House Committee of the Legislative Council
32nd meeting on 17 June 2005


I.Confirmation of the minutes of the 31st meeting held on 10 June 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 1927/04-05)

II.Matters arising

(a)Report by the Chairman on her meeting with the Acting Chief Secretary for Administration

(b)Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill 2005
(Paragraphs 3 to 5 of the minutes of the 31st House Committee meeting on 10 June 2005)

[Previous papers:
LC Paper No. LS 72/04-05 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 1770/04-05 dated 2 June 2005; and Paragraphs 5 to 7 of the minutes of the 30th House Committee meeting on 3 June 2005 (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1848/04-05) issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 1862/04-05 dated 8 June 2005]

III.Business arising from previous Council meetings

(a)Legal Service Division report on bills referred to the House Committee in accordance with Rule 54(4)

Certification for Employee Benefits (Chinese Medicine) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2005
(LC Paper No. LS 80/04-05)

(b)Legal Service Division report on subsidiary legislation gazetted on 10 June 2005 and tabled in Council on 15 June 2005
(LC Paper No. LS 83/04-05)

IV.Further business for the Council meeting on 22 June 2005

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 697/04-05)

V.Business for the Council meeting on 29 June 2005

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 698/04-05)

(b)Bills - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

Financial Reporting Council Bill

(c)Bills - resumption of debate on Second Reading, Committee Stage and Third Reading

(i)Supplementary Appropriation (2004-2005) Bill

(ii)Companies (Amendment) Bill 2004

(iii)Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Amendment) (Macau) Bill

(iv)Aviation Security (Amendment) Bill 2005

(d)Government motions

(i)Proposed resolution to be moved by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour under the Tung Chung Cable Car Ordinance
(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 683/04-05 dated 8 June 2005.)
(LC Paper No. LS 82/04-05)

(ii)Proposed resolution to be moved by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance relating to:

- the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2005; and

- the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2005

(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 684/04-05 dated 9 June 2005.)
(LC Paper No. LS 81/04-05)

(e)Member's Bills - resumption of debate on Second Reading, Committee Stage and Third Reading

The Methodist Church, Hong Kong, Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 2005

(f)Members' motions

(i)Motion to be moved by Hon CHAN Kam-lam

Hon CHAN Kam-lam has been allocated a debate slot.

(ii)Motion to be moved by Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG

Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG has been allocated a debate slot.

VI.Reports of Bills Committees and subcommittees

(a)Report of the Bills Committee on Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2004
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 1931/04-05)

(b)Report of the Bills Committee on Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 1932/04-05)

(c)Report of the Bills Committee on Banking (Amendment) Bill 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(1) 1780/04-05)

(d)Report of the Bills Committee on Child Care Services (Amendment) Bill 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 1934/04-05)

(e)Report of the Bills Committee on Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2004
(LC Paper No. CB(1) 1782/04-05)

(f)Report of the Bills Committee on Revenue (Abolition of Estate Duty) Bill 2005

Verbal report by Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee, Chairman of the Bills Committee.

(g)Report of the Subcommittee to Study Four Items of Subsidiary Legislation under the Road Traffic Ordinance
(LC Paper No. CB(1) 1781/04-05)

(h)Report of the Subcommittee on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Belgium) Order and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Denmark) Order

Verbal report by Hon Margaret NG on behalf of Hon James TO Kun-sun, Chairman of the Subcommittee.

VII.Position on Bills Committees/subcommittees
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 1928/04-05)

VIII.Paper of the Committee on Rules of Procedure

Handbook for Chairmen of Panels
(LC Paper No. CROP 52/04-05)

IX.Report of the Subcommittee to Consider a Mechanism for Handling Complaints and Allegations Concerning Members' Operating Expenses Reimbursement Claims
(LC Paper No. AS 335/04-05)

X.Proposal to invite the Chief Executive-designate to attend a Chief Executive's Question and Answer Session following his appointment as the Chief Executive by the Central People's Government
(Letter dated 14 June 2005 from Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing to the Chairman of the House Committee (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1945/04-05(01))

XI.Any other business

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
15 June 2005

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