|  | Papers issued before the formation of the Subcommittee
|  | Papers issued before 21 February 2006
|  | Papers from the Administration
|  | Members' concerns raised at the meeting and the Administration's response
|  | Written submissions and Administration's response
|  | Papers prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
|  | Other relevant papers
|  | Papers issued from 21 February 2006 to 11 September 2007
|  | Papers from the Administration
|  | Members' concerns raised at the meeting and the Administration's response
|  | Written submissions and Administration's response
|  | Papers prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
|  | Other relevant papers
|  | Papers issued on or after 12 September 2007
|  | Papers from the Administration
|  | Members' concerns raised at the meeting
|  | Written submissions and Administration's response
|  | Papers prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
|  | Other relevant papers