The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 16 (8 April 2005)
At its meeting on 6 and 7 April 2005, the Legislative Council passed the following bill:
At the same meeting, the Council passed the following resolution:
The following two motions with no legislative effect were also passed by the Council:
(1) | Motion on "Perfecting the policy on protection of trees", moved by Hon CHOY So-yuk
"That, as currently the Government does not have a set of effective administrative measures or legislation to protect trees, and as co-ordination is lacking because the responsibilities are scattered among various departments, which may result in trees in the territory being destroyed, damaged or removed due to urban development, negligence or other reasons, this Council urges the Government to expeditiously formulate an effective policy on protection of trees, and at the same time perfect existing relevant legislation, administrative measures as well as administrative framework, so as to effectively protect and preserve various kinds of trees, especially those that are exceptionally old and large, rare and valuable, of historical, cultural or memorial significance, and of special ecological or scientific research value."
| (2) | Motion on "Policy on assisting women in poverty", moved by Hon CHAN Yuen-han
"That, as the problem of poverty among women in Hong Kong is worsening, this Council urges the Government to face up to the feminization of poverty and formulate concrete policies and measures in various policy areas to assist the women in poverty."