Subcommittee to Study the Subject of Combating Poverty

Meeting on Thursday, 5 October 2006 at 2:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I.Implementation of recommendations in the Subcommittee's Report on Working Poverty (Paragraph 6.1 (a) in the Report)
(2:30 pm - 3:10 pm)

-Enabling community participation and empowerment of the working poor in formulating strategies to reduce working poverty

LC Paper No. CB(2)3110/05-06(01)

-Paper provided by Commission on Poverty on "Enabling community participation in formulating poverty alleviation strategies"

II.Implementation of recommendations in the Subcommittee's Report on Women in Poverty (Paragraph 5.1 (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j) and (m) in the Report)
(3:10 pm - 4:20 pm)

-Provide 12-year universal education and allocate more resources for adult education including the provision of evening secondary school courses

-rovide more targeted employment training for women of different age groups and different educational background to enhance their employability

-Review the Employment Ordinance to enable employees not engaged on a continuous employment contract to entitle to the full range of employment benefits on a pro rata basis

-Review the anti-discrimination legislation to identify improvements to eliminate discrimination against women in employment, including age discrimination and dismissal upon return from maternity leave

-Ensure contractors of government services will strictly comply with the contract terms particularly the wages and employment conditions for their workers

-Review the contracting-out arrangements and award more contracts to non-governmental organisations for providing more employment opportunities to disadvantaged groups

-Formulate a family-friendly policy, and encourage practices in public and private sectors to facilitate sharing of family responsibilities between the two sexes and women's participation in the labour force and community services

-Consider providing insurance cover for about 10,000 local domestic helpers currently registered with ERB

LC Paper No. CB(2)3110/05-06(02)

-Paper provided by Commission on Poverty on "Report on women in poverty - Employment training for women"

LC Paper No. CB(2)3110/05-06(03)

-Paper provided by Education and Manpower Bureau on "Education, training and retraining"

III.Any other business
(4:20 pm - 4:30 pm)

Work plan of the Subcommittee

LC Paper No. CB(2) 2727/05-06(04)
(issued on 17 July 2006)

-Paper prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
28 September 2006

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