Item No.Subject
1EC(2004-05)12Proposed permanent redeployment of one permanent post of Chief Systems Manager (D1) from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer to the Inland Revenue Department with effect from 1 April 2005 to strengthen the directorate input in information technology in the Inland Revenue Department
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury)/the Assistant Commissioner of Inland Revenue/the Chief Systems Manager of Inland Revenue Department/the Departmental Secretary of Inland Revenue Department/the Chief Systems Manager of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer)

2EC(2004-05)13Proposed creation of two permanent posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) and one Principal Environmental Protection Officer (D1) and deletion of two permanent posts of Principal Environmental Protection Officer (D1) in the Environmental Protection Department with effect from 1 April 2005; deletion of the rank and permanent post of Director of Environmental Protection (D5) with effect from 31 July 2005; and deletion of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Environment Branch of Environment, Transport and Works Bureau of Government Secretariat with effect from 1 April 2005, in order to have adequate staffing support at the directorate level in the Environmental Protection Department to deal with new and urgent cross-boundary environmental issues
(In attendance : The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works/the Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment)/ the Deputy Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment)/ the Director of Environmental Protection)

3EC(2004-05)14Proposed creation of one permanent post of Chief Engineer (D1) with effect from 12 March 2005; and retention of four supernumerary posts of one Chief Engineer (D1) for a period of 27 months up to 11 June 2007, one Government Engineer (D2) and two Chief Engineer (D1) for a period of 18 months up to 11 September 2006 in the Highways Department in order to provide continued staffing support for planning and implementing the new railway projects and managing major highway projects
(In attendance : The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works/the Deputy Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Transport)/the Director of Highways)

4EC(2004-05)15Proposed creation of one permanent post of Deputy Principal Solicitor (DL2) with effect from 5 April 2005; and creation of four supernumerary posts of one Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2), one Assistant Principal Solicitor (DL1), one Principal Land Registration Officer (D1) and one Chief Systems Manager (D1) for a period of 30 months with effect from 5 April 2005 in the Land Registry to prepare for the implementation of the Land Titles Ordinance and the new Land Title Registration System in Hong Kong and to deal with all legal and legislative work arising from the implementation after commencement of the Ordinance
(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands)/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands)/the Land Registrar/the Senior Principal Executive Officer of Land Registry)

5Any other business


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