House Committee of the Legislative Council
2nd meeting on 8 October 2004


I.Legal Service Division reports on subsidiary legislation tabled from 23 June to 7 July and on 6 October 2004
(LC Paper No. LS 1/04-05)

[Previous papers in respect of the four Commencement Notices (tabled in Council on 23 June 2004) relating to the installation of passenger protection equipment on all newly registered public light buses:
Report of the "Subcommittee on four items of subsidiary legislation relating to the installation of passenger protection equipment on all newly registered public light buses" for the House Committee meeting on 2 July 2004 (LC Paper No. CB(1) 2292/03-04); and
extract from the minutes of the special House Committee meeting on 2 July 2004 (LC Paper No. CB(2) 5/04-05(01)]

[Previous papers in respect of the United Nations Sanctions (Iraq) (Amendment) Regulation 2004:
Further report of the "Subcommittee on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2003" for the House Committee meeting on 25 June 2004 (LC Paper No. CB(2) 2892/03-04); and
extract from the minutes of the House Committee meeting on 25 June 2004 (LC Paper No. CB(2) 2/04-05(01)]

II.Business for the Council meeting on 13 October 2004

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 22/04-05)

(b)Bills - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

(i)Vocational Training Council (Amendment) Bill 2004

(ii)Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2004

(iii)Construction Industry Council (No. 2) Bill

(iv)Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2004

(v)Companies (Amendment) Bill 2004

(c)Government motion

No notice has been received yet.

(d)Members' motions

(i)Motion on "Minimum wage, maximum working hours"

The above motion will be moved by Hon CHAN Yuen-han. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 25/04-05 dated 6 October 2004.)

(ii)Motion on "Facilitating the integration of people with disabilities into society"

The above motion will be moved by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 25/04-05 dated 6 October 2004.)

[Unless otherwise decided by the House Committee, the speaking time limits specified in rule 17(b) of the House Rules shall be deemed to have been agreed by the House Committee.]

III.Chief Executive's Question and Answer Session on 14 October 2004

IV.Business for the Council meeting on 20 October 2004

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 23/04-05)

(b)Bills - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

No notice has been received yet.

(c)Government motion

Proposed resolution to be moved by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance relating to:

(i)the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2004; and

(ii)the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2004

(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 29/04-05 dated 6 October 2004.)

(d)Members' motions

(i)Motion on "Total smoking ban in workplaces"

The above motion will be moved by Hon Bernard CHAN. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 26/04-05 dated 6 October 2004.)

(ii)Motion on "Enacting a fair competition law"

The above motion will be moved by Hon Fred LI Wah-ming. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 26/04-05 dated 6 October 2004.)

[Unless otherwise decided by the House Committee, the speaking time limits specified in rule 17(b) of the House Rules shall be deemed to have been agreed by the House Committee.]

V.Procedure for election of Members for appointment to the Public Accounts Committee, Committee on Members' Interests and Committee on Rules of Procedure
(LC Paper No. CB(3) 10/04-05)

VI.Election of Members of The Legislative Council Commission
(LC Paper No. AS 23/04-05)

VII.Formation of the Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee
(LC Paper No. CB(3) 9/04-05)

VIII.Proposed amendments to Rule 46 (Decision on Motions) of the Rules of Procedure
(LC Paper No. CB(3) 11/04-05)

IX.Any other business

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
7 October 2004

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