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Year 2003 - 2004
Year 2002 - 2003
Year 2001 - 2002
Year 2000 - 2001
General Policy
Year 2003 - 2004
Draft report of the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting for submission to the Legislative Council
[CB(1)2091/03-04] (14 June 2004)
Review of the Government Institutional Structure for Delivering the Information Technology Function
[CB(1)1713/03-04(03)] (10 May 2004)
The background, rationale and timetable for the proposed change on "Proposed merger of the Information Technology Services Department and certain functions of the Communications and Technology Branch of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau and the proposed creation of a Government Chief Information Officer post"
[CB(1)2134/03-04(01)] (10 May 2004)
"Policy initiatives of Communications and Technology Branch, Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau" provided by the Administration
[CB(1)759/03-04(01)] (16 January 2004)
Speaking note of the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology for the meeting on 16 January 2004 (Chinese version only) [CB(1)804/03-04(01)] (16 January 2004)
Powerpoint presentation materials - "Briefing by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology on workplans and initiatives within the purview of the Communications and Technology Branch"
[CB(1)268/03-04(01)] (10 November 2003)
Year 2002 - 2003
Letter to the Administration on operating expenditure for programme implementation
Operating expenditure for prorgramme implementation
Reorganisation of Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
[CB(1)1414/02-03(01)] (14 April 2003)
The main tasks of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau for 2003
[CB(1)702/02-03(01)] (13 January 2003)
Year 2001 - 2002
Presentation by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology
[CB(1)2539/01-02(01)] (17 September 2002)
Year 2000 - 2001