| Papers provided by the Administration
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 304/04-05(01) (issued on 2.12.2004)
| - | Paper provided by the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau on "Measures to alleviate poverty"
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 304/04-05(02) (issued on 2.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 20 November 2004 from the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (SHWF)
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 463/04-05(01)
(Chinese version issued on 17.12.2004)
(English version issued on 21.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 16 December 2004 from SHWF regarding the Government response to immediately resume the provision of grant for spectacles for children on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 532/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 3.1.2005)
(Chinese version issued on 4.1.2005)
| - | Reply dated 29 December 2004 from the Chief Secretary for Administration (CS)'s Office
| Papers provided by LegCo Secretariat
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 304/04-05(03) (issued on 2.12.2004)
| - | Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council (LegCo) Secretariat on "Combating poverty"
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 304/04-05(04) (issued on 2.12.2004)
| - | Extract from the minutes of the House Committee meeting on 12 November 2004
| LC Paper No. FS 07/04-05
(issued on 6.12.2004)
| - | Fact sheet prepared by Research and Library Services Division of LegCo Secretariat on "Gini Coefficient"
| Submissions
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 347/04-05(01)
(Chinese version only) (issued on 6.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 2 December 2004 from the Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 347/04-05(02)
(Chinese version only) (issued on 6.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 2 December 2004 from 31 LegCo Members
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 376/04-05(01)
(Chinese version only) (issued on 8.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 26 November 2004 from 31 LegCo Members
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 380/04-05(01)
(Chinese version only) (issued on 9.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 9 December 2004 from Hon CHAN Yuen-han, Hon WONG Kwok-hing and Hon KWONG Chi-kin
| LC Paper No. CB(2) 500/04-05(01)
(Chinese version only) (issued on 22.12.2004)
| - | Letter dated 20 December 2004 from Sham Shui Po District Council regarding the passage of a motion on "為扶貧社區經濟計劃提供場地支援" by the District Council on 14 December 2004
| LC Paper No. CB(2)632/04-05(02)
(Chinese version only) (attached)
| - | Joint submission from關注綜援檢討聯盟, Oxfam and Hong Kong Social Security Society on "關於扶貧委員會的建議:確立扶貧目標、制定成效指標、動員民間參與"
| LC Paper No. CB(2)632/04-05(03)
(Chinese version only) (attached)
| - | Joint submission from關注綜援檢討聯盟, Oxfam and Hong Kong Social Security Society on "愛爾蘭「國家反貧窮策略」架構簡介"
| LC Paper No. CB(2)636/04-05
(to follow)
| - | Publications from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service :
貧窮數據單張 (2004年9月)