Subcommittee to Study the Subject of Combating Poverty

Internal meeting on Tuesday, 13 December 2005 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Working poverty
(4:30 pm - 6:25 pm)

Papers issued since last meeting

LC Paper No. CB(2) 622/05-06(01)
(Issued on 9 December 2005)

-Statistics provided by the Census and Statistics Department on those households with at least one employed member and the household income is below half of the median income of the households of the corresponding size, which are compiled based on the findings of the General Household Surveys from 1998 to the third quarter of 2005

LC Paper No. CB(2) 622/05-06(02)
(Issued on 9 December 2005)

-Letter dated 5 December 2005 from Social Welfare Department on sources of income in CSSA low earnings cases by number of eligible members from November 2004 to October 2005

LC Paper No. IN05/05-06
(Issued on 9 December 2005)

-Information note prepared by Research and Library Services Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat on "A comparison of financial assistance for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance and low-income households"

Papers previously issued

LC Paper No. CB(2) 505/05-06(01)
(Issued on 26 November 2005)

-Discussion paper prepared by the Legislative Council (LegCo) Secretariat on "Statistics on employment and household income"

LC Paper No. CB(2) 347/05-06
(Issued on 9 November 2005)

-Statistics provided by the Census and Statistics Department on employment and household income

LC Paper No. CB(2) 6/05-06(01)
(Issued on 7 October 2005)

-Discussion paper prepared by LegCo Secretariat on "Working poverty"

II.Any other business
(6:25 pm - 6:30 pm)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
9 December 2005

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