Subcommittee on West Kowloon Cultural District Development

Twenty-eighth meeting on
Saturday, 6 January 2007, at 9:00 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(9:00 am - 9:02 am)

Paper No. WKCD-363
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)491/06-07 on 13.12.2006)

-Minutes of meeting on 4 October 2006

II.Information papers issued since last meeting

Paper Nos. WKCD-351, 352 and 353
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)210/06-07 on 1.11.2006)

-Agendas for the seventh, eighth and ninth meetings of the Museums Advisory Group on 27 September, 10 October and 20 October 2006 respectively

Paper Nos. WKCD-354, 355 and 356
(English version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)210/06-07 on 1.11.2006, Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)398/06-07 on 29.11.2006)

-Agenda and papers for the third meeting of the Financial Matters Advisory Group on 27 October 2006

Paper Nos. WKCD-357, 358 and 359
(English version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)382/06-07 on 27.11.2006, Chinese version issued LC Paper No. CB(1)568/06-07 on 20.12.2006)

-Agenda and papers for the fourth meeting of the Financial Matters Advisory Group on 20 November 2006

Paper Nos. WKCD-360, 361 and 362
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)382/06-07 on 27.11.2006)(Chinese version of the Appendix to Paper No. WKCD-361 not yet available)

-Agenda and papers for the fourth meeting of the Consultative Committee on Core Arts and Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District on 23 November 2006

Paper Nos. WKCD-364 and 365
(English version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)568/06-07 on 20.12.2006, Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)611/06-07 on 3.1.2007)

-Agenda and paper for the fifth meeting of the Financial Matters Advisory Group on 18 December 2006

Paper No. WKCD-366
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)595/06-07 on 28.12.2006)

-The Administration's press release dated 24 December 2006 on "Extension of the appointment of members of the Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District and its three Advisory Groups" with the latest membership lists

III.Progress of the work on the West Kowloon Cultural District project
(9:02 am - 11:50 am)

Meeting with the Administration and deputations

for this meeting
Previous submissions

1.Museum of Site, Ltd.---Paper No. WKCD-291
(English version only)

2.Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Ltd.---Paper No. WKCD-296
(English version only)

3.Hong Kong Arts Development Council---Paper No. WKCD-290

4.Hong Kong Curators Association---Paper No. WKCD-300
(Chinese version only)

5.Dr Robert CHUNG, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong KongPaper No. WKCD-371Paper No.WKCD-294

6.Hong Kong AlternativesPaper No. WKCD-367
(Chinese version only)
Paper No. WKCD-292
(English version only)
Paper No. WKCD-339

7.Planet Time---Paper No. WKCD-338

8.The Chinese Artists Association of Hong KongPaper No. WKCD-368
(Chinese version only)
Paper No. WKCD-305
(Chinese version only)

9.Mr Oscar HO, The Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Paper No. WKCD-372
(English version only)

10.Asia Art Archive------

11.The Hong Kong Institute of Planners------

Other relevant papers for the meeting

Paper No. WKCD-332
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)2193/05-06 on 11.9.2006) (Chinese version of the Appendix not yet available)

-Discussion paper for the third meeting of the Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District on 7 September 2006 -- Report of the Performing Arts and Tourism Advisory Group

Paper No. WKCD-350
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)152/06-07 on 24.11.2006)

-Information paper entitled "Comparison between the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities (CACF) as defined in the Invitation for Proposals and the current recommendations of Performing Arts and Tourism Advisory Group and Museums Advisory Group of the Consultative Committee on the CACF of the West Kowloon Cultural District" provided by the Administration

Paper No. WKCD-369
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)613/06-07 on 3.1.2007) (Chinese version of Annex B not yet available)

-Information paper entitled "Progress of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project" provided by the Administration

Paper No. WKCD-370
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)613/06-07 on 3.1.2007)

-Paper entitled "Recommendations of the Phase I and Phase II Study Reports, the Administration's Response in June 2006, relevant comments/recommendations of the Consultative Committee and Advisory Groups and other observations of the Legislative Council Secretariat" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

IV.Any other business
(11:50 am - 12:00 noon)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
5 January 2007

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