Subcommittee to Study the Subject of Combating Poverty

Meeting on Wednesday, 25 January 2006 at 10:00 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Progress of work of the Commission on Poverty
(10:00 am - 11:55 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2) 903/05-06(01)

-Paper provided by the Commission on Poverty on "Work progress of the Commission on Poverty"

Other relevant papers provided by the Commission on Poverty

Please refer to Appendix.

II.Any other business
(11:55 am - 12:00 noon)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
18 January 2006


Other relevant papers provided by the Commission on Poverty

Understanding poverty

CoP Paper 26/2005
(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-Indicators on Poverty - An Update

Adopting district-based approach

CoP Paper 25/2005
(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-Reinforcing the District-based Approach

Reducing the risk of intergenerational poverty

CoP TFCY Paper 3/2005
(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-"From Welfare to Self-reliance" - Proposed District Pilot - "My STEP" - Supplementary Information

CoP TFCY Paper 4/2005
(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-Tackling Intergenerational poverty - Concept Paper

CoP TFCY Paper 5/2005
(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-Projects in Building Social Capital for Children and Youth - Supplementary Information

(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-Gist of discussion on the sharing session on parenting held on 15 December 2005

From welfare to self-reliance

CoP Paper 22/2005
(Issued vide LC Paper No.CB(2) 917/05-06 on 18 January 2006)

-"From Welfare to Self-reliance" - Social Enterprise Development

CoP Paper 1/2006

-Policies in Assisting Low-income Employees

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