 October 2003 - English version only)
| 3. | Telstra Corporation Limited Hong Kong CSL Limited
| - | LC Paper No. CB(1)127/03-04(01)(issued on 22 October 2003 - English version only)
| Other party
| 4. | Consumer Council
| - | LC Paper No. CB(1)93/03-04(05)(issued on 22 October 2003)
| Submissions from parties not attending the meeting
| 5. | SmarTone Communications Limited
| - | LC Paper No. CB(1)93/03-04(06)(issued on 17 October 2003 - English version only)
| 6. | The Law Society of Hong Kong
| - | LC Paper No. CB(1)115/03-04(01)(issued on 20 October 2003 - English version only)
* V. | International Telecommunication Union TELECOM WORLD 2006
(4:05 pm - 4:30 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)20/03-04(01)(issued on 10 October 2003)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(1)124/03-04(01) & (02)(issued on 21 October 2003)
| - | Past paper and the extract of minutes in respect of an item considered by the Finance Committee meeting held on 21 June 2002
VI. | Public consultation paper on 2004 Digital 21 Strategy
(4:30 pm - 5:05 pm)
| LC Paper No. CB(1)65/03-04(01)(issued on 13 October 2003)
| - | Information paper provided by the Administration
VII. | Any other business